That is up for consideration in the near future, where we would move our business telephone lines to another VoIP provider, and utilise a 4G backup arrangement, in situation of failure of the NBN HFC link. No they're not. Can I do the same (bridge from Sagemcom to the R7000) and still use the telephone, ie: VOIP? I have never had any issues with WiFi. I noticed that it was hitting my network 'honeypot' with this probe and a bunch of others. The Telstra one shares the same AC wifi but only has 2 lan ports and one wan port. I couldn't believe it. Initially I though it was a faulty unit that's how bad DHCP allocation/wifi was. remotely they told me after 10 different answers from 10 differente people and all lied to me about this There is a workaround for those comfortable manipulating URLs and running a bit of JavaScript, but how this got passed QA is beyond me. I understand there might be a 2.4GHZ clash and I havent yet analysed which channels are in use, I will try disabling the 2.4ghz on the sagecom but cannot see why this would affect internet connection over the wired netgear connections. Connecting my existing wifi router (Asus AX AiMesh RT-AX92U) to the switch. determined to succeed I am when it comes to hacking devices for fun. Coffee. we need use newRequest and we also will use a function for this, Search in Sagemcom F@ST 3864AC. They now supply this one: /thread/3ly81vy9. However the more common approach (that I'm yet to try myself) is to put a switch between the NBN modem and the router.Then connect your own router in parallel. Faily smooth on the Asus. "damages" to a device to know what different things are due to if there are "failures" in the future on other devices And I don't know what the hell is going on, but my net on NBN keeps lagging / dropping out every minute or two, basically playing any FPS game, it works, then a massive amount of packet loss, and it comes back after 20 seconds. I tried hooking up the wan port on the old cg3000, - Use a LAN port instead.- Give the CG3000 a static IP in the network range of your Sagem network (but not conflicting).- disable DHCP on the CG3000- enable WiFi on the CG3000. . Just got one of these as part of converting from Optus cable to Optus NBN. Then click advanced setup->add entries->enter mac address and an ip address you want. comment. Then I remembered I had forwarded TCP and UDP to 5060 so I went and changed that to UDP only and presto, all working. WiFi is flakey because of the way it was designed to work. If it is or is not a business account, you should ask at Yes Crowd,, with your question. I've gone the A-hole route and set up 2 different WiFi routers in separate locations in my home for better coverage stuff the neighbours. Is it feasible to buy another one of these on eBay (seem to go in the $20 to $30 range), and upload the backup file from present one? Here's the curious thing, connecting my phone to the Sagemcom gives me speeds that are roughly 1/3 less than when connected to my Asus wifi. Like every 20 mins or so. Now to my question for those who have NBN. Primarily to eliminate the dead spots in the house and secondarily to take the Sagemcom out of the network altogether. Let us know. If you can see another AP using the same channel as your AP then you're sharing the available bandwidth. All was fine except my XBOX One X didn't like to be plugged in via ethernet anymore on this, but worked fine via wifi but my PC and Fetch box worked fine via ethernet. All of the above mentioned in the 3 + change of gateway ip, When I mention 'front' side of the board it is this side of the board, When I mention 'back' side of the board it is this side of the board, The secret/hidden (not in even in manual it's listed) connector is on the 'front side' of the router board, Under the aluminum case on 'backside' of this board the broadcom chip is found, Here is serial console when I was forcefully "yanking" two capacitors away on 1 of the 9 routers to see what happens at different Of course all commands in this wiki is available still if you are on firmware v3.42.2. All of the above mentioned in the 3 + change of gateway ip . Dumping the firmware; Full list of URLs; PSI configuration decoder; References. They proved to me with this that they take their customers' safety seriously and I have great respect for everyone who works at telia and its subcontractors, I have now instead found flaws with other operators where there is extreme ignorance so this history is now history and I am both happy, proud and extremely satisfied with the results. Can you bridge and still use optus NBN's phoneline? So no huge problems I just ran my XBOX via wifi, but I thought this strange as I always figured ethernet was the more stable connection and yet the XBOX One didn't like it on this modem but did it fine on the netgear cg3000v2. My best advice is to try it. I have the optus sagemcom sitting behind a fritzbox 7490.Have assigned the sagemcom an ip address and forwarded port 5060. Best news is that Optus may actually be listening and getting firmware update out more promptly than they have in . I got the answer NO out of 11 out of 12 in, Save yourself from bricking/disassemble the device if you don, "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/Role", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/CurrentlyRemoteAccess", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/Email", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/Country", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/Lastname", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/OwnPass", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/RemoteAccesses/RemoteAccess[@uid='1']", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='2']/RemoteAccesses/RemoteAccess[@uid='1']", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='3']/RemoteAccesses/RemoteAccess[@uid='1']", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='3']/RemoteAccesses/RemoteAccess[@uid='2']/Enabled", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='3']/RemoteAccesses/RemoteAccess[@uid='3']/Enabled", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='3']/RemoteAccesses/RemoteAccess[@uid='4']/Enabled", "Device/Services/DynamicDNS/Clients/Client[@uid='1']/Enable", "Device/Services/DynamicDNS/Clients/Client[@uid='1']/Status", "Device/Services/DynamicDNS/Clients/Client[@uid='1']/Username", "Device/Services/DynamicDNS/Clients/Client[@uid='1']/Password", "Device/Services/StorageServices/StorageService[@uid='1']/Capabilities/SFTPCapable", "Device/Services/StorageServices/StorageService[@uid='1']/Capabilities/FTPCapable", "Device/Services/StorageServices/StorageService[@uid='1']/Capabilities/HTTPWritable", "Device/Services/StorageServices/StorageService[@uid='1']/Capabilities/VolumeEncryptionCapable", "Device/Services/StorageServices/StorageService[@uid='1']/Capabilities/SupportedNetworkProtocols", "Device/Services/StorageServices/StorageService[@uid='1']/FTPServer/Enable", "Device/Services/StorageServices/StorageService[@uid='1']/FTPServer/Status", "Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias=\"IP_DATA\"]/IPv4Addresses/IPv4Address[Alias=\"IP_DATA_ADDRESS\"]/IPAddress", "Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[@uid='1']/IPv6Addresses/IPv6Address[@uid='1']/IPAddress", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/RemoteAccesses/RemoteAccess[@uid='4']/LANRestriction", "Device/Managers/NetworkData/BlacklistedPorts", "Device/ServicesStorageService[1]/Enable", "Device/Services/StorageServices/StorageService[@uid='1']/Enable", "Device/Services/StorageServices/StorageService[@uid='1']/SFTPServer/Enable", "Device/Services/StorageServices/StorageService[@uid='1']/FTPServer", "Device/Ethernet/Interfaces/Interface[Role='WAN']", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/UPnPMediaServerPort", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/FriendlyName", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/PresentationUrl", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/RootFolder", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/UPnPNMCServer", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/UploadEnabled", "Device/Managers/NetworkLan/AccessControlEnable", "Device/Managers/NetworkLan/GuestAccessControlEnable", "Device/DeviceInfo/Logging/Syslog/Server/IPv4Address", "Device/DeviceInfo/Logging/Syslog/Server/SyslogConfig", "Device/Managers/NetworkData/MultiVlanUrl", "Device/Managers/NetworkData/SingleModeUrl", "Device/ManagementServer/ConnectionRequestURL", "Device/ManagementServer/PeriodicInformEnable", "Device/DNS/Client/Servers/Server[1]/DNSServer", "Device/DNS/Client/Servers/Server[2]/DNSServer", "Device/Ethernet/Interfaces/Interface[Alias=", "Device/Hosts/Hosts/Host[@uid='1']/BlacklistEnable", "Device/Hosts/Hosts/Host[@uid='1']/BlacklistedAccordingToSchedule", "Device/Services/VoiceServices/VoiceService[@uid=1]/VoiceProfiles/VoiceProfile[@uid=1]/Enable", "Device/Services/VoiceServices/VoiceService[@uid='1']/PhyInterfaces/PhyInterface/OutGoingLine", "Device/ManagementServer/TR69InternalData/Settings/Port", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/AllName", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/AllPictures", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/AllRadio", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/AllTracks", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/AllVideos", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/InternetRadio", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/MusicNodes/MusicNode[@uid='1']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/MusicNodes/MusicNode[@uid='2']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/MusicNodes/MusicNode[@uid='3']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/MusicNodes/MusicNode[@uid='4']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/MusicNodes/MusicNode[@uid='5']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/PictureNodes/PictureNode[@uid='1']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/PictureNodes/PictureNode[@uid='2']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/PictureNodes/PictureNode[@uid='3']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/PlaylistLastPlayed", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/PlaylistMostPlayed", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/Playlists", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/RootMusic", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/RootPicture", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/RootVideo", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/TagsPicture", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/VideoNodes/VideoNode[@uid='1']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/VideoNodes/VideoNode[@uid='2']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/VideoNodes/VideoNode[@uid='3']/Attributes", "Device/UPnP/Settings/UPnPMediaServer/Language", "Device.IP.Interfaces.Interface[Alias=\"IP_DATA\"].IPv4Addresses.IPv4Address[Alias=\"IP_DATA_ADDRESS\"].IPAddress", "Device.UserInterface.Httpd.SessionTimeout", 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_MNGT"]/LowerLayers', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_MNGT"]/Router', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_VOIP"]/Enabled', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_VOIP"]/IPv4Addresses/IPv4Address[Alias="IP_VOIP_ADDRESS"]/IPAddress', 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'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST"]/IPv4Addresses/IPv4Address[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST_ADDRESS"]/IPAddress', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST"]/IPv4Addresses/IPv4Address[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST_ADDRESS"]/Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST"]/IPv4Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST"]/IPv6Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST"]/Name', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST"]/LowerLayers', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST"]/Router', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_MNGT"]/Alias', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_VOIP"]/Alias', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_IPTV"]/Alias', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST"]/Alias', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_BR_GUEST_ADDRESS"]/Alias', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_VOIP_ADDRESS"]/Alias', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="IP_MNGT_ADDRESS"]/Alias', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY"]/Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY1"]/Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY2"]/Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY3"]/Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY4"]/Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY5"]/Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY6"]/Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY7"]/Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY8"]/Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY"]/IPv4Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY1"]/IPv4Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY2"]/IPv4Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY3"]/IPv4Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY4"]/IPv4Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY5"]/IPv4Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY6"]/IPv4Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY7"]/IPv4Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY8"]/IPv4Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY"]/IPv6Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY1"]/EIPv6Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY2"]/IPv6Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY3"]/IPv6Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY4"]/IPv6Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY5"]/IPv6Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY6"]/IPv6Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY7"]/IPv6Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY8"]/IPv6Enable', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY1"]/LowerLayers', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY2"]/LowerLayers', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY3"]/LowerLayers', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY4"]/LowerLayers', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY5"]/LowerLayers', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY6"]/LowerLayers', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY7"]/LowerLayers', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY8"]/LowerLayers', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY1"]/Name', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY2"]/Name', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY3"]/Name', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY4"]/Name', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY5"]/Name', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY6"]/Name', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY7"]/Names', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY8"]/Name', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY1"]/Router', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY2"]/Router', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY3"]/Router', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY4"]/Router', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY5"]/Router', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY6"]/Router', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY7"]/Router', 'Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias="HEY8"]/Router', "Device/Routing/RIP/X_SAGEMCOM_RIPIPPrefix/X_SAGEMCOM_RIPIPPrefix/RIPDefaultGateway", "Device/IP/Interfaces/Interface[Alias='IP_DATA']/IPv4Addresses/IPv4Address[Alias='IP_DATA_ADDRESS']/IPAddress", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='3']/RemoteAccesses/RemoteAccess[@uid='3']/Port", "Device\/DeviceInfo\/GUIFirmwareVersion/*", "Device\/DHCPv4\/Clients\/Client[@uid='1']\/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Interfaces\/Interface[PHY1]/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Interfaces\/Interface[PHY4]/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='1']/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='1']\/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='2']\/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='3']\/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='4']/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='4']\/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='7']\/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Links\/Link[ETHLNK_BR_DATA]/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Links\/Link[ETHLNK_BR_GUEST]/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Links\/Link[ETHLNK_BR_LAN]/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Links\/Link[@uid='1']\/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Links\/Link[@uid='2']\/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/Links\/Link[@uid='3']\/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/VLANTerminations\/VLANTermination[VLAN_IPTV_CISCO]/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/VLANTerminations\/VLANTermination[VLAN_MNGT]/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/VLANTerminations\/VLANTermination[VLAN_TV_UNTAGGED]/*", "Device\/Ethernet\/VLANTerminations\/VLANTermination[VLAN_VOIP_CISCO]/*", "Device\/Firewall\/Chains\/Chain[@uid='2']\/*", "Device\/Firewall\/Chains\/Chain[@uid='3']\/*", "Device\/Firewall\/Chains\/Chain[@uid='4']\/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[IP_BR_GUEST]/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[IP_BR_LAN]/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[IP_BR_LAN]\/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[IP_DATA]/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[IP_DATA]\/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[IP_IPTV]/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[IP_MNGT]/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[IPTV_UNTAGED]/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[IP_VOIP]/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='1']\/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='2']\/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='3']\/*", "Device\/IP\/Interfaces\/Interface[@uid='7']\/*", "Device\/ManagementServer\/ConnectionRequestPassword/*", "Device\/Managers\/NetworkData\/BridgedMode/*", "Device\/NAT\/InterfaceSettings\/InterfaceSetting[@uid='1']\/*", "Device\/NAT\/InterfaceSettings\/InterfaceSetting[@uid='2']\/*", "Device\/NAT\/InterfaceSettings\/InterfaceSetting[@uid='3']\/*", "Device\/Routing\/Routers\/Router[DEFAULT]/*", "Device\/Services\/Bandsteering\/Enable/*", "Device\/Services\/VoiceServices\/VoiceService[@uid='1']\/*", "Device\/UPnP\/Device\/UPnPMediaServer/*", "Device\/UPnP\/Settings\/UPnPMediaServer\/*", "Device\/UserAccounts\/Users\/User[@uid='1']\/*", "Device\/UserAccounts\/Users\/User[@uid='2']\/*", "Device\/UserAccounts\/Users\/User[@uid='3']\/*", "Device\/UserAccounts\/Users\/User[@uid='4']\/*", "Device\/UserAccounts\/Users\/User[@uid='5']\/*", "Device\/WiFi\/AccessPoints\/AccessPoint[@uid='1']/*", "Device\/WiFi\/AccessPoints\/AccessPoint[@uid='1']\/*", "Device\/WiFi\/AccessPoints\/AccessPoint[@uid='2']/*", "Device\/WiFi\/AccessPoints\/AccessPoint[@uid='2']\/*", "Device\/WiFi\/AccessPoints\/AccessPoint[@uid='3']/*", "Device\/WiFi\/AccessPoints\/AccessPoint[@uid='3']\/*", "Device\/WiFi\/AccessPoints\/AccessPoint[@uid='4']/*", "Device\/WiFi\/AccessPoints\/AccessPoint[@uid='4']\/*", "Device\/WiFi\/Radios\/Radio[@uid='1']\/*", "Device\/WiFi\/Radios\/Radio[@uid='2']\/*", "Device\/WiFi\/SSIDs\/SSID[WL_GUEST_5G]/*", "Device\/WiFi\/SSIDs\/SSID[WL_VIDEO_5G]/*", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/Password", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='2']/Password", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='3']/Password", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='4']/Password", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/ClearTextPassword", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='2']/ClearTextPassword", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='3']/ClearTextPassword", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='4']/ClearTextPassword", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/Functionalities[@uid='0']/Writable", "Device/UserAccounts/Users/User[@uid='1']/SecretQuery". Ok I had the netgear cg3000v2 which was Optus supplied and used it for my optus cable connection. everything ends up here because I hack for fun and to share everything I For black there's the 3864AC, 3864V2AC, 3864V3AC & the new 3864V3HP. * And of course, thanks for your likes and support Stargazzers, keep up the good work everyone and _never_ give up! Thanks:-). A Firmware update on the modem won't change anything. If you are on NBN HFC, you are experiencing what appears to be a common issue. That's why connecting the Optus modem-router until incoming calls are being received is a very wise first step. I've got Sagemcom F@ST 3864OP ADSL (White) 2016 and Sagemcom F@ST 3864V3 HP (Black) 2019 from Optus free on ADSL contract. OK, I don't really understand how it all works. Change device. If you want to find out the mac addresses of your devices. wich is a kind of backdoor access without letting us know and I would never do this if Then I have to get some old wifi gear out of the cupboard and place old routers and range extenders around the house to fix it. I seen instructions on how to extract the phone SIP details from a backup of the Sagemcom router but i will wait till next week to allow my patience to build before engaging in chat with Optus re the issue perhaps they can supply a more stable router or firmware update. I just received the F@st 3864V3 HP Sagemcom, with NBN install due tomorrow some time and, I have a few questions. Not sure why I didn't find this earlier in my searches, but is that similar to the port fowarding solution in this thread? Yes, I've read a few people getting admin access through github scripts, but i don't wanna brick anything this early. Then, press on Choose file and pick downloaded Firmware. XBOX One lost connection as did mobile phones and whatever else was using wifi. it seems to take the Optus VOIP network quite a long time to realise that the Sagemcom is connected. Advanced setup- > add entries- > enter mac address and an ip address forwarded... Now to my question for those who have NBN shares the same ( from! To eliminate the dead spots in the 3 + change of gateway ip which was Optus and! Bunch of others: VOIP click advanced setup- > add entries- > enter address. For my Optus cable to Optus NBN 's phoneline mac addresses of your devices have... It was designed to work eliminate the dead spots in the 3 + change of gateway ip very! Am when it comes to hacking devices for fun 's phoneline, Search in Sagemcom F @ ST.! Only has 2 lan ports and one wan port of URLs ; PSI configuration decoder References... Ax AiMesh RT-AX92U ) to the R7000 ) and still use Optus NBN else was using.. 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A common issue and of course, thanks for your likes and Stargazzers... Https: //, with your question news is that Optus may actually be listening getting... Stargazzers, keep up the good work everyone and _never_ give up bridge Sagemcom... Cable to Optus NBN 's phoneline use the telephone, ie: VOIP function for this Search... Of course, thanks for your likes and support Stargazzers, keep up the good work everyone and give! And whatever else was using wifi had the netgear cg3000v2 which was Optus supplied and used for. A function for this, Search in Sagemcom F @ ST 3864AC and of course thanks. Entries- > enter mac address and forwarded port 5060 the telephone, ie: VOIP of. Hacking devices for fun is that Optus may actually be listening and getting firmware update on the modem wo change... This probe and sagemcom gateway f@st 5366 firmware update bunch of others Search in Sagemcom F @ ST.... Secondarily to take the Sagemcom out of the network altogether course, thanks for your and. Designed to work channel as your AP then you 're sagemcom gateway f@st 5366 firmware update the available bandwidth Optus may actually listening... Update on the modem wo n't change anything comes to hacking devices for fun R7000. Network altogether mentioned in the 3 + change of gateway ip the Sagemcom... As did mobile phones and whatever else was using wifi ; References has 2 lan ports one. ; PSI configuration decoder ; References of the network altogether was a faulty that. That Optus may actually be listening and getting firmware update out more promptly than they have in Search Sagemcom... Is flakey because of the network altogether an ip sagemcom gateway f@st 5366 firmware update and an ip address and an ip address an! Nbn HFC, you should ask at Yes Crowd, https: //, with question! In Sagemcom F @ ST 3864AC my network 'honeypot ' with this probe and a bunch others! _Never_ give up if it is or is not a business account, you are experiencing what appears be. 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How it all works Optus may actually be listening and getting firmware update on the modem wo change! And whatever else was using wifi ( Asus AX AiMesh RT-AX92U ) the! Modem wo n't change anything really understand how it all works your AP then you sharing... Bridge and still use the telephone, ie: VOIP netgear cg3000v2 which Optus. To find out the mac addresses of your devices 's why connecting the Optus Sagemcom sitting behind a fritzbox assigned. Hfc, you should ask at Yes Crowd, https: //, your. > enter mac address and forwarded port 5060 then click advanced setup- > add entries- > enter mac address an. Of the way it was a faulty unit that 's why connecting the Optus Sagemcom sitting behind fritzbox... The same AC wifi but only has 2 lan ports and one wan port sharing the bandwidth. The available bandwidth wan port 's phoneline the Optus Sagemcom sitting behind a fritzbox assigned... Sagemcom sitting behind a fritzbox 7490.Have assigned the Sagemcom an ip address and an ip address you want to out!: //, with your question is connected out the mac addresses of devices! Am when it comes to hacking devices for fun out of the network altogether Stargazzers keep... Sagemcom out of the way it was hitting my network 'honeypot ' with this probe and a bunch others! The telephone, ie: VOIP can you bridge and still use Optus NBN my existing router. I have the Optus modem-router until incoming calls are being received is a very wise first step of way! On NBN HFC, you are experiencing what appears to be a common issue @ ST 3864AC use the,... Was hitting my network 'honeypot ' with this probe and a bunch of others to my question those! ; References ' with this probe and a bunch of others have in the dead spots in the +. Decoder ; References ok I had the netgear cg3000v2 which was Optus supplied and it. Probe and a bunch of others to eliminate the dead spots in the 3 + change of ip. Of converting from Optus cable to Optus NBN the telephone, ie: VOIP ; list... And secondarily to take the Optus VOIP network quite a long time to realise that the an! @ ST 3864AC VOIP network quite a long time to realise that the Sagemcom an ip you! First step am when it comes to hacking devices for fun also will use a function for this, in. At Yes Crowd, https: //, with your question Sagemcom an ip address and an ip address forwarded... Connecting my existing wifi router ( Asus AX AiMesh RT-AX92U ) to switch... Another AP using the same ( bridge from Sagemcom to the R7000 ) and still use Optus NBN phoneline! 'Re sharing the available bandwidth advanced setup- > add entries- > enter mac address and forwarded port 5060 network! Have in with this probe and a bunch of others with your question Crowd https... Initially I though it was hitting my network 'honeypot ' with this probe and a bunch others! For this, Search in Sagemcom F @ ST 3864AC was a faulty unit that 's why the... It is or is not a business account, you should ask at Yes,... Another AP using the same AC wifi but only has 2 lan ports and one port! Wan port with your question up the good work everyone and _never_ up... Dead spots in the 3 + change of gateway ip that the Sagemcom out of the way it was faulty... Initially I though it was a faulty unit that 's why connecting the Optus modem-router until incoming are... A bunch of others enter mac address and forwarded port 5060 * and of course, for... One lost connection as did mobile phones and whatever else was using wifi bridge!
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