Oh, Harley, I take back half the horrible things I've done to you.Joker escapes thanks to Harley's blunder. In retaliation Joker filled the room with gas again, but Batman escaped outside. Still disguised as Black Mask, he ordered Branden and SWAT to keep the police and the media away from the scene. Sending Harley on a desperate mission to retrieve them, she passed on the message to the circus owner that her puddin' would pay big for the twins. It was entirely possible that this too was a lie. However, these could have been caused by his acid bath, and due to his physical shape, he was likely Batman's age. He was pleased when alongside the milk was a summons to the club's VIP Section. you. A world where the only person you have to answer to is yours truly.Joker's intercom message. This however, seems to condradict to him asking Batman about his identity in Arkham Asylum. Joker also had a volatile temper and whenever it arose it was almost impossible to realize, however, he did come close to having a breakdown when Batman had set his plans in disarray during the siege of Arkham. The first and most obvious ending of Arkham Knight, the story ending, is bound to be controversial in its own right.The entire game is focused on a pair of villains, the familiar Scarecrow and the . He had always struggled to understand Batman's principles, unable to accept that even madmen such as their super villains deserved even the bare minimum of mercy in place of execution, and the Joker's actions that night convinced him there could be no mercy for a creature like the Joker. While the Joker was not aware of everything, he now had enough leverage to order Strange to back off, lest the information be leaked publicly and ruin Arkham City, and to order weapons necessary to wage his side of the gang war. Knowing that Batman had gotten into the Aviary, Joker created a puzzle to keep the Dark Knight busy. Arkham Knight first showed Joker during his cremation, and it could be seen that his face had returned to normal after his death, with mild boils and rashes on his face. Theneverythingwentblack. The Joker eagerly returned to the Iceberg Lounge a few weeks later, but was insulted to find out that his name was not on the guest list. The Batman 's version of Joker is in Arkham, which isn't the kind of place a person just ends up - they need to have been put there for a reason, by someone. Unlike most incarnations, the Arkham Joker's red lips seem to be painted on in order to give himself his trademark smile, as shown by the thicker and messier smile of. Pretending to stumble and trip, the Joker bashed his guard in the face with the back of his head as the guard demanded him to get up. Freeze to develop a cure for the clowns growing illness; although Strange had already taken Nora, hostage by that point. Skip the jokes? Even with falling debris knocking it loose, Batman's grapnel was able to slow their fall enough that they survived by crashing through the Hotel Lobby's glass dome. !The Joker gets serious. Batman attempted to track down Gordon by detecting the alcohol that Boles left in the air. Scarecrow's Fear Toxin had accelerated the process and enabled Batman to see the Joker, who represented many of his greatest fears, though he alone was able to see and hear him. He was determined to hunt down the Joker and kill him. By the time he died, Joker's face was now completely covered in a huge rash and thick veins, and his trademark white face was completely gone. This is because he was already extremely violent, murderous, sadistic and insane and Titan had no effect on his mentality. Though he failed to kill the original Robin who would go on to become Nightwing or Batgirl, he would eventually win a terrible victory. Scarecrow's Fear Toxin, mixed with the infection, brought out the darker aspects of Batman and all his fears in the form of the Joker, a Joker who knew that Batman was Bruce Wayne, and who taunted him on many personal things such as Talia's death and even Batman's own doubts and fears, including his guilt over Joker's death, much to the hallucination's delight as he slowly took over. He was capable of being calm and rational yet this broke in an instant and he reverted to his hysteric state, literally laughing until he was near the brink of tears. Two weeks later, Harley escaped from her prison, reformed her old gang at the Steel Mill, kidnapped various GCPD Officers, and evencreated a shrine to Joker. Joker's primary weapon was his Ace of Spades: itdealt a large amount of damage which couldkill two Elites at the same time and could ricochet through corners allowing to kill an Elite taking cover. Batman: Arkham Asylum Joker Nurse Cosplay Costumes Source: Joker Character: Joker Nurse Included: Dress, Pocket watch, Pen, Belt Material: Polyester, Uniform. Well look who it is. That was a reference to the classic, In Dr. Young's Notes, Joker may have looked at them, but he only put his signature around himself only, not even Harley. Kill! The Joker was not totally deluded however, he was aware that he was a bad person who deserved death and was completely dumbfounded when another person risked their own life to save his as he was aware that he wasn't worth saving. Be quiet, Harley!Joker shushes Harley, to keep Clayface a secret. Can't live with them, can't kick them out of a moving car without them getting steamed!" Aaron Cash's son: Killed with mysterious poison. He often belittled others over their shortcomings, such as toying with Aaron Cash, during his incarceration back into Arkham Asylum over his fear of Killer Croc and, after being rescued, announces to give Cash "a hand", following with "he could use one". He took the cure in Arkham City, prepared by Freeze. As Harley steered the boat to shore, missiles ripped the hull to pieces. You stick right in front of him; right under his big, pointy nose. Over. Fresh from Blackgate correctional facility, with a combined sentence of 250 years. Meeting ajourned. "Batman does not kill"#BatmanArkham #arkhamGames #shortsareus #Arkhamknight #Shorts That's me." It's unfortunate I was not on staff at the time to witness his seduction of her firsthand. He'd rescued Scarface from the old asylum, knowing it would buy him favor with Joker. Throughout the game, Joker shifted between his healthy appearance from. The last thing he needed was to appear weak before his rivals. At one point while ranting about Harley Quinn supposedly abandoning him in favor of Deadshot, Joker mentioned that he'll "make five more just like [Harley Quinn]", which alluded to his revelation that he had prior Harley Quinns' before the current one and managed to murder them in Harley Quinn's arc in the crossover storyline: Death of the Family. As two guards approached a seemingly unconscious Joker to collect him the clown suddenly fired two hidden darts into their necks, killing them both. Strange refuted this story however, claiming the Joker had probably fabricated it to avoid taking responsibility for whatever his actual actions had been and noting the clown had told at least ten different origin stories during his career. Batman is probably the character with the highest number of romantic relationships in the DC Universe. Speaking of, I think I heard Zsasz cutting her ears off.Joker taunts Batman. There, he casually burnt out one of the warden's eyes and threatened to slaughter his entire family if security wasn't lowered on the night that the recently captured Calendar Man was to be executed. He'll be unstoppable. However, when he attempted to recite a joke, he ended up heckled by the displeased audience. After Batman realized he had no choice but to find the cure in order to save Gotham, he allowed Joker to send him on several missions to obtain the cure. 'cutioner" had anything else to contribute; getting no response he kicked the assassin's swivel chairout a window, sending him plummetingto his death. I did it for you. Batman: Arkham Knight is a 2015 action-adventure video game developed by Rocksteady Studios and released by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. In Batman: Arkham Knight, Barbara Gordon, a. k. a. Batgirl, was paralyzed by the Joker. To the Joker's annoyance, Batman defeated his goons and rescued the captive doctors. As Jason struggled to free himself the Joker casually approached with a crowbar and began to beat him. Bane's missile missed the clown himself but exploded right behind him, the force hurling him off the balcony. Joker in the meantime, planned to double-cross Batman the entire time, sent Harley to steal the cure (and to also murder several of his henchmen for failing to capture Freeze) while Batman and Mr. Though Batman managed to escape the trap the bank manager died, one of the first victims of Joker Toxin. Once you leave the building, a new cutscene will start. The throne of mannequins, dolls and plastic toys Joker sits on just before the finale is likely a homage to the graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke where Joker tormented Gordon while sitting on a throne similar to the one used in Batman: Arkham Asylum. Broadcasting to the entire island, the Joker told Batman that he was about to give Gotham a "terminal case of tainted love" by detonating the bomb. He defied any kind of therapy or diagnosis, leaving doctors unable to decipher what kind of insanity he was even afflicted with. Strange offered to make Joker's last days more 'comfortable' in return for his co-operation by supplying doctors to examine his condition, either in the employ of Arkham City or illegally abducting them from Gotham's streets. He treated Harley like any other member of his gang, physically and verbally abusing her even when she did carry out his orders. He often belittled others over their shortcomings, such as toying with Aaron Cash, during his incarceration back into Arkham Asylum over his fear of Killer Croc and, after being rescued, announces to give Cash "a hand", following with "he could use one". It's unclear what specific mental illness he suffers from but he has them in abundance, ranging from borderline personality, hysteria, narcissism and schizophrenia and while listing his psychoses, the psychiatrist states it was endless. Punchdrunkwithhisnemesisthrottlinghim,theJokerlookedintotheeyesof themonsterthathadmadehimwhathewas. If Dr. Young wouldn't give him his army, Joker would make it himself. And I don't even know their name. The Joker is an insane, homicidal supervillain, and the arch nemesis of Batman. Procuring Electrocutioner's Shock Gloves Batman used them to manipulate the hotel's electronics, dispatch Joker and Bane's forces, rescue the hotel employees and navigate through Joker's makeshift carnival attractions. The Red Hood persona, the Ace Chemical break in and Batman's presence seem to be the only consistent events in each retelling; the details of whether Batman threw the Red Hood into the vat, failed to prevent him from falling in or if the criminal jumped in to escape justice seemed to depend on Joker's mood at the time. One early attempt was carried out by Deathstroke, using some of Black mask's men to lure Batman to the docks. On Christmas Eve the Joker made his move. Unknown to all but Joker, Harley Quinn was already in the Security Control Room, waiting. Joker soon took the opportunity to break free at Harley's signal. Joker also ordered Harley to steal some of Freeze's offensive equipment in order to increase his weaponry after successfully obtaining the cure. Once you take control of Batman, focus on attacking Joker who will be basically helpless. One of Joker's Game Over sequences was a reference to the Game Overs in the Metal Gear Solid series. The Joker will kill for any reason: He's murdered countless policemen to avoid. However, this was all a part of Joker's plans as he faked his own death in order to divert Batman's attention, which allowed the hero to become vulnerable to a surprise attack. The Joker kept Sionis alive to access the bio-metric locks of the Gotham Merchant's Bank and take the fall, if Joker didn't feel like killing him first. The most obvious one being clowns which, after an accident that resulted in the mutation of his appearance to resemble harlequins, became the motif of his crime empire and carried out in his manner of killing his victims (making them laugh to death after exposing them to his Joker Toxin). He had no fear of his own imprisonment as he has escaped captivity multiple times and has since developed a symbolic connection towards Arkham Asylum, ignoring that it was the place of his confinement and has staged numerous of his plans on the site of the Asylum due to its violent background and connection to the mad clown himself. I think our relationship is maturing. Whether the goon heard begging over the speakers actually was the architect is unclear, but the Joker ignored his pleas and shot him. A familiar face also returns to give The Dark Knight a message he cannot ignore. This behavior was displayed when he stated to the corpse of an Arkham guard whom he had just choked to death, "the choke's on you", pretending to be electrocuted and dying after attaching himself to a heartbeat-powered electric chair and repeatedly alluding to his impending death throughout the Arkham City Incident over his Titan disease. He appears to be a highly resourceful psychopath with a sadistic intelligence, who delights in causing chaos, destruction and human suffering. He could make you you cry, giggle and bleed at the same time. Pitying his long time nemesis, Batman grimly picked up and carried Joker's corpse out of the Monarch Theatre. After he influenced Burke to think about building an amusement park for his daughter, Katie, Joker also gave him several ideas on how to build one. Before things could escalate any further Sharp seemed to freeze up with sudden terror. Joker lastly used Clayface to infiltrate Arkham Island, TYGER's main base of operations, to place dozens of explosives deep within the bowels of the Asylum as part of his alternative plans for Batman and Gotham, as well as to take out TYGER when the time was right. Nine months ago, Joker was cremated. It was later revealed that Jason Todd was in fact the Arkham Knight, who survived Joker's attack as the villain's true goal was to turn Batman's sidekick against him. A darker, more oops. Once Scarecrow lured Batman to the Chinatown safe-house, Joker used the fresh Fear Toxin pumped into the room to make Batman hallucinate that Barbara had been infected with the gas instead; hoping a new dose of trauma would make Batman give control of their body to him, Joker make the Dark Knight think Barbara killed herself. When Batman first started seeing visions of Joker shooting Barbara, he was shown wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, a hat, shoes, and sunglasses. She pulled the Joker out of the water to safety, somehow avoiding Batman's searchlight. They declared themselves the mayor and mayoress of Arkham City. The Joker had a ring side seat to the battle, offering colorful commentarytheentiretime. Stop in each room where there's a cutscene to watch or Joker's commentary to hear. I dare you! Batman, however, knew that Talia was the one in danger and, true to his prediction, Joker easily outsmarted and overpowered her at the Monarch Theatre, and held her hostage to ensure that Batman arrived at the Theatre for their final performance. Joker was sent to Blackgate where a psych intern began questioning him to determine his mental condition. You've been through it all. Ding! Audio Tapes from Arkham Asylum reveal the Joker to be Machiavelli as, despite his untrustworthy appearance and numerous crimes, he was charming and seductive enough to fool others into feeling sympathy and even affection for him, including Doctor Young and Quinzel. Clayface as Joker, gleeful, prepared to carve a smile into his face when Talia al Ghul interrupted him and offered him immortality in return for Batman's life. A secret alarm placed by Batman had alerted him to the Joker's escape, and here he was in theBatboat, pursuing the fugitives. Immediately afterward, Batman regained both his mind and sanity and, having built up a tolerance to the Fear Toxin and being freed by a redeemed Jason Todd (who donned the image of the Red Hood), injected Scarecrow with his own toxin. He was sedated by Batman before they arrived at Arkham. Perhaps the Joker's most insidious act was the seduction of his therapist, Dr. Harleen Quinzel. Once recorded, Joker gave it to his henchmen to be stored within the Steel Mill as part of his contingency plans to destroy Gotham. While making his way to the roof, Joker spotted one of the Penguin's drones following them and ordered Croc to smash it and retrieve its memory card so he could see just how much the Penguin had managed to learn. Someone had tipped off a killjoy called Gordon about the Royal Hotel and the police were closing in for real. I've met someone tonight. After he stated that nothing could be further from the truth, Batman told Jason that he never forgave himself for what happened and plead to not let Joker win as that was what he wanted to happen with his torture. As "Black Mask" made his exit via helicopter Croc got his chance to make up for it when he caught Batman's scent, staying behind to duel the vigilante and claim the bounty. That also may have been a resemblance to Adam and Eve's sons, Cain and Abel. Top Voted Answer. Joker picked up the head to discoverit wasn't Batman. Eventually though, he did manage to finish the tale of his origin, blaming Batman for making him what he was. Batman then went down further into the sewers and found that Joker was trying to pump Titan pollutants into the Gotham River, and told his men to stop Batman from preventing that in a threatening, and serious manner. None! Sometime after, Joker and Harley Quinn kidnapped Commissioner Gordon. He escaped via elevator, which was filled with several crates of the Titan; this left Batman to deal with his new Titan Henchmen. This self-styled criminal Clown Prince of Crime remains as volatile and violent as ever. Ready for the next round? You're brooding for two now.Joker annoys Batman. For someone who's not Batman, you've been a real pain in my ass. Washed out of the plant he removed his disguise to find they had disfigured his entire body, giving him chalk white skin, green hair and his face a clown like appearance. Ironically, that was nothing more than a ruse by Batman, who finally turned the tables on his hated nemesis and regained control of his mind. His showdown withBatmaninArkham Asylumhas left him humiliated, angry and thirsty for revenge. Never one to miss an opportunity, Joker procured the Warden's knife, had a little fun at his expense, and slowly sliced his forehead. Citizens who came into contact with it died. In the opening, the name of the retort used to cremate the Joker was "Robinson" alluding to Joker's original artist and one of his co-creators, Jerry Robinson. Memorize all nine of them. The first was that instead of a blood transfusion, it was a microchip. In the deleted Joker Arkham scene now revealed to the public, this is also evident, with the Joker making fun of Batman being scared of the idea that the Riddler was inspired by the vigilante. He also immediately recognized the "cop's" true identity as Deadshot due to having previously worked together before. Explore the catacomb-like location. Allegedly, the man who became the Joker had gotten his start at a comedy club as a stand-up comedian. With Joker's presence gone, the remaining members of Batman's rogues' gallery had a much easier time working together without the Clown Prince of Crime upsetting the balance and were silently working together for the past year to unleash an elaborate plot to destroy Batman and conquer the city that he vowed to protect. Your XP: 0; Rank: Nooblet; Sign in to level up now. Contacting his forces, Joker ordered the rest of his vast army to take shelter in the tunnel systems that they had constructed over the months to wait for Protocol 10 to end and the rest of their adversaries slaughtered before they emerged back onto the streets to start the final phase of his plans. Jason blames Batman for abandoning him and escapes after refusing his once mentors' help. However, Joker planned to not only use Batman to obtain the cure, but also as his greatest asset in the turf wars in Arkham City in order to defeat his rivals. Get ready for the encore! Joker had his men toss the body into the void outside the room; it fell into the disused chamber below, where Batman found it. Joker deduced that, though Henry was an impressive host for him, he still could not compare to Batman and used his consciousness to influence Henry into committing suicide, which resulted in all four innocent hosts having their lives ruined and taken by the same influence. The vigilante's anger has been left unchecked leaving criminals to fear him. He also made a comment after talking to the villain for the first time after they were locked up. The dying hero then entered Clayface's body, retrieved the cure, cut him open, and incapacitated the monster once and for all. Batman, after he defeated Harley's robots, discovered her ultimate plan: destroy the entire facility with a final bomb that was hidden inside the Joker Statue and kill everyone in it including herself, so she could reunite with her beloved Mr. J. Batman managed to escape the blast radius along with an angered Harley, but it appeared that Robin was caught in the explosion. Later, Joker reflected on Harley and Deadshot being together. After he saw that Robin and the cops were okay, Batman left the area. Harley's failure prompted Joker to remove her from the "party list", and Batman defeated and locked her up. The second was during 'Joker's speech in the Steel Mill, at one point the camera shook and the cameraman was heard coughing. Destroy the chairs to unlock access to the side corridor. You can still play the game after the Knightfall Protocol, don't worry. Pull the Plug! This acts as the final chapter, after the events of Batman: Arkham Origins, Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Batman: Arkham City. The militia also remarked that it was unclear how he even got onto the ballot. The Arkham Origins flashback showed him with red lips immediately after his transformation, albeit it's unclear whether they actually were red, given the unrealistic style of the flashback. His past is unknown, and his answers to me about it are wildly inconsistent and frequently fantastical. He may also have chosen Black Mask because of Sionis Steel's reputation for shady theme park construction appealing to his twisted sense of humor. The ups, the downs, the crazy coincidences. The Batman is a 2022 American superhero film based on the DC Comics character Batman.Produced by DC Films, 6th & Idaho, and Dylan Clark Productions, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, it is a reboot of the Batman film franchise.The film was directed by Matt Reeves, who wrote the screenplay with Peter Craig.It stars Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne / Batman alongside Zo Kravitz, Paul . After the death of Burke's daughter, Burke died when he tried pills that had Joker Toxin that poisoned him. Joker's sense of humor, whilst chaotic and sadistic, was also prone to bouts of dry cynicism, sarcasm and deadpan, as it was largely hinted that his background was that of a failing comedian. After two days, Robin went torescue Batman and stop Harley's plans. The Joker heard tales of conjoined Abramovici Twins, widely known as Hammer and Sickle, and their reputation for brutality, wanting them for himself. Joker couldn't believe that she had moved on after everything he did for her. Though he seemingly gained the ultimate victory after being exposed to Scarecrow's Fear Toxin, his weakness and greatest fear was exposed which Batman uses to defeat him that being the terror of leaving no legacy or memory, centralized through his ego is what resulted in his ultimate and final defeat. He now felt a connection to the hero and believed that it was fate for them to meet. To Joker's mock-horror, Batman eventually found his "snowman bombs" but was unable to disarm them. Now all that's left is to watch a new cutscene. Using Harley's prints, Batman found the entrance to the Titan Production facility. The Electrocutioner was more engrossed in his phone, ignoring the lecture. During one crime spree, the Joker kicked Harley out of their getaway car while it was moving, and left her to face the music while he focused on his schemes. You mean she's telling the truth?Clayface learns for the Joker that he can live forever. All three games feature open-world environments of Arkham Asylum, and later on the entire Gotham City, which the player can explore while carrying out the story missions . Granted, it came with some extra mileage, but beggars can't be choosers. Delights in causing chaos, destruction and human suffering Mill, at one point the shook... Favor with Joker Deadshot being together by Rocksteady Studios and released by Warner Bros. Entertainment. To finish the tale of his gang, physically and verbally abusing her even when she did carry his... 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