honduran words and phraseshonduran words and phrases
You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. Fast and priced reasonably. Tower of Babel, Other collections of Garifuna phrases Here are 20 Honduran Spanish expressions that you should understand before visiting Honduras: 1. km). This becomes a very uncertain situation for us as we have to trust a service provider that we had no interaction with in the past. With the help of our services, you can get over language barriers and communicate with others easily. Translation office in Aventura : - 20801 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 403, Aventura, Florida, 33180. / how much is it?A mil: A toda velocidad / at full speedA pata: Caminando, a pie / walking (to)A todo mecate: A toda velocidad / at full speedA vuelta de rueda: Extremadamente despacio / going really slowAcabado: Sin dinero / broke, no moneyAgarrado: Avaro, tacao / cheap (person)Agarrar para.. Dirigirse a../ go toAgevado: Avergonzado / ashamedAhi nos vidrios: Despedida, de "ahi nos vemos" / see you laterAndar a pincel: Andar sin vehculo, a pi / walkingAndar aguja, o andar ylet: Andar con mucho cuidado / being careful Andar buzo: Andar alerta buscando algo / being alertAndar con filo: Tener hambre / hungryAndar hule: Andar con poco dinero o sin nada / broke, no moneyAndar piano: Andar con mucho cuidado / being carefulAnimala: Cosa / thingApuntarse: Acompaar a otros, hacer lo mismo / join, Bajar: Robar, quitar / steal, takeBarajarla ms despacio: Explicar con ms detalles / request more detailsBemba: Hocico, jeta / mouth, Bembn: De labios protuberantes,gruesosBojote: Bulto, Bolo: BorrachoBolulo: Pan blanco (La Ceiba), Bote: Crcel, presidioBfalo: 50 centavos (en la zona norte)Burra: Almuerzo de la clase trabajadora:tortilla con frijoles, huevo, y otros ingredientesopcionales como carne, etc.Caite: Sandalia, Cachar: Atrapar, capturarCachimbear: GolpearCachimbo: En gran cantidadCacho: CuernoCachureco: Militante del Partido Nacional, Cagarse: Asustarse muchoCampechano: AmigableCanecho: CangrejoCanilla: PiernaCasabe: Hecho de yuca, Catracho: HondureoCatrn: Bien vestidoChabacn: Alguien muy bromistaChacaln: Camarn de roChafarote: Polica, soldado, Chainear: Limpiar, sacar brilloChamba: Empleo, trabajoChambear: TrabajarChambn: Tarea mal hecha o mal acabada/ Alguien que no hace bien las cosas, Champa: Casa, techoChance: OportunidadCharamusca: Postre, refresco congelado en unabolsa plstica (en zona centro sur)Chascada: Porcin adicional que se recibegratis, Chepa: PolicaChepear: Copiar en un examenCheto: Muchacha bonita y provocativaChibola: Pelota, balnChich: Beb, Chign: Nio pequeoChilillo: Vara muy fina y flexible para castigara los niosChimar: RozarChimba: Arma de fuego de fabricacincaseraChimbo: Recipiente (cilindro) paraalmacenar gases a presin, China: Muchacha que cuida los cipotesChingar: Molestar, fastidiarChingo: Corto, pantaloncito cortoChinola: Betn para limpiar zapatosChiri: Batalln, ejrcito, Chiripn: Por buena suerteChivo: Juego de dadosChoco: Que no mira bienChola: CasaChoya: Pereza, desnimo, Chunche: CosaChotear: Darse cuenta, sorprender a alguienChua: DescalzoChupar: Beber licor, Chutear: PatearCinquito: Cinco centavosCipote: Nio, muchachoCoco: Inteligente, Codo: Avaro, tacaoCoger: Hacer el amorColarse: Entrar a un sitio sin serinvitado o sin pagarCon las antenas paradas: Escuchandoatento en forma disimulada, Conchudo: Abusivo, aprovechadoCoronela: Sobrenombre del Toyota LandCruiser, Coyote: IntermediarioCuchumbo: Fiesta o reunin donde seintercambian regalos en forma aleatoria; HomosexualCuero: Muchacha bonita, con buen cuerpoCumbo: Recipiente para llevar agua, Cususa: Aguardiente clandestinoCute: Buitre, zopiloteCutear: VomitarDaime: 20 centavos, Dar el palo: Romper una relacin sentimental olaboralDar en el clavo: AcertarDrselas de.. Presumir de..De cajn: ObvioDe seguro: Seguramente, Dejar cuche: Dejar a alguien atrapado obloqueadoDeschambado: Sin empleo, desempleadoDesmangado: A toda velocidadDespupusado: A toda velocidad, Dos cuetazos: RpidoDundo: AtontadoElote: Mazorca de maiztiernoEncaramar: Subir, Encachimbado: EnojadoEnculado: EnamoradoEnsuciar: Hacer hecesEstanco: Cantina, Estar hasta los queques: Estar muycomprometido, endeudado, o sin tiempo disponibleFicha: Centavo; algo depoco valorFilo: HambreFinca: Complejo de produccin agrcolaFondearse: Dormirse, Fregado: Un tipoFregar: Entorpecer / Lavar los platosFresco: Refresco embotelladoGallo: Bueno, expertoGrueso: Bastante, en gran cantidadGuacal: Recipiente hecho del fruto de lajcaraGuachimn: VigilanteGuarizama: MacheteGuaro: AguardienteGuevn: HaragnGicho: Sin o con pocos dientesGuineo: Banano (en la zona norte)Gir: Contraccin de "voy a ir"Girro: NioHacer chanchullo: HacertrampaHacer clavo: Denunciar, estorbarHacerse bolas: ConfundirseHacerse el fuerte: Lograr el objetivo oquedarse con las cosas abusando de los demsHacerse el loco: Presumir ignoranciaHasta el copete: HartoHecho porra: Desanimado, enfermo,cansadoHijo de papi y mami: Hijo de ricosHule: Con poco o nada de dinero, Ir hecho un cuete: Irexcesivamente rpidoIrse a la chingada: Irse lejosJaln: AventnJuma: Borrachera, Jura: Batalln, EjrcitoLa Compaa: En lamayora de los casos se refiere a la Tela Railroad Co. (Chiquita)o a la Standard Fruit Co. (Dole) que operan muchos camposbananeros en la costa norteLa mera riata: La mxima autoridadLa riata: Inepto, haragn, Llanta: Rollito de grasa que se forma en lacintura de la gente gordaLempira: Moneda nacionalLos Campos: Los campos bananeros en lacosta norteMacaneo: Escndalo, ria, Macanudo: Muy buena persona, excelenteMachangai: Camin de transporte para lagente pobre (zona norte)Maje: TontoMamo: Crcel, Manudo: Que recin a aprendido amanejarMara: PandillaMarimbazo: GolpeMaritates: Pertenencias, Marranada: Cosa inservibleMandadito: DcilMate: Amago, amenazaMayugado: Algo aplastado, Mecate: Soga, fabricada con fibravegetalMentar la madre: InsultarMeter la pata: Cometer una indiscrecin,un errorMnimo: Banano (en la zona centro sur), Minuta: Helado hecho con hielo picado y jarabede saboresMaules: Canicas, pelotitas de vidrioNacha o Natacha: TrabajadoraDomsticaNovelear: Andar distrado y no en lo que sedebeObrar: Hacerheces, Paila: Automoviltipo pick-upPajas: Bromas, inventosPajearse: No hacer nadaPalillona: Muchacha vistosamente ataviada queencabeza los desfiles, llevando "palillos" obastones, Pandear: DoblarPapa: Comida, almuerzoPapada: Cosa, asuntoPapo: Tonto, Pasada: AncdotaPatats: La muertePatn: De pie grandePedo: Asunto o problema. If you don't find what you're looking for in the list below, or if there's some sort of bug and it's not displaying honduran related words, please send me feedback using this page. It is a Mesoamerican ethnic group that has its own language, which occupied part of the territory of Honduras and El Salvador since pre-Columbian times. They provided translation of a technical user manual from English to 4 languages of good quality, will use again. Their language is Creole English. Think again! About the Honduran People, Culture and Language. Ma gambhir chu. I needed a translation of my birth certificate from Malay to English. For that reason, today Ill explain what slang is and why you should learn it. Language can often be perceived in the same way where one's ability to speak a language associated with Europe, like English, may convey status. It did not go as explained in the email and could use some improvement. Thus, there are about 2,702, including 400 Honduran gentilices, which makes Honduran Spanish speakers one of the greatest contributors of new lexical elements in that edition of the dictionary. As soon as you approve our quote, we get in touch with the right translators and proofreaders and we start working on your project in minutes! Like. Or just for fun, use them with friends. I can give you a long list of slang words. There is something inspiring about the stories of people who went to a first world country and changed their life around. I received a quick reply, they did a good job. Not to be confused with your payment check (which is also a cheque), in this context cheque means yes, okay, or alright.. Highly recommended. I love this Honduran expression for its meaning, freshness, and obscure origins that I can only try to imagine. The next two words refer to the authorities in Honduras. The principal grain of Mexico, before the introduction of tho?e from Europe, was maize, in the Mexican language called tluolli, of which there were ?everal kinds, different in ?ize, weight, colour, and ta?te. Great translation service provided. The service is fast and afforable. If your pet/blog/etc. Taiwan's birth certificate in 1996 was all handwritten and very difficult to read. A lot of small cities are not considered important simply because they dont have huge populations. The Honduran version of wey Oye cipote, aydame a limpiar la mesa.Hey kid, help me to clean the table. The following words describe people and things. Traditional Catholic funerals include a ritual called novena. Great company and provided me the translation quickly. Sorry! In the time of the Spanish conquest only three lencas are named in the documents of that time: Mota, Entepica and Lppira. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me. Thank you so much for all the efforts. She explains that, "the word pija (meaning penis) and its derivatives have so many different meanings in Honduran Spanish that it has become part of our identity it expresses everything from enthusiasm to indifference, to anger and to . We also provide proofreading services that are readily available for any document or language. They are IMPRESSIVE! Me vale verga I dont care you can also say, Me vale pija The word for Honduran slang is caliche. Slang is a cultural expression that helps you better understand Honduran culture. I requested a notarized translation of my diploma from Spanish to English through their website. Its area includes the offshore Caribbean department of the Bay Islands. Our translators are only allowed to translate into their native language. PlaticarHondurans like to use the word platicar meaning to chat, but it is sometimes used in a negative connotation (i.e., to gab). Honduran expressions for physical defects. The translation is finally checked by our quality assurance team which sends the output to the client along with a quality report. It translates best to mean 'dude' in English or Guey in Mexican slang. Hola. See these phrases in any combination of two languages in the Phrase Finder. Things Honduran often describes. A como est..? 5) Casaca/casaquero = lie/lier, These word belong to the B) section, but they are really strong and offensive, If you want to sound polite and not like a homeless person who never got a good and polite education, I suggest you not to use them. 2) Macizo = cool
This is one of those words that is really only used with best friends since it can be considered derogatory if used in other contexts. But even if it isnt, peoples biasness doesnt let them realize it straightaway. Many people may not have heard of Aventura, when there are various reasons why they should. Their instance online chat was easy and i was able to upload the documents right through the chat window. My wife needed to get her Mexican Bachelors and Specialty Degrees translated for a job interview and Universal Translation Services gave us a quote via email within an hour. They not only translated everything accurately, fast and affordable ( best than the competence) but they even replicate the same format, stamps, everything! Get in touch online where we are available around the clock or visit our offices if you have any questions or need a free quote, our project managers are always ready to help you out. We work with over 3,000 professional translators. We pride ourselves on being able to offer assistance to people whenever they are facing a linguistic problem. adjectives. There is something remarkable about the fact that technology has come as far to allow us to get in touch with someone living thousands of miles away within seconds. This is how our lives work. Whether it is medical, legal or any other specialized translation, we are here to help you. Saturday became a cool, wet afternoon. canicas (lit. Thousands of customers have trusted Universal Translation Services with their projects so far, and not even a single one has anything negative to say about our services. I was really stressed to get my papers on time translated and certified for my meeting with USCIS. 3. narizon - one with a big nose is 'narizon.'. 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