Lets proceed with the answers. When preparing your answer for this question, keep in mind that the hiring manager is looking for someone who will provide value to their team and someone who wants to grow and progress with the company and feed this into your answer. Also mention related topics/activities/domains that the company is . These are great answer openers because they demonstrate you are passionate about the role and that you are excited to become part of the team. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Nestled in the premise of the question "Why do you want to work for us?" is an assumption that, for many who trudge along to job interviews, is erroneous in the first place. This clearly shows you have put little thought into why you would like to work for the company. In addition, Google has a strong focus on teamwork and collaboration, which aligns with my values. And although it faces stiff competition from the likes of Amazon and Microsoft, Google continues to dominate the search engine market with a 92.47% share. We have covered everything fromhow to write the perfect CVto top tips onnegotiating your salary, so, make sure you browse our extensive range of helpful articles today. Why do you want to work here gets asked more than any other interview question and your answer can make your break your chances for landing the job. I'm obsessed with optimising product displays and finding creative ways to use promotions and signage to draw customers in and convince them my products are what they want. Use the deactivation portal if you: Used your phone number with an old phone and don't receive text messages on your new phone. Google has a reputation for engineering excellence, meaning that it highly values the craft of writing and maintaining good code. A common interview question that can leave some candidates lost for words is why do you want this job?. Finally, once youve memorized your answer, record yourself speaking through it. Explanation: Speaking to the reputation of the company is something that the hiring manager will love, as they are working hard to make their company a better place to work and getting recognized for their efforts is something they will like to hear. Learning new things. What made you want to send in your CV and application in the first place? Get updates in your inbox with the latest tips, job listings, and more. "Why do you want to be a manager?" is one of the most common interview questions that a hiring manager will ask during the interview process for a management position. Google services clearly eclipse any competitors' in popularity. Google strives to maintain a friendly, communicative hierarchy. That's how serious Google is about keeping their company on the cutting edge of technology. The key to that lies in the four main types of questions you'll get at a Google interview: Behavioral: This is the getting to know you as a person portion of the interview; they help shed light on soft skills and competencies vital for the position in question and overall success within an organization. How do cookies pass along in HTTP protocol? In both cases, its important to answer quickly and concisely, so that the interviewer can understand your answer and have time for other questions. Tell us what you know about Google's history? A good candidate is a motivated candidate. Sample Answer 6: You Possess a Skill in High Demand That the Job Requires Brainstorm shortcomings or hot topics in the industry you work in. You want someone who is passionate about your brand and understands its mission. The hiring team has already paid attention to your communication skills over emails and on the phone by this point, and now they want to see what you bring to the table when you're actually sitting at it. And Google is, perhaps, the crown jewel of such employers. We ended up paying for both softwares for a short time. You can talk about how it would be a good step towards your overall career goals, but dont mention moving on from that company in an interview. In addition, the company has made a number of smart acquisitions, such as YouTube and Android, that have helped it to expand its reach and cement its position as a tech juggernaut. Out of learning and earning, what do you prefer most? In the end, there is no 'right' answer to the question "Why Google?" I don't have to worry about losing my card. So, if possible, talk about the specific team and role that youre applying for, and why that is a perfect fit for you as well. Tip: You can also use the Messages deactivation web portal to turn off chat features. Let the interviewer know which specific aspects of the job fascinate you and why. Your interviewer might not agree with you but they wont be able to accuse you of lacking initiative. It's always essential to come to an interview with a few of your own questions at the ready. These talks cover a wide range of topics, from the importance of failure to how to be a successful entrepreneur. Google's sheer market dominance is another boon of being employed with the company. It is also one of the most important companies in the tech industry, currently employing over 100,000 people. I think Google is making a difference globally, and I want to be a part of that. If youd like more information about top tech roles at Google, including practice questions and preparation tips, take a look at one of our interview guides: Once youve got an idea of the company as a whole, youll need one or two more specific details about Google that you can use to customize your answer. I really believe in the value of teamwork, which you company promotes so well, and that motivated me to join your company and be part of your engineering department, so I decided to submit an application. Our expert interview coaches know how to impress all the major companies you may interview for. 4.5 Practice. Sample answer: Why do you want to work at Google? Good money though if you can handle the bad conditions. I keep up to date on all your company's community pursuits and was intrigued by the great things I read about with your recent involvement in the local low-income taxation program. Any personal story for why you care about a topic or are fascinated by a topic will make a good answer for why you chose this job you're interviewing for. Finally, before moving on to the next step, take some time to review common mistakes that candidates make when answering this question. Forget your physical and mental health too. 5 Sample Answers to Why do you want to be a business analyst? I once tried to convince two Oxford University Press interviewers and myself that after three years at university, what had interested me most about my degree in English with creative writing was the fascinating issue of rights and permissions. Remember that the more specific you are, the better your chances to succeed in an interview with Google. Give numbers, percentages, or any other quantifiable statistics you have to show how your work paid off for your employer. All of these perks add up to make working at Google a truly unique and enjoyable experience. Employees of Google aren't short of professional insight and advice. Page and Bryn had opened up the first Google offices in Menlo Park, CA by the end of 1999, and in the following year, they released several new features and tools. These are groups that are formed by employees who have shared interests or backgrounds, and provide a support network for members. How you talk about your own leadership abilities during an interview says a lot about your leadership qualities. This comes across as unenthusiastic and indicates that you don't know much about the company. There's no 'best answer' to any interview question - the value of your response will ultimately come down to your individual circumstances, qualifications and of course the role you're applying for. All applicants that come through will more than likely have the correct qualifications, but you want to highlight what makes you so special. In addition, the company offers a number of unique perks that are designed to make employees' lives easier and more enjoyable, such as free lunch or snacks, employee discounts, pet friendly workspaces, gym memberships, legal assistance, and extensive insurance benefits to staff and their families. "I want to work for xx company because of the working environment, which is flexible. My background work experience with . How did you approach it and what responsibilities were yours? Why do you Want to Work here Answer 2: I firmly believe in teamwork, so when I saw an opening with your company, I knew that I had to apply. Q4. I hope this article was helpful. Now its time to practice speaking through your answer, so that youre able to recite it naturally, without missing any key details. Unsure how to answer these interview questions? I have always been wanting to work in your firm, however, never got a chance or right opportunity. Here are some sample answers: "Why do you want to work from home?" "I believe that my skills and experience working remotely in the past would make me a great candidate for this position. talk about your own leadership abilities during an interview, answering communication style interview questions. First, I'm attached to TCS because of its policy on employee's welfare and is one of the core objectives of the company. industry is this so-called "grind culture." Situation: What are some of the challenges that you have faced at work? Reading through the website is a great way to get a sense of the company's industry and goals. A huge part of Googles company culture is the importance of dreaming big. I use it to find new places and share my location with friends. Now that you know some of the reasons you might want to work at Google lets look at how you can answer the question Why do you want to work at Google? in your interview. These include YouTube (the largest video sharing site), Gmail (one of the most popular email providers), Google Maps (a leading mapping and navigation service), and the Google Chrome web browser. The stringency of Google's job interviews is legendary as well. Think about what you couldn't practice in your last job and apply that to this answer. That's not to say everyone at Google is paid the same, however. Interviewers have heard these responses many times before, so youll need to make it more personal and targeted. Here are six steps to help you effectively answer the 'why sales' job interview question: 1. Why do you want to work here? Think about any previous job roles or projects you have worked on that can still be related to this new role. But they want to know more about who you are as a person and what attracted you to the profession. Try to keep it short as there will be plenty of other opportunities in an interview to talk about how your skills and to go through your CV in more detail. Highlight your knowledge/passion for the employer's mission/service/product #4. If you have an interview coming up with Google, make sure you stay. Second, I'm attracted to Google because of its spirit of innovation, exemplified by the famous 20% policywhether or not that policy is still a hard and fast rule at the company today. Not preparing a solid response to this question is risky because it could make all the difference in whether a potential employer extends a job offer to you or not. They originally wanted to name the company Googol, which is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeroes. Every day millions of people ask Google lifes most difficult questions. Google is a place where I can do all of these things. Its so user-friendly and easy to use. I believe that working at Google would be a great opportunity to learn from some of the best minds in the industry and to make a positive impact on the world. 95 out of 100 applicants will heap praise on Google and the managers in their interviews. As mentioned earlier, Google loves innovation and that doesn't come without risks. Tell me about a time in which you had to navigate ambiguity. I love to learn and aspire my thoughts through my job satisfaction . These events can be a great way to learn about new technologies, advances in your field, or simply to make new friends. All of these things should be obvious to hiring managers at Google. But you see, I completely disagree with that! The reason why this is a question you will almost invariably face is because wealth management is a career that sounds fantastic on paper. If you have nothing to lose, however, your best bet is saying something they will remember for a long time, simply because no other candidate will give them a similar answer, Toll free customer service line: +18332008648 (free for US based customers, for international calls standard rates apply). What matters most is that your response is genuine, authentic and aligned with the company's values. Now that you have the list, write out exactly how you plan on answering the question, why Google?. Some of the most popular ERGs at Google include: Google is a company that is constantly innovating and expanding, which means there are always new opportunities for employees to learn and grow. Possible answers are: Do Say. Everything from Google interview questions to pre-screen calls are designed to find the best talent to work at Google. It was first introduced in 2021, and was instituted to give staff more flexibility around their work and personal lives. Remember, you're trying to learn about the company as much as they are trying to learn about you. It may be unlike any other job interview you've had, but your goals should be the same. A strong answer to "why do you want to work here" illustrates your knowledge of the company's needs and goals, then uses your experience and achievements as evidence for why you're the best person to make those a reality. It has changed the way we access information and has made the world more connected than ever before. Youll be addressing complex problems, working with the best of the best, and taking care of technology that serves billions of people. User-Submitted Answer. , according to Glassdoor. Think about some of your biggest successes, difficult projects, or even significant failures that lead to important lessons. Because Google pushes employees to go beyond their job description, having time to unwind and do deep thinking is important. It can include some of the facts we listed above, reasons from your personal experience, people youve networked with, or other facts youve found in your own research. Of course these goals will vary based on the specific role at hand, but they typically emphasize quality and quantity of work. You would be hard-pressed to find another company that offers a comprehensive perks package. Pay attention to your body language, and edit your answer if it goes too long. One of BackRub's best assets was a data collection system the two had designed known as PageRank, that analyzed and measured the importance of individual web pages. Google is one of the tech industry's largest employers and has certainly made a name for itself when it comes to workplace culture. The above five answers are just some examples of what you could say. Here's what they want to see in your response: Enthusiasm about the position and company. Here are two key steps to prepare for this: First, recite your answer out loud. "I look at this opportunity as a dream come true. You should also get feedback from someone else before finalizing it. How do you answer why do you want to work abroad? Your answer should be genuine and specific to your own experiences. Here are a few general resources to get you started: Youll also want to tailor your answer to the position that youre applying to. What was the most valuable feedback you received? I saw this opening in your firm & had to apply. The ability to see an opportunity, evaluate that risk, and the willingness to go for it are all qualities that Google loves. Do you know why you want to work at Google? I've worked on a lot of apps in the past, and I think I would learn a lot in this position. : Think of two or three reasons youd like to work there, and describe each of them, one at a time. Some of their questions are very difficult and some of them sound just plain silly. This is the last step to prepare your answer to why Google?. For software engineers in particular who are looking to hone their craft, Google is a great place to be. They want to hear the reasons you chose to apply to their fire department and what makes it unique from others. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights and knowledge that they can apply to their own careers. If you find yourself in a position of an underdog, you should definitely give some thought to unconventional answers. Should a prospective employer ask you the question Why do you want to work for us? one option is to shake your head gently, raise a finger to your lips, and say: What you should be asking is, why would I not want to work for you? Try committing to this with a Kanye Westian level of self-assurance; your interviewer will be unable to resist standing up, clapping you on the back, and saying: Get out, youre an idiot.. Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give . If they ask How many golf balls can fit in a bus? They're not looking for a number, they're looking for your thought process. Similarly, if the company as a whole meets its financial goals, everyone may receive a raise or bonus. Of course, the best people to practice mock Google interviews with are Google ex-interviewers themselves. What is your favorite thing about working here at Google? Using specific examples from difficult situations or where you've had a great leader is the best way to give a good answer. They cannot be serious, can they? Granted, not everybody is fortunate enough to have a Google ex-interviewer in their network, much less one who is available for multiple mock interview sessions. For candidates looking to work in an environment where their voice is heard, this is a good fact to mention. Make sure to edit it down if it is longer than one minute. Sure enough, you can become the next multi-millionaire working for Googleespecially if you deliver on their expectations. Maybe you can try to stand out saying that name of the company actually doesnt matter to you (check sample answer no. 6 on my list). I want to work at TCS for three reasons. Ensure the hiring managers that you werent attracted only by the name of the company on the job offer. At the top right, tap More Settings. One way to stand out in your answer is to share your connection with Google and its products. That's exactly what the two did; by 1998, Google was formally incorporated as a company and its search engine released to the world only a year later. This allowed for a much more accurate assessment of a page's popularity, and positioned Google to become the go-to search engine for many internet users over the years. This is a communication test that can be daunting if you're not ready for it. Like an episode of Would I Lie to You?, but without the laughter, they favour those capable of looking into the eyes of other adults and talking total bollocks with conviction. Talk about specific examples of how you can help this company achieve their goals and highlight any relevant transferrable skills that will make you stand out as the right candidate. I have researched the organization and I am impressed by its commitment to ensuring that its patients receive high-quality healthcare. Pay-for-performance is administered through benchmarks, where once an employee hits a certain goal they are recognized with an increase in compensation. There are lots of similarities between big tech companies that can make it difficult to customize the why this company? question. Google interviews are not like most job interviews. 4.1 Prepare scripts of your answers. It is important to remember that your answer should be specific to Google. Speak to the Culture "Something I feel is harming the I.T. Do you have a favorite Google product? How many golf balls can fit in a school bus? This is a preliminary conversation that is focused on your background and greatest accomplishments.Your interviewer will be looking to understand what technical abilities you possess and what your career goals and dreams are.. After a successful phone screen, a hiring manager will . You might be so desperate to work for a company you are unable to articulate it; you may want to work for a company for one reason but find, once youve been in the job for a month, that the reason has morphed into something altogether different; you might go for an interview to be the next head of interpretative dance but embarrass yourself by failing to leap onto the table and honk like a goose. Tap Chat features. First and foremost, you'll receive a phone screening as a potential candidate. If you are considering applying to work at Google, make sure to research the company thoroughly and be prepared to answer questions about why you want to work there. When asked why you want the job, you can then talk about how you want to help them on their mission to achieve certain goals or that you are aligned with some of their core company values. When a hiring manager asks this question, what they really want to know is how much you know about their company, how this role fits into your ongoing career plan, how it will help you develop and challenge you and why the company appeals to you. Mentoring and coaching others. We hope that these five reasons have convinced you that Google is an amazing place to work. A very strange conversation with the chatbot built into Microsoft's search engine led to it declaring its love for me. I want to work in retail because I love improving every aspect of the customer experience. Nestled in the premise of the question Why do you want to work for us? is an assumption that, for many who trudge along to job interviews, is erroneous in the first place. Theyll be able to dig into your answer to why Google? and other relevant questions, while asking follow-up questions that help you hone in on your interview skills. It's also worth noting that, because of Google's massive size and reach, employees often have the opportunity to work on interesting and innovative projects that can make a real difference in the world. Interviews are extraordinary phenomena in this sense. Although this answer may be correct, it wont make you stand out to a hiring manager. Example #1: That is an important question. This is why it is always better to include small personal details about yourself in the context of answering questions on motivations to . It seems so simple, but the way that it learns our preferences throughout the day to adjust the temperature in our house as needed is truly innovative. If you are looking for a place where you can enjoy coming to work every day, then Google is your place. Our writers answer some of the commonest queries, Of all the questions flung your way during the stultifying horror that is a job interview, the question whose premise most seductively invites you to lie is: Why do you want to work for us? The question bats its eyelids as soft jazz filters in from the background. 17 answers. Avoid vague answers, "The job sounds interesting". Spend some time researching the company and select a few key factors to incorporate into your answer to demonstrate that you are a good fit. Example: I love that Google is always creating new devices and apps. Despite what even some Google engineers may tell you, chatbots like OpenAI's ChatGPT or Microsoft's new Bing bot, which apparently calls itself Sydney, aren't sentient or conscious. Sample Answer: I want to work for you because I believe in your mission. question? These questions test your knowledge, processes, and experience. Next, its time to try out your answer in an interview setting. e. And you'd get to work at a place called the Googleplex, where roaming goats mow the lawn. So, its essential you can effectively communicate why you are interested in the role and why you chose to apply in the first place. That's thanks, in part, to the company's "Talks At Google" program, which invites business leaders and other professionals to give speeches and lead discussions at the company's main office, the Googleplex. A great place to start is to do mock interviews with friends or peers. As a doctor, your role is to help people when they . Aim for a roughly 1-minute response. Give the interviewer brief insight into your role in this situation. During your Google interviews, you'll likely be asked "Why Google?" I love google maps. This is well above the median salary for workers in the United States, which is just over $50,000. Google makes it a priority to encourage innovation in their employees, something that is exemplified in their famous 20% policy (i.e.. employees are encouraged to spend 20% of their time on personal or creative projects). Why do you want to work for Google? Ralph Jones is a staff writer for ShortList magazine, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, Everyone is able to talk bollocks for a while but we are all conscious of our limits., f all the questions flung your way during the stultifying horror that is a job interview, the question whose premise most seductively invites you to lie is: Why do you want to work for us? 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