Regardless of their differences, what is clear is that kinam is a scent apart. Connoisseurs refine their senses and appreciation because thats how you evolve. Also, just like someone may adore their 1900 vintage Cabernet, sometimes box Zinfandel sparkles with its own charm! Ryugen was the first kyara stick I bought, it was the short box of mini sticks. Now what does that say about the theory that any tree of the Aquilaria or Gyriniops genera could potentially yieldKyara? These are obviously different methods, but its remarkable how true Kyara is to its name. The Japanese hold that kinam only originates in Vietnam, Hainan and parts of Cambodia while the Chinese have identified kinam in various other agarwood-growing regions. That's why I have a lot of Edps, EOs(essential oils), Agarwood, Oudh, Incense, Kyara, Sandalwood, perfume oils/attars, Musk, Ambergris, resins, etc. WebOne thing you do learn from ancient descriptions of kyara is the simplicity: kinam is bitter or smells like a monk. Cape May, NJ 08204, document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Scents of Earth LLC. Go to Hong Kong, Tokyo or Taipei to meet a kinam collector and smell what he calls kinam. Others believe that. Wishing all fellow oud lovers the opportunity to score a tiny bit of this oil. Irritable and edgy. I am new to incense, I would like to know the differences between these products. It is wrapped in Kinam notes that remind me of green Kinam. The majority of aldehydes have strong odours, varying in smell, with most of the lower molecular weight smelling rather bad (like rotten fruits), while some of the higher molecular weight aldehydes and aromatic aldehydes smell quite pleasant, thus being used in perfumery. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The damp note You have on at least 3 occasions accused him of false advertising. Same with Kunmeido's Kyara Tenchi: great aloeswood, nothing kyara-like to me. The amount of wood it takes to transmute into a single drop of oil is enough to keep you heating until youre well high and flying. WebAll the line of DI SER smells very very natural, and when I say natural I mean Botanical. I have some incredible Hainan Kinam skins that I burn Monkoh style quite regularly. WebTaylor Swift has collaborated with many different brands to create signature scents and a candle. Sore as hell and in pain. Meaning :Kyara means Bright, Famous. The sun glints off the Rocky Mountains, their iron musk mixes with mountain pine. blue kyara jack chaitman kyara language scent True Woodict Feb 6, 2023 #1 The potency and mesmerizing effects of this psychoactive blissful meditative vibe and aroma is justifying the price of this oil, easy! or Aquilaria agallocha andis a very popular ingredient in Japanese incense and is often used in traditional Chinese, Unanai, Ayurvedic, and Tibetan medicine. Kyararemains a mystery to this day even for the most seasoned collectors of vintagekyarachips. Lol, For me even without smelling Kyara i know i would prefer say high quality woods mainly due to the cost! Kyara is a particular odor described as A gentle and dignified smell with a touch of bitterness. Yes, I have bits of some of your other high-end oils, and of course they are spectacular, but Kyara seems to isolate and intensify the most exquisite possible scent elements of the most exquisite Vietnamese oils and present them in a single oil. Also have some White Kinam from Ensar on the kyara heater. Just so as many people as possible get to try it. While everyone is unsure about its origin and how exactly it gets produced, theres no mystery about what kyara smells like. Now now, everyone takes a deep breath, calms down and takes a step back. They are worth every single penny. Some believe kinam is purely a marketing gimmick. For coffee like notes, there's an offering by Shunkohdo, Houshou, which reminds me of spicy and smoky chocolate coffee, and Wabi-Sabi by Awaji Baikundo, which is pretty hard to explain other than it also smells like roasted chicory and coffee. Others believe that one mans kinam is simply anothers sinensis. You can spend ten years reading charts that compare Borneo oud to Cambodian oud, and still be none the wiser. IfKyarais a unique, ultra rare species of Aquilaria tree that only grows in Vietnam, as Baieido maintains, then aKyaratree is aKyaratree irrespective of whether it contains anyKyara, just as an apple tree remains an apple tree even if it never bears a single apple. The truth is, while kyara is made out to be a mystery, its not. Kyara shape-shifts somewhat and with time different facets of kyara/kinam and different origins come out.Rasoul/ Canada, So I applied a dot of Kyara became totally zoned out, remembered I still havent eaten (dangerous following a workout), and then I learned something dont apply Kyara while you are waiting for your naan bread to warm up in the grill youll forget all about it and the naan will burn and set your smoke alarms off. But if someone with more experience and a deeper appreciation for nuance identifies differences, that doesnt mean he makes things up. Lisa smells like new books. There are several types of kyara. It's a special agarwood, wonderful when heated, transcendental when used in an incense stick. The yardstick that gets branded into your minds nose after drinking one too many cups of kinam tea, chewing one too many cuts of chinan, and lighting up way too many of those Hainan skins. To me it soars higher than agarwood into a crisp, clear blue sky and I cant help but follow it. A swipe of Kyara hits you with the whole shebang; the kyara top notes as you take your first whiff and feel that lingering cool flush through your nasal; the kinamic prickle as your taste buds feast on the smell. Klee smells burnt (because she plays with bombs) Jean smells like flowers. Talk about a real superfruit! Kyara is directly translated from Japanese , (which may or may not be the same as what is known as in Chinese), probably one of the most prestigious oud in the East. JavaScript is disabled. In many cases, the smell is If that process is already in motion and we harvest the tree before theKyaraoleoresin has solidified, is not the essential oil currently amassing inside the trunk and slowly thickening and hardening into that oleoresin,Kyaraessential oil?If you say not, does that not entail thatKyarais only a type of wood, which is made up of undistillable hard resin that is chemically completely unrelated to the essential oil that collected and amassed into that resin over a period of many decades? It reminds me of Westerners who argue about the difference between sushi and sashimi. Alhamdulillah, I have had the good fortune to sample some of the best ouds from the far corners of the earth, and, clearly, Kyara is not from this world.Faisal / USA, This AM the day got started with a gentle and small application of Kyara. If theothertheory is true, andKyarais indeed the fruit of a unique combination of events which may take place in any type of Aquilaria or Gyrinops tree, then my original question still remains unanswered. Chat or message us now. Game over oil. Kyara is green and medicinal, with a slightly bitter herbal bite and This is surrounded by delicate natural notes of Japanese Rose, sandalwood, patchouli and hinoki (Japanese cedar) . Kyara Enju/Kyara Kokoh.Rasoul / Canada, Kyara is a whole other level. Just how I like my Aloeswood. A spring breeze across the Japanese countryside. Cervical cancer: Symptoms can include a strong, bad-smelling discharge. Seriously, how far will this get you? Great balanceto it. Today, Ranjatai belongs to the Royal family of Japan. This and Royal Kynam are simply the finest oud oils Ive ever smelled. it must mean people are making stuff up. WebIts pieces like these that I recognise as kyaratheir smell when burned, their taste when chewed, the mouth numbing sharpness of their GREEN. The wood is extremely rare and often very difficult to obtain, as well as being quite expensive. The scent is beautifully distinct and exquisitely rare; the golden tip at the top of the oud pyramid, regardless of the country its found in. Kinam is massively hyped and marketed Ive gotten slack for this myself (I guess people dont read my blog enough) and the result is a cloud of confusion. You can order four unique kinds right now and know more than anyone stuck in them charts will in a decade speculating about what this bitter note is theyre talking about. It is the most complete and accurate kyara note in oud oil. I do think some kinam oils greatly resemble it. What responsibilities do technicians have? It reminds me of Westerners who argue about the difference between sushi and sashimi. Press J to jump to the feed. Maybe even more interesting in a certain way than the Nha Trang, because of Kyaras jungle memories. Here is a link to a post comparing Ryugen and Chokoh no 5: Were in 2020 folks. It gets more tricky when you hear that kinam doesnt even need to be agarwood! Then, take a swipe of Kyara. If you havent, and you got your kinam from Facebook vendors or online circles swapping little splinters of kyara then chances are youre still in the dark about what kinam is all about. Yes, I have purchased many oils from him. Kyara Saiko). And they dont flaunt it. In fact as I mentioned, this plantation Kinam is amazing in its own way considering the short inoculation period and the generated scent profile. According to the logic of not naming oils save according to their generic characteristics, using such terms as Supreme and Ateeq and Sulaiman in naming oud oils ought to be deemed equally misleading and dishonest. I overall prefer the oils, but it is fun to swipe these oils and burn the wood and listen to both at the same time. You can spend ten years reading charts that compare Borneo oud to Cambodian oud, and still be none the wiser. Nha Trang is rather linear in the most beautiful minimalistic way. Many people report a particular scent appearing around this time of year; some describe it as melancholy, while others associate it with more pleasant harvest-type smells. Its been longer since I burned Ryugen, but I remember it as being more about the wonderful wood than anything else. Nor does Brunei kinam smell like any other strand of Brunei agarwood, much like Borneo kinam stands above any other local agarwood species. From that point on, incense would become an important facet of Japanese culture.Incense is used for a variety of purposes, including Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The best quality is Kyara, which comes in four types: Green, Iron, Purple, and Black. Visit Baieido or Shoyeido and buy their kinam. Its the exquisite olfactory uniformity and kinamic warmth Ive tried to capture in my Guallams, my Hailams, my Chiem Po Chais, even my Borneosand New Guineas. He didnt warn me that it came with a side of knafeh fresh out the oven. Its scent. Thats why kyara discussions often read like philosophy lectures, and why it makes for a great marketing hook to cash in on the confusion. Kyara was distilled six years ago. There is a rusted iron/alloy workshop scent that is both odd and yet enjoyable. I have been waiting for any kind of clarity on this, you are the first to deliver. That youre reading this means youre into a niche within a niche within a niche. And then, like magic, once I found it, I found I couldn't 'unsmell' it and go back to the innocence of the stick being simple. But this oil is old and I confirmed with Ensar whatI am smelling is part of the wood and not process or matter of age. It is far from clear, given the amount of conflicting definitions ofKyaraamong artisans, hobbyists, incense manufacturers, agarwood hunters, million-dollarKyaracollection owners, and other enthusiastsjust what exactlyKyarais, where it originates, what triggers its formation, how it can be accurately identified. No one else was bound to agree with me or believe me. So if at all possible, try some Kyara. Scent of such grade of wood on low heat is prettier and more easy to understand but there is a case for its high heat smoking scent too. On the surface, it looks like nobody has a clue. Chokoh for an intoxicating experience, and Rufen for a mysterious and accessible experience. I heated some lovely purple kinam last night, and also spent some time smelling the raw wood after freshly shaving my heater qty off it - very beautiful smell indeed - I agree LC that it is soul stirring.. Welli would say the green note is just one facet of the Kyara total scent profile and in totality, the smell from those oils are hardly an exact representation of a heated kyara sliver. Edited: Certainly, from my very broad forays into trying everything that comes my way, expense does dictate the rarity and grade of materials, but if there's something I try to keep in mind when the siren's call strikes, is that I can fully enjoy 'cheaper' ingredients if they are blended expertly, and sometimes there's beauty in enjoying the straightforward stuff and burning with more abandon. We use cookies to deliver you the best experience possible. There are many stories about aloeswood being buried under the ground for hundreds of years. Kinam is hard to find if you dont know where. Some claim that the chemical make up ofkyarais different to other types of agarwood. Some even get hung up about the sinensis distinction, without having smelled either kinam OR sinensis. Sholayer Sugar Lychee Sholayer Body Spray. Kyara defines what I do and Kyara is not only as close to kyara an oud oil can get, but one that takes you beyond the wonder of the wood into the labyrinth wonderland of oud oil where red kinam smells green smells purple smells more, all at once. Thats why we offer avaried collection of kinam granules that covers both schools. But one will be a brain surgeon, the next one an opthalmologist, yet another a psychiatrist. The Kyara Kit lets you smell for yourself why the Chinese have a strong case for saying kinam isnt limited to Vietnam alone. You can order any of our kinam (Vietnam,Brunei, or this Borneo)right nowand know more than anyone stuck in them charts will in a decade speculating about what this bitter note is theyre talking about. It has been brought up time and again that using the term Kyarain naming oud oils is misleading and inappropriate. The truth is, while kyara is made out to be a mystery, its not. In my opinion, all of Minoriens incenses are great and the Ryugen is like an upgraded version of the aloeswood and kyara. Or the occasions I need its calming and centering presence. I encourage oud heads to secure .3 grams of this oil for it is unlike anything else. As an example, Qi Nam Khmer did not smell likekyara, but it was the rarest Cambodian profile I have experienced to date. NEW YORK I never knew I could like a smell called cheesy vomit until I visited the Museum of Food and Drink.. If we look at the cherry tree simile, it would seem to indicate that akyaratree could qualify as akyaratree no matter whether it contained anykyaraor even any degree of infection: A cherry tree doesnt need to bear fruit in order to be classified as a cherry tree. Intense but smooth. It was as if time stood still. During our 2017 KinamFest, we did a blind test. Definitely worth a try for any Ouddict. At that level, there is nothing really better, just different. Its good to also burn one stick at a time and maintain a steady burn routine so your nose learns to work around that acrid smell. I wont blame you if you disagreeour skin chemistries are different. Enough with the charts and ancient descriptions. It took me months and months to be able to find joy in sub $700 oils. And you spend your very life trying to echo its smell again and again as your thoughts verge on the artistic abyss and OCD is as much a blessing as it is a curse. Dimension of? Duringthe 2017 OudFest, we did a blind test. Soulstirring. All I can say is, people who havent tried these oils are missing out on what oud oil is all about and what it does to your mind. Just take a whiff of each and youll know! I thought I could help you but the funny thing is that I consulted my notes and my notes on this said that I should revisit it later because I wasn't catching the kyara. Ranjatai can be seen there every 10 or 15 years. The Japanese hold that kinam only originates in Vietnam, Hainan and parts of Cambodia while the Chinese have identified kinam invarious other agarwood-growing regions. Regal. It's just another lovely piece of Agarwood with a few more special notes. Now if they are totally unrsponsive to inquiries post sale, say after 72 hours without any reply, that's when I'd say it's a bit unnerving -. Like someone may adore their 1900 vintage Cabernet, sometimes box Zinfandel sparkles with what does kyara smell like own charm one..., which comes in four types: green, iron, Purple and. Like Borneo kinam stands above any other strand of Brunei agarwood, when... 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