How beautiful. I want to thank Sanaya for the work she must have had to do, day in and day out, the chop wood and carry water type of work she must have had to persevere in to be able to channel so powerfully such a powerful message. Those books and the energy from them have been like old friends all these 34 years! Sanaya's books started me on my path of expanding my awareness. I have studied metaphysics for years. I don't have to say what a magnificent light she was, because you all know that, and she still is. I thought I am getting crazy. Your meditations are fantastic! The cause of his death is still unknown at this time. Thank you for all youve done, and for all that you do. The person who helped me begin my connection with my guides and my higher self 30 years ago . That's when I saw the news of Sanaya's passing. Acknowledged. She is magnificent. People said that you were gone, / But how can that be, when you're always with me? Within a few short months, I read the other books and then started on a journey to go through many of the audiobooks and training programs. I have her/Orin to thank for my sanity because from that first day of reading, I felt like I was home. I did the Spirit of Peace meditation with a group on New Year's Eve, and felt the presence of a great light there with us. Ho' Oponopono / I love you. If I can do what she did for just a few people a day, how amazing that can be. In all of his courses you are guided to connect with your true Self, the innermost part of your being, and work with this Self to transform your life. Since 2020, we have a daily meditation on spiritual growth using Orin and DaBen meditation books, we are currently listening to Chanelling series audiobooks. I can still tune into it and be replenished. The books and the work have been life changing. What a blessing! Some play Thaddeus' music to create a calm, peaceful space in their home throughout the day. Doing only what came easily, / And got caught up in the illusions you so often warned about. More than ever I feel ready to contribute to changing consciousness on the planet with all that I have learned and become doing transformational work with Orin's meditation courses. However when I tuned in, there was purely peace and love. I learned to cope by asking the Universe to allow me to keep the light of his pure love and pure joy in my heart to inspire me to become a better person every day. But I wanted to tell you that Sanaya-Orin and Duane-DaBen have been, are and will be probably the most significant relationships (I cant find another word) that I could have ever imagined having in this lifetime. I started looking for everything I could absorb related to Sanaya and Orin. I have tremendously benefitted from their teachings. May your memory be a blessing. I am also grateful for Duane's contribution to my spiritual evolution, as well for each and everyone else's contribution to this work. My heart feels so many things with Sanaya's passing, but mostly an expansive feeling of hope, joy, celebration, and freedom. I recently discovered Sanya's books and plan to study them this year as I awoke! I was so taken aback. From then on I began to try to learn and try to connect to my soul. Your contribution to the world and all the beings you touched with your loving crystal clear bright voice and light is universal, my most profound prayers for you and family, thank you for the rainbows you taught us to build, may the bliss and love of the father and mother carry you for eternity. Read more about Sanaya and Orin's teachings at Sanaya Roman Paperback | January 17, 1993 $23.95 Online Not available in stores add to cart Channeling is a skill that can be learned. I listened to her tapes on the subway for many years on my way to work and they really helped pave the way for me, bringing in light and awareness of other opportunities. Her audios with Orin have changed my life and brings me closer to Gods, heaven and my inner self every time I listen. May all the light and blessings you have shared and given so generously come back to you multiplied. For some reason the authors name had completely been forgotten. (It is still so weird to me I didn't find it earlier). Which is why we are here, to express who we really are the Love, Light, Peace, Harmony, and lovely energies that we are! I do this to let her spirit know that I appreciate everything that she has done for me. Plaster funerary mask of a woman from Roman Egypt, 2 nd century AD, via The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Defence barrister Chris Dane QC argued the evidence of the mother's postnatal depression . I didnt think I was worthy enough to work with Sanaya or Duane in person, but Ive been thinking lately that I would like to make the effort to do so. I read Personal Power Through Awareness in 1994. I have a lump in my throat as I prepare to undertake a New Years day worldwide meditation. Maybe with all of the Awakening Your Light Body people out there she finally got around to me. " You came to develop an open heart. I am so grateful for all your love and teachings you shared with world. Dear light family. That book irreversibly changed my life for the better. Another time I was approaching the front of the room, where many of us were giving brief testimonials to our experiences with a course. And now and then I have deep joyful moments without a reason! You came into my life in a very turbulent time and pulled me up into the light showing me a higher way of being and living. I am feeling your eternal love towards all beings while I am writing this. Roman. I find solutions and see the meaning behind it. It was the first time ever I sensed the energy from the book. For me, to dedicate ones life to be the best transmitter of Light for others is to truly love. I thought what will I do now. Thank you, Sanaya. Much gratitude and gratefulness to you Sanjaya and the all of thr Light beings. 23 years. My heartfelt gratitude goes to you both for your gift to me and your love. From the very beginning I felt attracted to the energies of Orin and DaBen from the Light Body. I am especially grateful to have been able to make the trip to spend time meditating in person. I hope you enjoy your time here, and come back often. A genuine life that was made possible by You and Orin and Duane and DaBen. Then came Awakening Your Light Body (thank you Duane and DaBen too, of course) and everything changed. Thank you Sanaya and Orin. I am deeply saddened by the passing of Sanaya. We all benefited from her following her calling. I felt much sadness and unsettledness, and then love and gratitude for her. I thought I was losing my mind until I connected through books and meditations, it put things into perspective and filled in the gaps. I have benefitted in countless ways through your work in the world. On the physical plane I mourn Sanayas passing from the earth plane. Sanaya getting her work out to the world made it possible to reach me and many others who were searching for the light. Sanaya, thank you for all you did for us. I think it might literally be so. Jesse Amoroso, a friend of the woman's family, recalled working with Lindsey and her father Ed Roman in their store. I can hear her voice in my meditations as Orin continues to transmit a bright light and higher energies. The few times she decided to channel Orin during the seminar remains one of my fondest memories of the in-person seminars. Now, not only was I ready, I became voracious in my need to study and expand. Still not sure why she transitioned when she did, but forever grateful and thankful, that someone or some entity decided that I should be aware of this work. Thank You. The impact of the Light Body work has been profound in my life. You can listen to Thaddeus' music samples in the Thaddeus Music Listening Room. Congratulated. But I know she is now in heaven and her light energy will be always with us. I never personally met Sanaya but I have read (and re-read) her books with Orin and I have completed many Orin courses and Orin meditations. Learning today of Sanaya's transition has made me feel like a part of a community in a way that I hadn't realized before, because I don't know what my life would be like had I not bought Creating Money when buying books on financial wellness at amazon one day in 2004. Blessings. I cannot even begin to imagine what my life would have been like without that wisdom. Orin's words express only a fraction of what I am experiencing. It is not often that you read a book and you see the world differently after, but such was the energy in those words carried through translation into the core of peoples that were ready for them. When Im down, confused or lacking clarity, I go to the website for affirmations, re-read the books, order or revisit a meditation series. Through gentle guidance, I was directed to you and Sanayas beautiful work. My daily life is full of beauty, friendships, joy, and abundance now. I am so immensely grateful! I still have moments of anxiety or self loathing, but they are fleeting compared to those of yesteryear that would put me in a catatonic state for days on end. I am still learning, and growing through your work. Much love, gratitude and blessings always. Her presence is as strong and clear and masterful as it ever was. I found so many great friends/fellow light body workers as a result, my light body family. Its amazingly wonderful to watch people transform in ways great and small during our hour together. He says that he now "lives" on the soul plane and in even higher realms. You will always be a part of my life! I don't know what your plans are but it would be wonderful if there would be a forum/platform where we students can contact each other. I recently felt an urge to reach out and thank Sanaya but saw she had passed. It is an honor to have been able to hold a loving space through the years, while reading the books, doing the meditations, listening to Thaddeus music, or just being with the inspiring artwork on your website. Her book Lliving With Joy was for me a bible, a starting point of something I believed so strongly in my twenties: transformation through joy is possible. Through his audio journeys and books, Orin wants to assist you in making a connection to your soul and higher self, in getting your work out to the world, and in creating abundance. I was in my early adolescence around the time when the first few books of Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer were published. Real World Data. Sanaya emanates gentleness, deep understanding and unconditional love and acceptance for me which is profoundly healing. I got to know you "by chance", after having asked for years and years, until you finally arrived. Both are important. I took it as a vital message to always remember and keep in consciousness, more important than it might seem on the surface. I definitely hold a space of love for Sanaya and I know that she is holding a space for us. I feel her everlasting Love and Joy. I was really happy to receive it. I first "met" Sanaya and Orin in the 90s in Prague, the Czech Republic. With our sensing abilities more aware, expanded, and precise it is such a gift to be aware of Sanaya and Orin in even more of their fullness and the beauty of Light more fully then ever with Sanayas shift. Sanaya was a sister that I never met in person, but through her timeless channelings and books she gave me the ability to see her right now in my hearts eye smiling and saying, "Thank you all for bringing much more Light and Love to your own lives as well as to the world." All of Orin's work assists people in unfolding their potential, finding their inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. Michael Hetherington 4.78K subscribers 12K views 5 years ago A quick video reviewing the book and. Sanaya Roman considers herself merely a medium for Orin, "a wise and gentle spirit teacher" she has been channeling for many years. Beforehand I was dabbling, but nothing focused until I got started with her and then when Duane and she were co-teaching the first Light Body Classes. Thus you and your work have been my guiding light for these many years. Words alone cannot express how grateful I am. It is a very powerful moment when we do so. Dearest Sanaya, you and Orin hold up the sky and open the heavens for me, for all of us. We have been holding a space with candles, Orin Meditations and prayer for Sanaya since we learned, yesterday. With love. Nakupujte knihy online. You could feel the evolution of their approach to Orins meditations over the years, which matched the evolution of all of us who have been their students. When I learned that while Sanaya no longer taught in-person classes, she still attended the Lightbody seminars, I did what I thought a real fan would do, which was to sign up for the next LB seminar. She has changed my life and brought such wisdom to me through her channeling. Sanaya and Orin continue with us beautifully! Type in keyword or product # In doing the Jewel Body meditations I can feel her as the human channel of Orin as well as the other dimensional Master she now is. Her book Spiritual Growth is my bible, always right on my nightstand. I thought about my own project that I am beginning to release to the world and about the insecurities I feel (yes I still have some number 10 issues!). And thats because these are the worlds glamours. You chose to be in all the circumstances that closed your heart in the past. I have taken the books and journeys with me to give me comfort in different places, sometimes in nature but mostly they stay next to me by my bedside. I have been into Orin and DaBens work for many years and first came across the Spiritual Growth book when I went for a clairvoyant reading at a market in Beautiful Glenelg (beach), Australia. Next I would meet my soul, the Ray Lords Of The Great Bear, Pole Star, spirit guides, fairies, over soul, devas, the monad, my light body and many other planetary star beings. An acquaintance of mine mentioned her book (living with joy) to me and I immediately felt my forehead twitch. I have books, CDs, tapes filled with Divine Will studies and other wonderful work that means the world to me. I am sending much love and blessings to beloved Sanaya, her family, and Duane. With Divine Love of Light. Thinking of your loved ones and holding all of us in Light. I will see you all again in the soul plane:'-). We are all so blessed! When I first came into contact with the Awakening your Light Body course I felt so much light, like there were infinite possibilities to my life and not the forcibly 'only way'. Ive thought for some time about sharing a few unforgettable subtle experiences Sanaya gave to me. Ive done so many journeys with her and Orin. I felt unbelievable with the news on the website. I did not know your transition till 16 Jan 2022, but I have been listening to your books and meditation all this while. Americk spisovatelka Sanaya Roman vystudovala metafyziku a je autorkou nkolika knih zabvajcch se duchovn silou. When I heard the message of Sanaya's passing, I was surprised and saddened at first, but I quickly felt peaceful and understood that Sanaya has fulfilled her mission in her earth life and her blessing will always be here with us. Sanaya created so much good in the world and on the inner planes. Playing back and forth with the energies is effective, and again wise and loving. Orin has an important message about the Path of Self-Realization he is offering. Even the unburied had a festival . I have found everything I experienced with the material I bought contained the highest forms of light and integrity. Thank you so much and I wish you a wonderful journey. She spent so much time in meditation, today probably feels like just getting up from the other side of the bed! It contains true spirituality; underscores the channeling process with words of love, encouragement and empowerment; and eliminates unfounded fears. Deep gratitude and love to Sanaya. I say thank you, a thousand times over, for the beautiful work of Sanaya and Orin and Duane and DaBen. So I keep coming back. Love and Light. It is hard to believe so many years have passed since I first came to know Sanaya/Orin. Sending love from Berlin. I did not have the privilege to know her personally but it is many years that her books and records on the website are my companion in my home in Jerusalem, Israel. The clarity, precision and fullness of your channeling has been awe-inspiring. She was married to her third husband, William Ross Wilson, until her death in 1999. I was thrilled to find the new Jeweled Vehicle course offer from Orin. Thank you, Sanaya and Orin for lifting us up in so many precious ways. The work of Sanaya and Orin, Duane and DaBen has been important to me since 1997, when I began studying the Light Body Courses in England. How lucky we are to have her readings and meditations to sustain us in our life. I visited the website to join the new years worldwide peace meditation and learned of Sanayas passing. I was saddened to hear of her passing into her next journey. The voice of Sanaya has always been a blessing in assisting me with understanding and assimilating easily the frequencies, energy waves in the different spaces and dimensions that we traveled to in each of our sessions. After I was introduced to Sanayas work, I began to understand her message of higher dimensions. Im so grateful and humbled to have had you in my life in this lifetime. I just wanted to send my condolences to Sanaya's family and Duane for your loss. Melbourne toddler Sanaya Sahib, whose body was found dumped in a creek last week, has been remembered as a "little princess" at her funeral in Melbourne's south-east. But I kept in mind, of course, the high energy level she had shown me. Ruth Roman, 75, who starred opposite Gary Cooper and Errol Flynn and survived the Andrea Doria wreck at sea, died Sept. 9 at her home here. I feel closer than ever to you. It is hard for me to accept that I will not be seeing Sanayas radiant presence in the flesh. He was my rock and my superstar during this introductory phase. Thank you, Sanaya. When I heard you had passed I was shocked and saddened, but then I got quiet and connected as the website had suggested and I felt love, happiness, and saw you moving on to the next part of your journey. I thank her from the bottom of my heart for her life's work. I felt immense happiness for her knowing that she is in a much better place. In Light and Love. Sanaya Roman has been channeling Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for over 25 years. Discover Book Depository's huge selection of Roman Sanaya books online. Until we meet again. Sending my Love to Duane and those that loved her. The background music on the Orin journeys is by Thaddeus, an angelic being who brings his music to you through me. I feel so blessed to be able to teach this program and witness the continued awakening in my students as a result of what you have brought into the world. I have, time and again, come back to you, / Or you have come back to me. Love and light to you Duane and to the wonderful work you and Sanaya bring and have brought to all of us! The energy shooting up instantly spoke to me. I know this is true for you also, Duane. Her Mission accomplished. I'm especially grateful for the way Sanaya modeled living as a soul-infused personality and modeled how to bring light to the world. Previously I was struggling financially, was 35 pounds overweight, and very unsure of my ability to create a world that worked for me. I feel very blessed and grateful for finding your work: Sanaya's book literally fell from the top shelf in a library onto my head :) Your work and light have completely changed the course of my life. She is very well loved here and above. Seeing a fog coming out of pages. I first came in contact with Sanaya and Orin's work in August 2021. . You may find even deeper meaning in Orins quotes with the energy of Sanayas blessings as you focus on your connection to the higher planes and your shifts from your growth. It is with a deep . Suddenly, my hands were guided to play chords and notes I could now hear with my inner ears. I was so shocked that Sanaya sailed away Home. Orin says that everyone drawn to his work is a teacher, leader, and healer, even if they are not yet aware of it. I had a feeling Sanaya was no longer in a physical body, which made me very sad, but somehow I had missed the news. I am eternally grateful and trust Sanaya and Orins bright lights will continue on and reach even higher energies and healing to the LuminEssence community and world. Needless to say, I read all of Sanaya and Duanes books. Orin is aware of every soul that reaches him through his words, either spoken or written. I am forever grateful for Sanaya and Duane for the profound work and contribution they have made in this incredible time on the planet. Your communications on the inner planes are greatly appreciated. I attended church and tithed and sowed financial seeds into ministries that fed me spiritually. Sanayas Opening to Channel book started my spiritual journey and the teachings of Orin and DaBen brought light into my life. I found the book, Spiritual Growth after losing my father who I was very close to and moving to another country. All the best to you in love and light, I have gone through so many things, passed so many trials and thorn-covered-paths, and your voice was the only thing that guided me to the light and salvation. I hope you enjoy! That is Love as I see it. Duane have loved when you shared that the best and most accurate way to communicate is by the energy, so have been doing that since becoming aware of Sanayas transition to extend support and whatever would assist, and in many other times as well. Her contribution to my life is unmeasurable. She did that for so many people. Sanaya Roman Born in The United States December 02, 1949 Died December 28, 2021 Website Genre Spirituality, New Age Influences Jane Roberts, Alice Bailey, Joel Goldsmith edit data Sanaya Roman channeled Orin, a wise and gentle spirit teacher, for many years. World to me and your work have been able to make the to! Unsettledness, and come back sanaya roman cause of death you through me me through her.... 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