Emma, infuriated at her presence, moves to confront the witch, but is held back by Mary Margaret. I am light. Language: English. The group rest for the night, though Emma is still worried their search for Henry is taking too long. Hook offers her some rum and asks how she got the map to work, which Emma briefs that she just followed Pan's instructions. Henry wishes to know the day's events and after being filled in, he realizes the Frankenstein story is not a fairytale nor does it exist as in the storybook. With the curse nearing, Emma agrees, on her parents' requests, to lock them into separate cells, and Mary Margaret relinquishes Neal into her protection. It's a wonderfull thing. It smashes, and between the broken glass and wet flowers, she finds an audio spying device. ("The Price of Gold"), Heading into Any Given Sundae, Emma prepares to buy cherry vanilla ice cream for Henry when she is shocked to see Ingrid standing behind the counter. Before heading in, Emma talks about her worsening rapport with Regina, and understands that when she hurts someone, there's no way of getting the person back. After Arthur and Zelena retreat, Emma heals a cut on Hook's neck that he got from the sword. Emma helps to light a cannon as Neal releases the Shadow over it, firing the creature into the air, to which Regina projects it into a sail to fly everyone home. Enraged, Regina blasts fire at her, but ends up burning away the ribbons. ("New York City Serenade"), David and Mary Margaret recount to Emma the last memories they have of the day Pan's curse was stopped and how everyone was presumably sent back to the Enchanted Forest, but they only remember waking up in Storybrooke like it was another regular day. In a deal, Emma agrees to return to Phoenix, if Cleo helps her get the file. Searching the apartment, Mary Margaret's "magical" touch yields the book. Inside the vehicle, they break open a freezer and uncover a newspaper clipping of when Pinocchio found Emma, as a baby, on the side of the road; proving the Snow Queen has been watching the savior from the start. Relating the dream she had, excluding the part where her mother died, she talks about possibly burning the names from the headstones. As Emma is flagged down by a police car, Neal helps her by telling the officer that she is driving his car. Relieved that her cover wasn't blown, Emma expresses gratitude to the girl for helping her while Lily suggests that they should team up. Emma notices a tripwire and stops him in his tracks by grabbing his arm. On return to the apartment, Emma allows Regina to attempt the heart split, but a barrier keeps Regina from taking out the heart. Minor Original Character (s) Regina Mills is the CEO of a company and the owner of a ranch in Sheridan, Wyoming. ("Lily"), Ending up in another group home in Richfield, Minnesota, Emma moves in, keeping her old camera as well as the footage of her time with Lily. Okay maybe Darkish!Regina (DarkGray!Regina), Companion piece to Incoming Messages: After two years of marriage, Regina has some big news for Emma, Just when you didn't think it would get more cracky.Were going to have another baby? Thorin asked, still looking more than a fair bit stunned. Pushed to her limit, Emma reveals it was the only way to free Merlin. Dr. Whales said, but all she did was shake her head and cry. Tinker Bell has knowledge of a powerful Black Fairy's wand that Mother Superior kept, so she, David, Hook and Neal go to retrieve it from the convent nuns. Since Emma proved she trusts him, Henry uses squid ink to remove the cuff, allowing her to get the dreamcatchers. Emma doesn't see how she still owes him anything since returning the favor. Having killed the Count to save David and Snow, Regina agonizes over what she did, but Emma offers support by saying she didn't have a choice since the Queen put her in that situation. Before I could stand up a nurse knocked on the door and then entered. Cora tries to ask about Henry, but Mary Margaret cuts her off. Luckily Regina has endless patience. However, he is uneasy at the sight of Regina's apple turnover on the counter. The Captain's Baby: A Once Upon a time Fanfic. After the weapon is made, Regina lures out Hyde, but Emma is distracted with the vision again, which keeps her from using the baton on Hyde. Before going home, Emma and Snow show their support for Regina as she faces the Evil Queen and kills her. Zelena, in disbelief that Hades is evil, encloses the town hall with a barrier, as she, the baby and Hades are inside. Henry believes what she believes, to which Emma agrees that her instincts are correct. Emma and David's search for Snow in the loft lead them to the woods, where David uncurses his wife with true love's kiss, only for himself to be affected by the curse once she is awake. Again, Hook makes a good guess that the drawings were just a way for the boys on the island to pass time, making Emma realize he knew Neal, when he was Baelfire, pretty well. ("Red-Handed"), Left little choice, Emma arrests and brings her into the sheriff department to begin taking mug shots. Henry reveals to his family that he found the Author's quill in the mansion and wanted to use it to revive Cruella because he wanted to absolve Emma's guilt over her death. Mary Margaret snaps a photo of her, to which Emma jokes that she needs to find her own apartment. One night, she rips out pages from a fairytale book and burns them in a trash can in an effort to keep warm. Shen Qingqiu howled, but the System conveniently fell silent and didnt respond no matter how many prompts Shen Qingqiu sent. Ok I'll let her know. Set at the end of season 2. Only after delivering it to the nuns for the counter spell, Elsa's duplicity is revealed. However, Robin only manages to have the car for eight minutes before Emma manages to find her and make her return to Storybrooke. Unable to keep it to herself, Emma spills her theorized idea to Mary Margaret that Tamara is the "her" August was talking about and even brings up the list she had. I saw her phone sitting on the counter, I grabbed it and started dialing Killian's number. He offers her insight about all fairytales being about transformation, such as the duckling turning into a swan, but Emma believes the duckling was always a swan without knowing it. After reviewing some paperwork left in the man's car, Emma sees that his name is Greg Mendell. She has suspicions that Mr. Gold may have kidnapped and held Kathryn hostage, but he plays off her claims. TV Shows Once Upon a Time. Ultimately, she lies to Mr. Gold; reporting that his son escaped. "Get out, get out now. Before the blonde can track him down, Maleficent switches sides, no longer trusting Mr. Gold since he only wanted the Author for his own interests. Emma looks to Hook for answers about Neal's weird behavior, to which he admits telling him about their kiss. After affirming her love to Hook, Emma allows the darkness to enter her body so she becomes the new Dark One before she vanishes into thin air. Emma talks about how eager she and Killian are to start this new adventure, while Henry assures her she will be a great mother to the baby, as she has been to him. Hook shares insight of Neal's talent passed down from his mother. "Killian, It's David, Emma is in labor and you need to get here right away. A burst of light shoots out of Emma's chest; knocking Cora unconscious. ("Firebird"), On return to Storybrooke and a brief reunion with her mother, Emma goes with David and Merida to track down an escaped King Arthur, whose corpse they find after Hades killed him. The festivities go smoothly, with Emma having a good time dancing with Hook, until Percival tries to murder Regina. When Mr. Gold suggests that destroying the crystal's magic will erase Storybrooke, Regina reluctantly allows Emma to join her after the latter provides a lead on Henry. She confesses fears about being lonely if Mary Margaret leaves because she considers her to be family. The next morning, Emma phones Regina, but she doesn't pick up, so Henry tries calling her instead. After a search, they do not find him, as Mr. Gold got to him first. Henry shows Emma a newspaper ad of a house Hook wants to move into with her. His grip on her loosens, to which she traps the giant in his own enclosure. Afterwards, Emma runs scans on the box for fingerprints. ("The Dark Swan"), In 1990, sometime after running away from her group home, Emma begins living on the streets. To this, Regina accuses Emma of assuaging her guilt over bringing back Marian. Emma allows them to meet, but she warns Neal not to hurt Henry like he did to her. She's still unsure whether having lunch with Neal is a good idea, but he helps Emma find out with a ride to Granny's. "Okay . She begins driving away when a man, Neal, surprises her by popping up from the backseat. "Ow, ow, ow, I can't do this.". When Killian implies he doesn't know how to live with his guilt, a tearful Emma angrily suggests he could've come to her for support so they could deal with the weight of the burden together. Through a text from Mary Margaret, Emma learns that Cora and Regina are after Mr. Gold's dagger, which prompts her to oust the weapon's location from him. Emma pities her, but doesn't intervene on Hook's warning that the future may be altered by changing the past. She tells Neal that Henry is still amnesiac and reasons it might be best that way. After a failed attempt to find the Dragon, she and Regina plan to trap the Queen within a mirror. After Henry leaves, Hook reveals his selfish decision to keep the shears because they were the only thing that could save Emma, even if she hated him for making a choice for her that she didn't want. She informs them about her and Hook's adventure to the past, and then asks for her brother's name. Emma coldly asserts that she would rather be alone and walks off. Whisked off to sheriff duty, Emma and David follow Cruella and Ursula to the pawnshop. Dr. Whale greeted us at the entrance like he was expecting us or something. It raised its hand and grasped a lock of Shen Qingqius hair in its spit-covered hand. She doesn't believe him and leads Regina out to the hallway for a talk. Emma appears in a photograph in "The Crocodile". ("A Curious Thing"), Emma follows her parents to the hospital delivery room where she and Regina cast a protection spell to shield them from Zelena. Surprisingly, Henry was eavesdropping and excitedly thinks he and Emma are "back in business". Emma looked up at me, "We got Killian, He just docked his ship and is trying to get here as fast as he can." David swims out to grab Emma, while Hook, Regina, and Mary Margaret work together to pull both of them up. I can't believe they're here. She attempts to run away that night, but Ingrid, foreshadowing her actions, convinces her to stay by revealing Kevin's fear of spiders and where in her desk she keeps rubber ones. Together, they investigate the farmhouse cellar, which is now mysteriously open. She then exits to be alone. ("Firebird"), Sometime after Cleo's death, in 2010, Emma becomes a bails bondsperson and tracks down Cleo's daughter, Tasha, and gives her collected information about her birth mother. She and Ruby head there to come across a delirious and bleeding David. [3], Unsure whether their child will be good or evil, Snow White and Prince Charming touch the horn of a unicorn to glimpse their baby's future. Mary Margaret insists that she has been framed. She consults with Mr. Gold for a permanent solution to be rid of her magic, and he presents her with a spell capable of this feat. With her and Regina's combined magic, the group break out and run for the portal. I walked over to her and sat next to her rubbing her back. The next morning, Mr. Gold asks for Emma's help in tracking down Ashley, who broke into his shop, and disappeared. Then, they realize Mulan made off with the compass and catch up to her. After drinking it, she passes out and awakens to find herself bound up. As Emma leaves, Ingrid watches her with a saddened expression. The girl barely manages to mentions Hook when a hellhound, Cerberus, approaches them, prompting Emma to teleport all three of them to the Underworld version of her parents' apartment. Emma and Graham head back to the station (Emma needed an ice pack to stop the facial swelling that Regina's punch gave her) where they share another kiss. Emma admits she is still unsure if she is the person she wants to be now, but knows her belief is enough to carve out her own destiny. Emma finds it suspicious Kathryn didn't discover her husband's whereabouts until now, but lets it slide. Emma doesn't really mind the way Regina bosses her around or how she always seems to be so tactile around her, but theres always the unanswered question of what are they to each other? However, Henry is not in the booth and Emma deducts that he ran off since his backpack is gone as well. To gain his trust, Emma pretends to sympathize by declaring that she thinks Mary Margaret is her own mother. Noticing ice tracks on the ground, she and Hook follow the trail to a warehouse. Liam finds the book, with Hades' story torn out, leading Emma to suspect he took the pages. He started walking out and looked back at me, but I pointed at the door. Noticing the time spell is activated, they investigate the portal and are sucked into the past Enchanted Forest. On the journey back to Tinker Bell's tree house, Emma settles the rivalry between Hook and Neal by stating the only person she is choosing is Henry. Unfortunately, it backfires when Henry eats it instead to prove a point and slips into a coma. It hurts but readableSlow burn as in the feelings were there, but the burn came at the last half of the story. It was my dad. Emma offers Mary Margaret the option of taking her car and leaving for Boston or going back to the jail. Suddenly, it plays footage, which Emma doesn't remember, of herself in a new foster home as a boy toys with the camera. Though Emma thinks of this world as her and Henry's home, her parents see the Enchanted Forest as theirs. Out the blue, Emma asks Neal would he go back to the Enchanted Forest if there was a way. From this, Regina suggests the key to breaking the curse is for Henry to believe in magic as Emma did. The final Once Upon a Time fanfiction with Emma and Hook is another very popular story with nearly 40,000 hits. Though Emma wants to go after him, David insists they stay on track. ("Beauty"), Sometime during when Zelena's daughter Robin is older, she steals the yellow bug in the hopes of driving it to New York. That's what she thought until Duusu presented her with the unimaginable. When she confronts Liam, Hook believes she is villainizing his brother so he'll feel less guilty about his own actions, and that they still have a future together. She sneaks past Jefferson, who is sharpening a pair of scissors, and discovers Mary Margaret in a separate room. He has other ideas, however, and kisses her. Though Ruby has a difficult time finding a job, Emma recognizes that she has a knack for answering phones and hires her as an assistant. If you ship CaptainSwan then check out this book. Congratulations! In it, Emma is stabbed by the enemy, an end that the Oracle warns will happen, no matter what path she takes to get there. She breaks down in tears over not even having the chance to let him know how angry that made her or how much it hurt when he left, and the fact she never stopped loving him since he reentered her life. While being taken away by David and Hook, Hyde admits noticing Emma's hand tremor and suggests she come to him if she wants to know more. Each contain happy memories both women have shared with Ingrid, who believes by returning them, they will love her. During a one-on-one fight between the two brothers, David tries to calm down James by insisting he wants to help him move on. I remember not long after I was pregnant with my first I babysat for my friend's son. From behind, Emma is shoved out of the way by a vengeful Hook, who then stabs Mr. Gold. Pregnant Evil Queen | Regina Mills. After Regina defeats the fury and the townspeople are having a night out at the diner, Emma watches from across the street before leaving. When their boat docks at the lair entrance, Emma goes in alone, while Mr. Gold and Milah stay behind. ("Unforgiven"), Learning from her parents that Regina has gone undercover to infiltrate the villains' plans, Emma becomes increasingly worried when she does not report back. Then, he bites into the turnover and collapses. Emma tasks herself with finding a portal to take the Arendelle natives home, but has no leads until Hook, seemingly with Mr. Gold's help, discovered a realm door in a mansion. This article focuses on a character who holds the title of "Savior".For the other characters who held this title, see Saviors.For the Season Five episode, see "The Dark Swan".For the Season Six episode, see "The Savior". Follow/Fav Baby Fever. She feigns fatigue and excuses herself downstairs, where Rumplestiltskin goads her about liking the magic, especially since the kiss did nothing for her skin. While her husband sees his infant daughter in a basket, Snow White sees her teenage daughter in a pink gown. West. Awkwardly, Emma excuses herself. Maleficent agrees to an alliance if Emma locates her daughter, Lilith. Emma is almost sucked in, but Neal pulls her up. At some point after this, Regina gives her a box of potions to aid in possibly breaking David and Snow's joint curse, which Emma stores in her shed. ("The New Neverland"), Mr. Gold shares with everyone of the only viable way to stop Pan's curse is for Regina, as the original caster of the Dark Curse, to undo it by destroying the scroll, though there will be a steep price for this. , The only person who knew is gone and, after trying to open up to someone she thought would care, Emmas reminded of the reason its a secret in the first place. Cleo suggests she give up on finding her birth parents, pay for her crimes, and then start a new life. The day after, Emma heads to the address, recognizing a dream catcher as Neal's, meaning the apartment is also his, but more shockingly, she finds a camera strap with Henry's name. "Ok Emma, there is still one baby that needs to come out. To get a better look at the wall, she uses a lit candle in a halved coconut holder. Before he can take it to her, a bird carrying a message from Regina arrives. Henry names their new partnership "Operation Praying Mantis". Before disappearing completely, Ingrid reveals a prophecy once told her Emma would lead her to her sisters, and now knowing that Helga and Gerda loved her, she can happily join them in death. "David!" Infuriated at Ingrid's taunt that her loved ones will see her as a monster, Emma explodes a wall. From Henry, Emma learns Graham consulted with him. During Mother Superior's talk with Regina, the nun confirms the Author hasn't disappeared, and he may have left clues in his works about it. When the scan reveals Henry is at the Midtown Library, the women arrive to find him and Violet passed out, after Mr. Gold has taken the crystal. Mr. Gold believes warning them already fulfills his debt, but Emma reminds him that Henry is his grandson. Emma shows off her increasingly powerful magic to Hook, who reacts grumpily when she teleports away his hook, but he refuses to talk about the real reason for his bad mood. "Emma, are you ok?". Meanwhile, Mary Margaret suffers as her quiet affair with David has become the scandal of the town, and she breaks up with him. In a moment with her mother, Emma reiterates how happy she and Henry were in New York, though Mary Margaret knows that was because their memories were gone. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a choice. To Emma's heartbreak, she is told by the officer that Neal ratted her out. He has doubts about being the hero she wants, though she hints there is a secret weapon to help him become that hero. Emma falls into headspace easily when needed, and sometimes forced when Regina needs to take over for her. He refuses to help, so this points her into August's direction as an alternative. He leaves and promises to buy her a drink in the future. Excusing herself and her friend to the kitchen, Emma then sees news footage of Lily robbing a store. It depends on the person's point of life. Once Emma, Mary Margaret and Regina get there, they are ensnared by tree vines. Regina, after realizing the ingredients for the spell came from the vault, relates her suspicions to Emma and Snow about Zelena overriding the vault's blood magic seal. In the end, she grudgingly lets him leave and advises him to get a lawyer. Emma pushes Regina out of the way when the Wraith moves to grab her. Neal offers to captain the ship on the journey back to Storybrooke. "Emma, you are indeed pregnant, about one month. Neal thinks she is having a hard time getting used to Tamara, but she cuts him off and leaves with Henry. As they leave the inn, Henry, certain Emma is lying again, demands the truth. Hoping for a quick answer on how to annihilate Hades, Emma goes directly to Mr. Gold, but he refuses to tell her and instead blames her for getting everyone involved in her problem. He, however, thinks she needed the rest since he hasn't seen her sleep in days. ("The Girl in the Tower"), After Henry graduates from high school, Emma and Regina take him on a celebratory trip. ", "Oh, ok that's fine, I'll tell Henry and have Robin come over tonight. They receive an unexpected appearance by Lancelot, who is revealed to be Cora in disguise. After bailing Hook out of jail, he pushes Emma into taking the potion, despite that she will have to give up her current life, because knowing the truth is important. "But now it's just areminder that I have to protect those I love.". David would probably try to kill Killian and I have no idea of how Henry would take this.". Emma makes another attempt at magic when Anna rushes in with a scroll written by Gerda and reads it out loud. Emma alleges a wolf in the middle of the road distracted her, though he bets she was drunk on Regina's apple cider. ("Child of the Moon"), While Emma is confused as to Henry and Aurora could possibly share the same dream, Mary Margaret speaks up and informs the group she has been to the land that Aurora mentioned before. When Hook finds her, Emma confesses she can't let go of the darkness because she's afraid of losing him. Right, Stiles bobs his head, stops himself and does a little ta-da gesture towards Jacy, Surprise?. Before the woman frisks her, Lily approaches with a cart and thanks Emma for waiting until she got a card to buy their things. Henry convinces Emma that she was wrong for not believing in Regina, and he defends his decision to destroy magic because he doesn't want to lose either of his moms to magic like with his father. This results in Regina leaving the group. From a prompt that requested "I'd love to see maybe like a three parter with Emma and Regina's kid as a newborn, then as a toddler, then maybe like starting school or something. ("The Miller's Daughter"). He pleas for Regina to help him destroy magic, which is not possible, but she burns the spell to placate him. She affirms allegiance to Regina, but the latter clarifies Emma has never had her back. When asked if she has heard about. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! As they storm the cabin, Cruella pulls a gun on them, although Mary Margaret knocks her out. Even so, Henry is unwilling since Regina will be left behind. Archie approaches Emma to give her coffee, but she catches on that her parents sent him. "No help me up." Regina takes in the lost baby girl and bonds with her, eventually telling her personal things, having no idea she's actually talking to Miss Swan, who is hearing everything, and it changes how she sees Regina (in a good way). ONCE UPON A TIME "Pilot" by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz, Adam Horowitz & Edward Kitsis Talk New Seasons of OUAT and OUATIW, NYCC | Once Upon a Time Pilot Screening and Panel, WonderCon 2012 Quickie: Co-Creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz Talk ONCE UPON A TIME, Once Upon a Time Q&A: Jennifer Morrison Drops a Few Hints About Season 2, Once Upon a Time - Emma Storybook Page (1317), Jennifer Morrison On Being The Skeptic In Once Upon A Time, Battlestar Galacticas Katee Sackhoff: I walked away from Once Upon a Time role, Not afraid to show some skin! Archie gives her Henry's files, which she begins reading when Graham arrests her for "stealing" them. At the dirigible's crash site, Emma helps collect scraps to create a new weapon to defeat Hyde, during which she develops a hand tremor and sees a vision of herself battling an unknown enemy. But she couldnt wait any longer to share the couple's happy news with her son. Realizing they have made a grave mistake, the horrified couple watches a portal open while the egg hatches into a baby. Emma hastily gets up to push Mary Margaret away so Cora reaches inside her chest instead. Then, she ushers Henry into the room to meet his new family member. To get to Camelot, Emma asks a peddler for directions, but he wants money. Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Characters, Solid lines denote parent-child blood relationships, Dashed lines denote marriages, adoptions and relationships that result in offspring, Both Prince Charming and Prince James were adopted by King George, Emma adopted the last name "Swan" after reading the story of ". After some tries, one of the keys successfully unlocks the door, to Emma's astonishment. She scoffs at their "good always wins" ideology, and expresses regrets about not taking Henry out of Storybrooke as soon as the curse was broken. Emma and Mary Margaret follow her there, but are left puzzled when Regina finds proof and abruptly departs without a word. ("Smash the Mirror"), In the clock tower, Emma and her allies witness the cloud formation of Ingrid's spell, which will take effect by sundown. "Dad." She thought she had moved past it, but now she's not being threatened by any magical battles and no new portals have opened. In the end, Cora is forced to flee. He reasons that her parents made a mistake, but they kept the truth from her because they were ashamed of their past, and only ever wanted her to be proud of them. Though surprised, Emma allows it and uneasily watches them leave together, despite reassurance from Mary Margaret that Henry probably just wants to spend the night in his old room. Hook, desperate to get the truth, purposely jumps from a rooftop, knowing Emma will save him, although she does it so he won't find out he's immortal. ("Going Home", "New York City Serenade"), A year later, in New York, Emma becomes accustomed to taking Henry to a fountain outside the Midtown Library and giving him a penny to make a wish, as way to cheer him up when he is upset. Later, she admits to Henry that the past is keeping her from accepting Walsh, so he sets up a dinner date for them. Following this, Emma visits Killian's grave, where she brings him a canteen of rum and weeps over the knowledge that he has truly moved on now that Hades is gone. David asks Emma to tell Henry that his grandpa loves him and bids her farewell in a warm embrace. Bahbapah! The baby said very seriously, interrupting Shen Qingqius internal rage. When she decides to call it a night, Henry requests to sleep over at Regina's house. He didn't answer. I went over to her grabbed her arms and stood her up. Upon leaving, Emma phones Mary Margaret for advice over whether to tell Henry about Neal or not. Regina tells them about the power of Pandora's Box while Neal's distrust in his father causes him to blurt out Mr. Gold's objective to kill Henry and prevent a seer's prophecy from coming true. It is mostly fluff with the possibility of sexy times in the future. Privately, Emma reasons that her hands are full at the moment with the Regina crisis. Leroy approaches Emma and Mary Margaret to ask, on behalf of himself and other dwarves, when they will be returning to the Enchanted Forest. Derek nods his head. Joined by David and Henry, they all go to the sheriff department in time to witness August stumbling out and collapsing as Emma and Marco attempt to help him. ("Lacey"), Emma enters the diner and sees Tamara grabbing some bagged food. The two lure out the Dragon together, and from Henry's side, he smashes the mirror, just as the Dragon's fire breath hits the other side. She admits that she hasn't told her family because they'd want to protect her, and she would rather protect them since she is the savior. She also shows them a sword she found under her bed, but her parents shrug it off as a coincidence since the armory was cleaned recently. She wants Emma to be less formal and call her Mom. ("Swan Song"), On the boat ride to the Underworld, Emma falls asleep and wakes up in her car outside of an amusement park. I gave it a couple more pushes and she was out the cry was so little I couldn't help but smile. With a feeling of deja vu, as the same thing happened to her the night she tried leaving Storybrooke for the first time, Emma wonders if fate is pointing her to something as she notices a sign for a diner. Past Dragon Queen. He begins crushing Hook's heart, but an angry Belle compels him to stop with the real dagger. Emma quickly stops Regina from taking out Felix's heart and instead sways the other Lost Boys with the promise she will get them off the island, to which they disclose Pan is at his "thinking tree" in Pixie Woods. As usual, Emma and Regina argue over their claim to Henry. Himself, the great Lord Voldemort, with children. As Granny prepares to lock up the diner, she and Henry are suddenly frozen by Merlin's magic. Henry relents by agreeing to grab her car keys from Dr. Hopper's office, although he actually goes there to get his book and is shoved down the stairs by Fiona. She nodded her head and walked off. I lied my head on the pillow and started crying. He urges to her to let go, but she stubbornly refuses due to his wound, and confesses her love for him. He got me up and into the wheelchair. On closer look, they realize it's wolf Ruby, who reverts to human after being covered by her cloak. 'S happy news with her son happy memories both women have shared with Ingrid who! 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