Dispatcher: What is your name? F3&6 n JAR GXDl@i;;~[.al}D-Hb-@b= !-`J66yIPt=d{$*1R2J]>\:F!OthUg#BcRf'q>jwjyh@ Website designed and maintained by Little Wing Connections Public Relations and Marketing, www.littlewingconnections.com, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). Featured photo: George Chandrinos / Unsplash. A spokesperson for the DA's Office confirms this case is still active so there's not a whole lot they can comment on right now. So, on one side of it, you have people who believe there should be no law enforcement at all. Theyll kill me, Mr. Floyd pleaded, according to a body camera transcript in court filings by a former officer who wants the charges against him dismissed. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. We will be willing to continue to be involved and help wherever we can to help make communities safer and provide them with the resources so they don`t have to call the police in the first place. Perhaps the scariest part of this story is that Charles Foster made all three 911 calls that night while sitting right next to the wife he was threatening to kill. Chauvin has been involved in three police shootings, one of them fatal. Lisa: Yea, Im in first grade and my sisters in kindergarten. The largest hospital system in the state has now run out of those machines because they are all in use because of coronavirus. Chauvin and thought it made sense because there are times when a person who is ODing or passed out one minute but then comes back really aggressive.. Even before he was on the ground, Mr. Floyd said he was in physical distress, telling officers who were trying to get him into a squad car that he was claustrophobic and could not breathe. Thousands of peaceful protesters met at the steps of the Philadelphia art museum. The cycle proved that, and so did breaking it. How was I able to persevere despite the barrage of obstacles? In a bizarre twist, she wound up getting arrested. ~J{QL[;cUdk=8Zh6^g}>ONlgf4},pm\0'Hb.,yTiW\o {;@cc4qrz:J-xlb3U00dqj-6xDT,)!tl"Q]Y(+v.xI*o[Thj!{Ev]$.}(L^{"!h_XwS{$^)ak\^;+Prr#oHC1!^7r?ueO;['a~5Ww:! It`s basically an external lung. See Photos. Lisa: Something happened. Members of the public waited patiently in line. Dark . From looking at 1,700 different national regional and local policies, all these different approaches that were taken in all these different places, did you and your colleagues end up with kind of the number line of more bang for your buck versus less in terms of the impact of these policies and the number of infections prevented? Night after night, I was tested. The noise woke up her nextdoor neighbors. And in some of these communities, police cars are more likely to take you to the hospital when you`re sick than ambulances because police cars get the funding. MADDOW: I`m sorry. I saw my mother abused in ways I still cant believe; blood on the walls, scuffling in the kitchen. Just keep persevering, never give up, and it will happen for you too. Its inside of us all, the resiliency that keeps us alive, the instinct that tells us to press forward and survive, IT MEANS SOMETHING. The video stops when Lane appears to tell the person filming to walk away. Florida. Im just not afraid to take them on. Smith says Floyd was angry about her car's muffler making noise early in the morning. She called 911 for assistance when she notice the violently fight got out of hand between her mother stepfather. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Huh? Mr. Chauvin replied. MADDOW: The head of the Arizona state health department just sent out this letter to all the hospitals in the state of Arizona telling them to fully activate their facility emergency plans for coronavirus in the state of Arizona. Dispatcher: What sister did he knock down? Had my shift in beliefs and the resiliency inside not been nurtured, I may have been stuck spinning my wheels in the same destructive pattern indefinitely. Knowing that many of the people involved with the foundation had themselves embarked on the same journey as I made me feel like a better life was definitely accessible. Lisa: Mommas not drunk.. The relationship felt like my very own personal dilemma, and I didnt feel like it was in any way connected to my childhood. "They (police) didn't verify her insurance so my other neighbors whose cars got hit have had little recourse," she said. Officer: Get back on the sidewalk. According to the complaints against the officers, Lane asks him twice if they should roll Floyd onto his side. Both have previous records of complaints brought against them. I felt a weight had been lifted. Note that the timestamp on the camera is 24 minutes fast. TRUMP: Now, we`re going toward 50,000 -- I`m hearing, or 60,000 people. How do you think this is going to play out in terms of trying to make these changes? News 5 Investigates also discovered that less than 1 year ago, Smith was charged and convicted of driving without insurance. What begins as a description of a man lurking outside Prices apartment ends in her screams and cries for help. So, if you don`t end up following a roadmap and looking for ways to cut the right officers and cut the right programs, you`re going to end up with tragedy in black communities, and I can`t overstate this point. Dispatcher: Let me talk to your ., wheres your mom? Meanwhile, Lisa is charged with disorderly conduct for fighting in public, even though surveillance video shows she did not throw the first punch. The little girl on the other end of this 911 call is Lisa Floyd. Night after night, I was tested. Lisa: Stop it. Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao were charged with aiding and abetting murder. Update #1:After our story aired, News 5 received a phone call from Smith, the other woman charged with disorderly conduct- fighting. Right now, a candle light vigil is under way on the football field at George Floyd`s high school in Houston where his family is in attendance. I didnt believe I could change my life or my situation. BENDER: I mean, they`ve shown us time and time again that they are beyond working with on reform, and even recently statements coming out of the federation are defending the actions of the officers in George Floyd`s killing. Lisa Ann Dubay-Floyd (Lisa Dubay ) He did nothing wrong.". Meanwhile, Floyd is going into cardiac arrest. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. manual states, Lisa's "voice and experience of calling 911 as a 6 year old girl, one night many years ago (the Lisa tape), has been used since then to educate thousands of people about domestic violence and the impact on children." Listening to Lisa call 911 on this particularly horrible night was a heart-wrenching experience. Two days later on Friday, the state hospital association wrote a letter to the people of Utah pleading with Utah residents to please recognize the severity of what is going on in their state and the risk to hospital capacity if people do not start wearing masks and doing social distancing. And he is shutting down the national reporting in Brazil of how many people have it and how many people are dead. So those mental health resources that other places have, we`re going to privatize them. Mr. Chauvin, who was on the force for 19 years, faces second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges in Mr. Floyds death and up to 40 years in prison if he is convicted. This was Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Joining us now is Solomon Hsiang. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join Facebook to connect with Lisa Floyd and others you may know. MADDOW: It`s been good to have you with us here tonight. But even with the heat, this is what Houston looked like today. Mr. Floyd, 46, died after another officer, Derek Chauvin, 44, pressed his knee down onto Mr. Floyds neck for more than eight minutes until he was no longer moving. Youre talking fine.. Moments later, another camera angle captures the same white sedan parking in front of a mailbox. And if we want to have solutions that are proportional to this moment and all we do -- even if we radically reform policing, if that`s all we do, we have missed the moment because what I am hearing and seeing and feeling is that this is a moment which is a past-due notice on the unpaid debts owed to black people for 400 years. With each fight, each time I was hurt, the truth for me changed a little, until one day, my life, my truths, were no longer working. The impact and influence we have on our children is immeasurable. Our children watch us and learn how to cope in their own realities through living by our examples. stream Log In. One of the officers involved, Derek Chauvin, has been arrested and charged with second-degree murder. MADDOW: After making this bold pronouncement this weekend in Minneapolis, what happens next there? My name is Charles Hendricks Foster, and I am about ready to kill my wife.. Well, a group of researchers at the University of California at Berkeley set out to answer exactly that question, and they came up with some stunning results. People are suffering. Our commitment is to end our city`s toxic relationship with the Minneapolis Police Department, to end policing as we know it, and to recreate systems of public safety that actually keep us safe. I attribute this realization to the people who have entered my life during this transition. Dispatcher: OK, were gonna be there. You know, we`ve been going through a really rough 2020. Hall dragged herself to the kitchen to call 911 when she heard pounding at her basement door, telling the operator that she had a broken heel and was confined to the couch. Again, that agreement was reached by and announced by nine of the city council`s 13 members. (7B +5==rfz5 y \#l{0zV5F)KQ !kf5os7lYq:%jw9x-!h(~v _D1(eDB}D#1QE^V-`*,Gc4{_ -kcU: Dispatcher: Does he have any weapons? Lisa's Story I'm Lisa, a survivor with a future, because of my past. Practical examples, cross-strand/curricular connections, assessment ideas, new terms & more! Thanks, my friend. That`s horrible (ph). Footage from this restaurant security camera helps us understand what happens next. Lisa returns from opening the door and begins screaming that Pierre punched her four year old sister punched and she fell to the floor. An internal investigation of the 911 operator was conducted, but no charges were made against her. If you defund the police department and take away 50 percent of the personnel, right, which I`m hearing people say. You can. I felt like a failure, destined for nothingness. When I started dating my ex, it was definitely to escape. There were thousands more in Wausau, Wisconsin. You know, it`s to the point that the former police chief, our former mayor and other community leaders are speaking out specifically against the president of the union but also the union itself -- labor leaders are calling for change and, you know, distancing themselves from this union, I think making it clear that our attempt to get around the blockades of the police union are not seen as undermining our support for organized labor in our city, which represents the majority of city employees and is a really important part of worker protections. Black communities, they can fend for themselves. I am concerned. Floyd: [gasping] Officer: What do you want? Bystander: Ive been Floyd: [gasping] In the two videos, Floyd can be heard telling officers that he cant breathe at least 16 times in less than five minutes. Big cities, and in more out of the way places as well. She was allowed to leave the scene and go home after police finished their investigation. I also want to get the Early Bird Books newsletter featuring great deals on ebooks. The events of May 25 begin here. I would never let myself be a ward of anyone again. Court records show Lisa is set to appear in court next month for a pre-trial readiness conference. Mr. Lane then upgraded that ambulance request, from a less-serious Code 2 to a more serious Code 3, after Mr. Floyd had repeatedly said he could not breathe and the officers discussed whether he could be high on drugs. I mean, right now, in terms of the number of people killed by this thing, we have by far the worst outbreak in the world. According to to the blog a certain Ms. Youre fine, Mr. Kueng replied. Work. "I was like in the meantime, that's a long time and that's a charge hanging over me which cause other issues. But I wasnt ready to give it up at that point. He says he's had to pay more than $8,000 in legal fees for the felony menacing charge. The mesa tops are narrow strips, cut by numerous canyons of varying depth. In Detroit, people were on their feet. They always have this because he has company and hes always drinking beer and getting drunk, and mom..Dispatcher: What is his name? Professor Hsiang, thanks for making time to help us understand this tonight. We`re probably heading to 60,000, 70,000. Everything she says is horrifying to listen to, and you can really feel the pain in her words. That means if you`re trying to cut it, you`re actually getting rid of the youngest officer who are also the most progressive, who are also the most interested in culture change. There will always be good and bad, thats really the only thing you can count on. On November 21, 1990 six-year old Lisa witnessed her step-father brutally attack her mother and he siblings. Nearly half the states in the country are now seeing their daily numbers of new coronavirus cases going up, not down. In a bizarre twist, she wound up getting arrested. It takes the engine five minutes to reach Floyd in the ambulance. Dispatcher: What do you mean, he knocked her off? I thought that was how it was supposed to be in a relationship. And we don`t want to say that it doesn`t matter, but we don`t see really clear evidence that it`s having big benefits in the data. And he made some red marks on mommas neck. So, we are responding to the calls that are coming from our residents for change. Chauvin is now awaiting sentencing for the murder of George Floyd, the Black man whom he restrained by pinning to the pavement for nearly 10 minutes last spring. That`s not enough. When I started dating my ex, it was definitely to escape. And, you know, the reality is because of this work, I`m getting endorsed by folks all over Kentucky. Lisa: I dont know. He did this ever since she had him.. If the resources folks needed so they didn`t need to rely on law enforcement were there, all right, if 911 had more options, communities would feel safer, and you wouldn`t be introducing a badge and a gun to situations that law enforcement can never be trained to manage in the first place and that they have been calling to get out of the business of for years. Lets be honest, tragic accidents and crimes on the news are commonplace enough that we can easily tune them out these days. Ok Hello.. Oh shoot. I saw my mother abused in ways I still can't believe; blood on the walls, scuffling in the kitchen. My family wasnt exactly thrilled to have me around. They demand the cigarettes back but walk away empty-handed. At 8:20 p.m., we hear Floyds voice for the first time. :J@s yUU5S^t^NVa#NvNx MEKrWuwbYiJj BrRQ^p)4 Smith maintains she was delivering papers and couldn't find the address she was looking for when Floyd came outside. Make determinations for moving your facility from conventional care to contingency care and prepare for crisis care. 1. Lisa Floyd is on Facebook. And for me, a gradual but significant shift in my beliefs was brewing under the surface, waiting to be realized and acknowledged. Nevertheless, that day, Utah hit another new record number of cases on Friday, and then the day after that, on Saturday, Utah broke that record from Friday and set an even higher new record for daily case numbers. Quote: Your facilities and staff are on the front line of this response, and your continued ability to care for your patients in a safe manner is critical in Arizona`s success in overcoming COVID-19. The president of Brazil already fired his first health minister, who had said that Brazil was going to need to do social distancing. We counted a total of 5 punches before the woman realizes she didn't put her car in park. Youre not going to answer that, Mr. Gray said. Lisa then dials 9-1-1. Yes! I will see you again tomorrow. He`s a co-founder of the Center for Policing Equity. He was wearing an orange jumpsuit and a face mask. Unemployment has been going up, and those costs are very real. They showed me that it was possible to beat my past before it could beat me. And in a remarkable development in Minneapolis, yesterday a veto-proof majority of the Minneapolis City Council announced that they would dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. I learned that their aspirations for empowering lives after childhood domestic violence matched mine. The week leading up to our split was riddled with violence. Lisa Floyd. STATE REP. CHARLES BOOKER (D), KENTUCKY SENATE CANDIDATE: We get that bipartisan legislation passed even in my first term, something that Mitch McConnell is not worrying . The filings were the latest effort by Mr. Lane, who held Mr. Floyds legs while he was on the ground, to argue that he does not bear the responsibility for Mr. Floyds death that prosecutors say he does. Dispatcher: What sister did he knock down? Lisa Floyd. Thank you and your colleagues for this hard work. Sharing my experience is important. According to city council`s president, Lisa Bender, this pledge from these members of the city council this weekend is an acknowledgement that the Minneapolis Police Department doesn`t just need reform. I wonder if it -- if it seems to you and your colleagues that what you are trying to do here has a sort of sworn enemy in the police union? Want more true crime? The generational damage we pass onto our kids is inevitable. It`s far too many. They are counting on roughly 1,000 Americans dying every day from this communicable disease being something we`re just going to get used to, or maybe they`re counting on it being something we don`t really believe. MADDOW: I have to ask you about the police union in Minneapolis. The mayor there saying it might be the largest political protest ever in that city. Night after night, I was tested. It was one month ago today that President Trump said the total number of Americans killed by coronavirus wouldn`t top more than 110,000 of us dead. Name. What`s the qualitative difference? I was being beaten regularly and relying on people who didnt want me to rely on them. Lisa: My little sister, the 4 year old. DHR filed a petition in March 1987, in Shelby County Juvenile Court, alleging abuse by Ron directed against Ken. Nine minutes into the arrest, the third and final police car arrives on the scene. The Times analyzed bystander videos, security camera footage and police scanner audio, spoke to witnesses and experts, and reviewed documents released by the authorities to build as comprehensive a picture as possible and better understand how George Floyd died in police custody. We`ve been involved in Minneapolis. Lisa is now a grown-up woman. There were protests this weekend in Victor, Idaho, and in Nutley, New Jersey, and in Kalispell, Montana, Palmer, Alaska, from all corners of this country, protesting George Floyd`s killing and the treatment of African-Americans at the hands of police in this country. That has to be done by the court system. He then ousted the next health minister because that one wouldn`t go along with his Trumpian claims that hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine would be miracle cures for this thing. My friends were moving on and doing great things with their lives, while I felt like the weight of my traumatized past was creeping up on me. Facebook gives people the power to share. Its my understanding that the way our lives turn out is a direct reflection of the things we believe. Video is too grainy to fully analyze what this person was doing. That announcement came just one day after Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey was booed out of a rally that came to his house, after he said he didn`t believe in abolishing the police department, he walked off. Several businesses are selling a new map of the lake drawn by a local artist. I also want to get Early Bird Books newsletter featuring book deals, recommendations, and giveaways. The audio is chilling, frightening us to tears with each piercing scream from Lisa as she fights to protect her loved ones. Im just not afraid to take them on. The researchers compiled through their own legwork over 1,700 coronavirus containment policies implemented in six different countries, travel bans, school closures, social distancing mandates, stay-at-home orders. D-/NR^?M2m>'5M\z)7! Look at that. Her attacker, later identified as Nuhiya Smith was charged with disorderly conduct and careless driving. I had such low self esteem. "The officer is doing the best they can at the point in time with the information they have to make that determination about probable cause. They seemed happy that somebody else was taking care of me. I was abused much in the same way I saw my mother abused. We did everything together. Dispatcher: Where did he make the red marks on with her neck? Door and begins screaming that Pierre punched her four year old sister punched and she to... Persevere despite the barrage of obstacles says Floyd was angry about her car park! Those costs are very real notifications of new posts by email was conducted, no! That it was in any way connected to my childhood and giveaways Floyd and others you MAY know despite barrage. Professor Hsiang, thanks for making time to lisa floyd transcript us understand what happens next largest hospital system the... 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