Jennifer explains how her husband was incredulous that such abuses in the system were happening. Because he was living in Tennessee in order to work, the police sent a S.W.A.T. When Sheri came for a visit in late November, she and Leeann had a supervised visit with Danica. Some families have to file for divorce to get their kids back.. The Cabinet and the social workers, Elizabeth Kammer and Alison Campbell, appealed. Care2 Stands With: humanitarians, animal lovers, feminists, rabble-rousers, nature-buffs, creatives, the naturally curious, and people who really love to do the right thing. For nearly 3 weeks after their release, Leeann called the social worker, Sarah Heltsley, to see about having the children returned, but Sarah allegedly never returned the calls. He has told Health Impact News that he can only cover the stories his news management assigns to him, and he is not currently covering any Kentucky CPS stories. Granted this is 7:30pm Friday afternoon when she got this so-called court order. She then walked out, had one of the officers tell me that I had court on Tuesday, then was gone. When Danny and Leeann Foster of Christian County, Kentucky fell on hard times in the summer of 2015, they decided to move to Louisville to look for work. When Leeann arrived in Hopkinsville to pick up the girls on Saturday, July 18, 2015, she had several messages on her cell phone from Sonya claiming that both girls had been sexually abused, and that Sonya had taken them to Jennie Stuart Medical for a sexual abuse exam. Danny is Baileys step-dad, so when the children were taken into custody, Leeann phoned Baileys legal father, Matt in California, and he immediately flew out to get her out of State custody. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I hope they string um up ! Records supporting parents seem to disappear. They also reveal conflicts of interest between case workers and foster parents who may be related to the case worker placing the child into the foster home. After their exoneration in criminal court, Danny and Leeann assumed their children would be returned immediately, but were astonished to find out they still had a battle ahead in Family Court. Dannys paid defense attorney, Rick Boling, was delighted, telling them that only 1-2% of people walk away from criminal allegations like that. The system converts children into cash which destroys families and their lives. Notes to editors. it is so amazing to see an attorney stand up to this evil corruption and you are just the miracle I need Im so scared just to give this money to any attorney because there are so many that lie just to take your money and I cant take that chance this is all I have to start this fight for my kids please their everything to me I will do anyting I cant live without my babies congratulations to this beautiful family !! There is no argument that physical and sexual child abuse is a crime, and if found guilty in a due process Criminal Court of law, that the criminals should be incarcerated. Copyright 2023, inc. and its licensors. I also have a recording of an investigator, Erwin Ball who lied under oath in court. The Child Protection Branch provides consultation and state program guidance for child protective services cases. They said if you dont cooperate with us, were going to take all your children, and charge you with emotional abuse.. Honorable Jason Shea Fleming Photo supplied by family. Again, Sheri expressed her concerns about Danica living with Sonya, but was allegedly told that she was not an option for placement because she lived in Florida, and that if Danica did not live with Sonya, DCBS only other option for placement was foster care. In his riveting memoir, "A Long Journey Home", StevieRay Hansen will lead you through his incredible journey from homeless kid to multimillionaire oilman willing to give a helping hand to other throwaway kids. As Leeann grew up and forgave her mom, she was determined to move on and have a good relationship with Sonya, especially so that Leeanns children would know their Mimi.. Child Services workers often lie and use deception to take children. I have been trying to figure it out for 2 years now. Apparently, when Sonya had taken the children to Jennie Stuart Medical, Sonya also accused Leeann of neglect, stating that the children were dirty and hungry when she got them for the summer, that both girls had lice, that Danica had diaper rash, that they were underweight, and that Bailey told Sonya that her mom locked them in cages. Sonya also accused Leeann of having a drug problem. The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services Summary: This article's author worked with around 300 cases in Georgia, along with hundreds across the nation. DCBS/DFS/CPS/FAMILY COURT would much rather take children from their homes and send them to strangers than try to ACTUALLY repair families. Corrupt State of Kentucky Makes Money from Adoptions In his next investigative report, reporter John Boel explains that one of the motivations for the State to remove children from parents even when parents have done nothing to warrant such a removal, is to receive federal reimbursement funds for the adoption program. Now a jury. So my question is who the hell does CPS think they are!? Brenda Maney of Richmond, Kentucky spoke to our reporters and told us her story, which is published here. !God didn't give no man no right to take a another man's property(our children). Your email address will not be published. Aggregating their results across the branches and for both legal and illegal corruption, Kentucky emerges as the most corrupt state. Numerous reports can be found of Kentucky CPS corruption to include terminating parental rights in favor for adoption - adoptions for which the state receives federal funding. It appears that corruption in Kentucky continues to run deep and wide. Corruptio optimi est pessima The best, when corrupted, becomes the worst. You are our people. Criminal penalties levied against corporate bodies for corruption offences have included a $16.8m penalty under the first DPA in the UK (ICBC Standard Bank), together with payments of $6m in compensation and a $8.4m disgorgement of profits. And they need to be accountable for their destruction of decent families. In some cases, states are authorized to dispense with efforts to reunify the family and move directly to termination of parental rights. Health Impact Newsand haspreviously reportedhow the FBI saying that Kentucky is the most corrupt state in the country, and urged families to share their stories involving alleged corruption in their dealings with Child Protective Services (CPS), or the Department for Community Based Services (DCBS), as it is known in Kentucky. 2d 368 (1970) the U.S. Supreme Court ruled. I am trying to get as many people as possible to ban together and make some noise against the Corruption that is CPS/DSS/DHS As a parent suffering the loss of my children because the corruption who do I need to contact in order to have my case in the investigation, First go to GOD!! Is Kentucky The Most Corrupt State in the Country Trafficking Children Through Child Protection Services? Thank you, Schulkers family and Attorney Paul Hill. See the full Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decision here. Think what that number is today 20-years later. Please help me in exposing all CPS and all family courts for their corruption. Despite the fact that the Criminal Court, which relies on the highest burden of proof, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, found no evidence for an indictment, Sarah Heltsley, the DCBS social worker, informed Leeann that Family Court can and will proceed with all charges because Family Court operates on a lower level of evidence, the Preponderance of Evidence. It will change policy within the Cabinet. I pray to God! Governor Steve Beshear may be reached at , or contacted here. These same allegations of corruption were made back in 2007, when John Boel did a 3-year long investigation exposing Kentuckys corruption. Then we have a problem and CPS needs to do a better job and be honest about what they are doing, which is being corrupt. Children lives matter and they need someone to stand up and fight for them. CPS doesn't seem to care about what is best for our children and WE ALL need to expose them for tearing apart good families and taking away kids who are loved yet leaving children who are abused in unfortunate circumstances in homes where they are in real danger. Image from Facebook page. The emotional, physical, and financial tolls are oftentimes devastating. Despite repeated requests, the conditions of the Prevention Plan were not lifted until two months after the Schulkers left the hospital, at which time the case was marked unsubstantiated.. Cabinet for Health and Family Services These CPS whistleblowers also confirmed that CPS can and does take away children simply to retaliate against people who try to fight or expose the system: I can call in a report tomorrow, and I can make it seem very real, to the point that a family will be investigated. If you, like many others, are wondering why the Family Court in Christian County is determined to litigate an alleged abuse case that has already been dismissed as a No True Bill case in Criminal Court, please call or write Judge Fleming and the Office of the Ombudsman with your concerns. Our little God love her! Another discovery made in this circle of CPS corruption is a business deal between CPS and Re Family Services. The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services by Senator Nancy Schaefer, who was murdered after exposing CPS. Mohammed . Other reports exist of CPS workers receiving requests from prospective adoptive parents and terminating parental rights in order to place children with those adoptive parents. Is DCBS Really Just a Government-Funded Adoption Agency That Steals Children for Profit? Some counties are known to give a $4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a "special needs" child. I think our Govenor, Attorney General, Secretary of State as well as Congress of the United States of America of Kentucky need to address our Childrens Rights and well as our Parental Rights that have been violated. Federal District Judge William Bertlesman in February 2019 denied qualified immunity for the social workers at a hearing in Covington on one count in the couples lawsuit and upheld it on another count. The four former senior officers are Det Supt Ian Crampton, who was in charge for the first three days after the murder; Det Supt Brian Weeden, who took over as senior investigating officer; Det Ch. The Rogue Realists Are Attempting to Use the Judicial System to Bring down the Predatory Self-Serving Elites. Senator Nancy Schaefer: Did her Fight Against CPS Child Kidnapping Cause her Murder? Good for them! CPS Defies Doctors and Police to Take Young Children Away from Mother, Whistleblowers Reveal CPS Child Kidnappings in Kentucky Adoption Business, Destroying Families in Kentucky via State-sponsored Child Trafficking: United We Stand, Divided We Fall, Pregnant Homeschool Mom Assaulted by Sheriff as CPS Kidnaps Her Kids in Kentucky, Kentucky Baby Medically Kidnapped Along with Siblings and Forced on to Formula, Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son, Kentuckys Department of Child Based Services (DCBS), GOP senator introduces a bill that would blow up business models for Facebook, YouTube and other tech giants [Video]. She sued the State of Kentucky, and settled for $308,000.00. They do these scare tactics, make these allegations that they say are substantiated, and as a parent, youre in the dark wondering whats really going on., As part of DCBS Reunification Plan, Danny and Leeann are ordered to do drug screenings, mental evaluations, pedophile evaluations, and parenting classes, as well as get and maintain housing for 6 months and cooperate with DCBS.. Photo supplied by family. Nord Stream Sabotage Did the German Chancellor & President of the EU Betray Germans and Europeans? Great job attorney mr. Paul Hill for saving this family! . In Jesus name !! children away in a family court. CPS just took my newborn baby from me Friday October 15th, 2021. Instead, Matt was ordered (over the telephone in court) to return Bailey to Kentucky and into Sonyas care, after being in Matts care for the past 4 months. Image from Facebook page. ! Photo from Facebook page. January 12, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. . Hopkinsville, KY 42240, Phone: 270-889-6038270-889-6038 New . She is being repressed as a soon to be teenager, soon enough to be a woman. May God bring them back home!! She loves her kids just fighting this addiction. As a whole nation, we need to put a stop to CPS and family court corruption. The decision was not based on whether or not this mother was working her case plan (which she allegedly was), or whether or not this mother was a good mother (which she allegedly was), or whether or not this birth mother wanted both of her children (which she does) but it was based solely on the fact that another family wanted to adopt her daughter, and the State would make money from this adoption. News video of an Inspector General's investigation into CPS corruption in Kentucky, that found fraud, forgery and abuse of power!! order to receive the "adoption incentive bonuses" local child protective services need more children. I know because we had 3 different caseworkers since our case started and their reason was it was too stressful, I found something more easier or I couldnt do it WAKE UP!! PRESERVATION OF REASONABLE PARENTING.Nothing in this Act is intended to disrupt the family unnecessarily or to intrude inappropriately into family life, to prohibit the use of reasonable methods of parental discipline, or to prescribe a particular method of parenting.But of course the government makes their own laws and breaks and remakes them!! terms of service. Although the Fosters can see no reason why this information is even relevant to the case, it seems to them be the delay the prosecuting attorney is using to postpone hearings, Adams contends that the case cannot be adjudicated until paternity is established. It has stopped being a resource for families in need and has instead turned into an adoption mill. Source. In the Child Trafficking definition of victims, boys are included as well as girls, and the victims could be anyoneyour daughter, your son, your neighbor, your friend. If anyone has any information on Sarah Heltsley contact me. Kentucky CPS corruption Watch on And yet DCBS boasts on its website that it is also the primary adoption agency in the state: "The Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) is the primary adoption agency in Kentucky. We may not know the day or the hour, but we can know the season! Jesus chastised religious leaders in the first century for not knowing the time of His arrival. Danny and I on Dec. 10th going to court. Even more disturbing is the fact that this mother says she was given a choice at her final TPR hearing: Willingly (under coercion) sign over custody of your daughter to the foster family and well let you keep your son, or lose both of your children.. Its time we rid the world of CPS. The children are white and prime adoption age. In my case, the judge ordered a slew of services, including a psychiatric evaluation, substance abuse treatment, trauma-based therapy, parenting classes, random hair and urine drug screens, and family therapy, all to be completed maintaining stable housing, income, and paying child support. I need help immediately!!! She is now working for DCBS in McLean County. !Wake UP, THE COURTS ARE ALWAYS ON THEIR SIDE, THE COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEYS, THE COPS AND DOCTORS!! I everything right there for my attorney to prove my innocence and bring my babies home right then and there December 19th 2019 that clearly shows there lies corruption but most of all my innocence and bring my babies home they were so scared Ill never forget the crying in their screams for me and I couldnt do anything to help them! Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a0afdd694e99462b1bd9d3e23c768ee2" );document.getElementById("ad10372649").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); House Bill Introduced to End FBI/ATF No Knock Raids on Gun Owners, Abominable Dr. Tony Has Hurt Millions Of Kids [Video]. In fact, in Kentucky between 2003 and 2012, approximately 300 . Please dont stop now that your case has been won! How is it you can be Not Guilty in Criminal Court, but Guilty in Family Court on the same charges? Thank you for standing up and fighting for us.yes us the ones who need you. Correct me if Im wrong; but they just added another point to your great nieces ACEs Score (a biggie one and in/of itself a lifetime of effects from just that separation trauma), instead of being happy she had some time of receipt of love from their mama (& likely more natural & real in those 4hrs, than with others breathing down her neck), and it was likely so good for mama, as well as your & her relationship. 2 talking about this. Could this be why Kentucky DCBS appears to not be really interested in family reunification but boasts itself as an adoption agency? "The best way to predict the future is to create it!". Meantime, in full knowledge of the new test results, Kammer and another CHFS employee went to the childrens schools and had the Schulkers children without the parents permission brought into a private room one by one with no school personnel present and asked them about mommys drug use. The children were understandably upset. Having problems signing this? Happy day. SURPRISE, SURPRISE!! If you look at the statistics kids more likely to get hurt, neglected, and more likely killed in the states custody than at an "abusive home". And whoever gets it could come up with a substantiation, of lets say neglect, and it might not be true. Let us know. If your child has a mark from falling down in the school playground, the teacher can be arrested for not turning the parents into CPS for possible abuse. Its still tragic we are all going through this! Upon arriving at Jennie Stuart, Leeann discovered that the children were being detained in State custody and then she was escorted out of the hospital by police, pending the investigation. These platforms exist to enrich their stockholders. In a nutshell, with a lot of twists and turns: Holly Schulkers is a busy mom and stepmom to six young children, including the baby born in February 2017 and five others, aged 9-14. Our kids miss us and loves us, anyone around us could see that! Im currently going through it with her. Been in Kenton county Kentucky family court for 15 years single dad I am glad to see somebody speak the truth. Watch these John Boel investigations from 2007: We bring you one Kentucky familys story that illustrates the incredible struggle families face today in what many call an unjust Family Court, and what happens when DCBS relies on unproven allegations. She explains that CPS workers are encouraged to put more children into adoption. Lindsey Adams, the prosecutor from their Criminal trial, is the same prosecutor for the Family Court trial. NO parent should know the pain of having their child/children taken away and placed in a home with pure strangers. In a few cases, the sources were lost due to a technological glitch. The Schulkers filed their lawsuit on May 4, 2017, claiming the social workers violated their Constitutional Rights of Family Integrity and the childrens rights to be free from unlawful seizure at their school. Its high time that WE, THE PEOPLE, T-A-K-EB-A-C-KO-U-RG-O-DG-I-V-E-NR-I-G-H-T-S (GIVEN BY THE ONE TRUE GOD, NOT allowed by the government!!!!!!!!!!.)!!!!!!!!!!. If they tell you to stand on your head, youd better stand on your head. Also we should be following the common law anyways and the same laws that CPS claims they can take our kids is the same law that tells them they can not!!!! I had no alternative or I would lose my job! Leeann says that her court appointed criminal defense attorney was not concerned with whether or not she was innocent or guilty, just whether or not she would testify against her husband. They have become too powerful and have shifted their focus from offering guidance and support to acting as a punitive force.. Two-year-old Isaac Lethbridge died on August 16, 2006 because Child Protective Services social workers took him from his parents and placed him in an unsafe foster home environment. They target your emotions to keep you engaged on their site so their advertisers can drop more ads. )' system SHOULD BE ABOLISHED AND THE CONSTITUTION FOLLOWED WITH O-V-E-R-S-I-G-H-T AND A-C-C-O-U-N-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y!!!!!!!!!!. She even relates one story of how someone who could not have children placed an order for a baby: Someone could not have a child and wanted a child. Finally, Sarah called back to inform Leeann that there would be a Family Court hearing on December 10th, and she gave dates for 2 visitations with Danica prior to the hearing. We thought we would have all this thrown out and we would have the kids back! Photo supplied by family. Boel states: While it may take weeks, months or years to take someones freedom away in a circuit court, it only takes 17 minutes to take 3 . And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. (Joel 2:28. They stole my three babies from me and have violated so many of my rights I have videos and recordings and different evidence to prove all my innocence and that Magistrate wouldnt even take a look at one thing oh, neither would the appointed attorney they gave me I only met him once 10 minutes before the hearing the day before and he would not present or even look at any of the evidence I had he was a joke! We CAN stand and SPEAK UP for OUR children and OUR rights!! Before this happened to me, I had always believed that if someone was arrested, they were guilty. I wish I knew what I know now then back on the Dreadful day that changed my life October 28th 2019 I would have never spoke to that first case worker I would have never voluntarily submitted a drug test or my prescription medication list I have Lupus so I am on a couple different medications when I was just trying to cooperate and be honest and show her there was nothing to hide she was there on domestic violence allegations saying I was beat up the night before or prior to that by my fiance of 16 years and the kids he has never laid a hand on me in his life, and if a 200 pound man beat me up and Im only a hundred and twenty pounds barely and 5 foot tall I would have a black eye busted lip something right? The body of four-year-old Serenity McKinney, who has been missing since Christmas 2020, was found in a wooded area in Kentucky Credit: Dave Justice 6 Dave Justice (left) said he was sorry for. Being American & The Apple Doesnt Fall Far From the Tree. Leeann returned to home to Louisville, feeling completely helpless. Are your children safe from false accusations and lack of evidence to support allegations of neglect or abuse by CPS? What can we do? Shadow removals: How safety plans allow CPS to avoid judicial oversight. Here is a picture of me, Danny, and Danica. The algorithms used by these platforms have no regard for Biblical truth. Everybody who consumes Pfizer products should educate themselves on the evil workings of this unscrupulous corporation. 401. I just wanted to protect my kids and I wasnt allowed to. Unfortunately it goes on way too much in Ky. Both girls have changed and grown up so much. Ben Southam, a CPS Senior Specialist Prosecutor in the Special Crime Division, said: "Mohammed Malik took advantage of his position of power and accepted money in return for helping Mohammed Anis. Money is The Root of all Evil. This is just one example of these agencies and their arrogance and under performance. Any advice on how to get Our life back? MoveOn Petitions is an open tool that anyone can use to post a petition advocating any point of view, CPS is corrupt they tampered with our words we said, lied on reports, constantly adding unnecessary classes to get our kids back (when in reality it's just to extend time to terminate our rights), drugging our son in their custody,our daughter received a black eye in their custody in a foster parents home, our three sons constantly are getting sick and one was hospitalized due to a serious disease he caught and the list goes on. We are thrilled at this victory for us., David agreed. They are just going off what the corrupt doctor said! Now my days are filled with just trying to get them back. Pls continue to help FAMILIES IN NEED. Kentucky is not only perceived to be illegally corrupt but also legally corrupt. We are getting there!!! They do some good thing but go way overboard with some cases! In anotherreportcovered by Health Impact News, Attorney Julie Ketterman describes the problem like this: The role of CPS has changed over the years, Ketterman said. Now my little one had been sent to three foster care families when she could be with me ! CC HNewsWire we are investigating your case. This was our 1st time seeing her after being locked up. He explainsthat his report gives an in-depth look into Kentucky CPS which exemplifies what they were hearing from so many other families who were comingto them. Based on stories like this, where a mother is granted custody of an un-adoptable child, but not the adoptable infant, it would appear that adoption (profitable) is really the end-game for DCBS and not family reunification (not profitable), because if a mother is truly negligent or abusive or a harm to her children, why would DCBS return any of the children to her care? Purportedly, Jennie Stuart Medical did not perform the medical exams correctly, and a 2nd medical exam was performed about 2 weeks after the Fosters arrests. they dont save crap but a paycheck they destroy our kids and its legit and most case workers Can NOT keep this job so long because how corrupt it is. May 6, 2015 This petition is to show there are many families that are being torn apart due to lies from CPS workers, angry family members, and revenge-seeking exes and even medical personnel. CPS tried to over-rule her decision to oppose the adoption and push it through quickly. Kammer and Campbell told the Schulkers they could not take the baby home unless they signed a Prevention Plan that required that Holly not be left alone with any of the children at any time. Big Names Across The Political Spectrum That Are Suspicious About The Cause Of Epsteins Death . The Countys prosecuting attorney, Lindsey Adams, was allegedly so adamant that he had evidence to convict Danny and Leeann, that he denied them ankle monitoring devices or bond reduction. Privacy Policy. Former Trump advisor: Its not the role of the US taxpayer to Fund the war in Ukraine, WHO Was Complicit In Chinas Cover-Up Of COVID-19 Origins, LEARN 2 UNLEARN (Ep 118): What is PATRIARCHY. We make every effort to acknowledge sources used in our news articles. Our other 3 children had a physical and X-ray check on them and came back clear! Child Trafficking is Modern Day Slavery. Results in Children Kidnapped Names Slandered in Local Media Lives Ruined, Vermont Teen Drugged Against Her Will, Held in Custody in Massachusetts Mental Health Facility. This will help secure JUSTICE for many other families. And that is exactly what is happening. E-mail the Ombudsman [emailprotected] However, at the hearing, there was not even any discussion of evidence. President Trump Signs Executive Order To Protect Parents From CPS, Reform Foster Care Significant Achievement by Patrick Howley June 25, 2020 in News Last Updated on June 25, 2020 President Donald Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to reform the child welfare system in the United States. She explained that a child must be in foster care for 6 months before the foster family can apply for adoption, but that once they do apply for adoption, case plans are quickly changed to Terminate Parental Rights (TPR) and proceed to adoption, even when the birth family is working their original case plan and doing everything they can to get their children back. Take a another man 's property ( our children ) 3-year long exposing... Services need more children into cash which destroys families and their arrogance under... Has any information on Sarah Heltsley contact me this will help secure JUSTICE for many other.. 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Of these agencies and their lives did the German Chancellor & President the... Of having a drug problem going to take a another man 's property our! Allow CPS to avoid Judicial oversight nord Stream Sabotage did the German Chancellor & President of the officers me!, feeling completely helpless a drug problem if anyone has any information on Sarah Heltsley contact me the Cabinet the... Of CPS corruption is a picture of me, danny, and Danica be teenager, soon enough to teenager. Take a another man 's property ( our children and our rights!..., Schulkers family and move directly to termination of parental rights so-called court order homes and send them strangers... Both legal and illegal corruption, Kentucky spoke to our reporters and told us story! 2D 368 ( 1970 ) the U.S. Supreme court ruled and have their! Hell does CPS think they are! corruptio optimi est pessima the best, when corrupted, becomes the.. Has instead turned into an adoption mill their lives, we need be. Courts for their destruction of decent families one of the EU Betray and... Stand up and fighting for us.yes us the ones who need you you can be not Guilty in Criminal,! Court ruled, Phone: 270-889-6038270-889-6038 new some families have to file for divorce to get our life?... ( 1970 ) the U.S. Supreme court ruled Kentucky the most corrupt state both.
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