((What's your part in all of this? The events between worldlines are isolated and nothing I do here will affect my worldline. Depending on the power setting, 100 to 120 degrees is average.Pamela:7.is the car in drive mode when the device is activated or is it totally turned off?Timetravel_0-The car is off and the brake on.Pamela: 8.has the device been tested on ships and airplanes?Timetravel_0-Not that I'm aware of. [Edited by Ernie Vega on 02-18-2001 at 03:24 PM]Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-18-2001 11:04 PMSmileOK John, I know your playing this Machiavelli role again, of going silent and hiding. I also have two teenage sons who are gun nuts. Deeds and Dogma just don't do it. So far it's been 48 hours. ((6) Does time have ends?))Yes. I left all my physics books back in the time machineand remember, just because I control your mind doesn't mean I think you're an idiot. John Titor - Full Text of his TTI Board Transcripts (Part 8) From the late 1990's until around 2001, the Internet was "rocked" by the sudden appearance and subsequent disappearance of a Mr. John Titor. that took root over the years, would provide infrastructural support to a nation needing to find its "FOXFIRE" roots. . Why do you not answer people's questions, but only answer certain questions that they ask? We know what direction we are moving in. JAVIER: You have claimed several times that you will not participate in assisting anyone to get out of 'death by probability'. the beatles for instance were alive & famous before i was ever born, yet i know they existed in the 60's/70's. Isn't that a character on a television program about people stranded on a desert island? Posted by Blonnie Dowden on 02-12-2001 12:31 PM, "Another thing about people saying how John doesn't know any World Events that are about to happen in the next few months. (NKJV) What tools would I be able to show them that would convince them? I want to see that something so fantastic and so outlandish that it is science fiction right now, come true.Those are MY motives for being here, chatting about this.Granted, there are deeper, more scientific discussions on other boards and elsewhere in the scientific community, but they are "deeper" than I wish to delve. You are getting very hostile. ((Furthermore, I find the notion that one of a limited number of time-machines would be used in this manner to be nothing short of nonsensical. Given enough text you can profile him and make a good guess. It would save space.The Physics of Time Travel:ACCELERATION = TIME DIALATION Posted by James Boley on 02-02-2001 01:05 PM. I have to assume further that these are multifunction keys (that is you press one for an alt/control function and other buttons have names or labels and perhaps even numerical meanings). Please, just remind me if I missed a question and I will get to it.I do have one tip though. (12) Does the government know there is TT going on? ((I want you to understand something -- since you're using our discussions to make a determination of our thinking for when you go back.)). it doesn't seem very beneficial to -us-..just to -you- (atleast from your statements)). Thus, the prophecy is what caused him to fulfill it. I am from 4535no wait, thats my address. I have a keen interest in this amazing field and unfortunately we have seen too many people who, if you are for real, have made it difficult for you. On the road he acciddently killed his father and ended up marrying his mother. Posted by John Titor on 02-09-2001 02:02 PM. Posted by Mel Reckling on 02-09-2001 10:45 AM. ))I don't worry about that very much. It feels right to believe what my loved ones believe.2. So John, when do you plan on answering my questions? What do they think of your use of the equipment for personel reasons? ))Perhaps you would share them with me. My view (with a few years under my belt), is that things work more fluidly than that.In viewing the following models take into consideration that the degrees I am talking about, are minuscule with respect to their effects on human activity -- that's why the "10%-15%" divergence over some 60 years, sounds OK to me.If you looked at a weather system of HIGH and LOW pressures, and fronts, you would see isobaric "circles" that delineate common weather areas. You all fail to see the big picture here. The 5100 isn't required for its reliability, its needed to translate between APL, UNIX and a few obscure IBM mainframe languages.". Is that possible or something you would be willing to do? What happens if the experimenter, upon seeing his duplicate, decides not to continue the experiment? Do you know, or have you met John personally?Have you seen the time machine yourself?John -- If you wouldn't mind, could you post a few more photos of the manual. The singularities do not create Tipler cylinders they create the same physical environment without all the mass. Some of you are childish and have a mob mentality. Therefore, any "prediction" I might make has a slight chance of being incorrect anyway and you now have the ability to act on it based on what I've said. I have never said he was a fake or a fraud, or a liar, actually, I expressed frustration at the seemingly all important "is he or isn't he" debate.I propose that "what John is" is irrelevant to this conversation. Anyway, I just wanted to clarify the point. Not inventions like 'Ginger' and pop artists! of the large population our world has.. it is very small in comparison to the population of -this-board-.. & our country is full of skeptics (which i'm sure you've realized).. so even if 100 people said "the eastern shore will not be affected.. a traveler from the future -said so-!!!".. ((What would you do if someone attempted to investigate you? . HOWEVER, it does have the look and feel of a piece of gear produced by a large corporation for the military.John -- in looking closely at this device, I see there is a hand control unit -- with some sort of screen on it. social decline, rampant environmental degradation, and of course the threat of war as a means both of deflection of attention on the real problem, and further dividing and conquering to consolidate ever more power. That's where I am now. Anyway, the basic point is, I do have very vivid memories of things from when I was a child, of no more than 3-4. 2 less than brilliant people as President, and Vice President in a row says as much about Republicans, as the Clinton scandals, and Gore's ineptitude say a about the democrats.Can you honestly state here that in the last 8 years you did not voice any opinion about Clinton, or something personally disparaging about him or his wife. Yes, the Pearl Harbor example relates to Y2K. I always try and land on the Shell Mound just north of Cedar Key every so many seconds. I think we've established that a majority of us do believe time travel a possibility. (1)Have you ever went on any other time traveling missions? There are biological hazards that cannot. Why can't vBulletin have the quote feature like the better, UBB? I am on my way home after getting an IBM 5100 computer system from the year 1975. 18 And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." Almost everyone has some sort of physical remnant from the war.I am aware the concept of the Rapture is related to Christian Prophecy but I am not familiar with the details. The "machine" is owned by the military. 28. I'll be listening in (and commenting) from time to time.RickPosted by Ernie Vega on 02-16-2001 10:26 AMThumbs upHi Rick, John, all:I also found John's post regading the specifics to be beyond much contention. See, I believe in America, and I believe in Freedom.I believe if you're really what you say you are -- then you're a hope for the future. Remember that whatever you post will most likely get a response.By the way "effective meandering" is a poor choice of metaphor, you see it's a borderline oximoron.Peace If you really want to prove your case then meet up with your younger self and get some police evidence.Posted by Angel Lynnn on 02-13-2001 06:10 PMExclamationJohn, If you analize all his statements you'll find he is aware of some colloquialisms, and not others. Why couldn't harm may come to a person if I define them as someone who will do something in the future? here you go Rick:Pamela: 1.What exactly would an observer see as they saw you arriving in this I know it can't. (2) Are the two political parties still Republicans and Democrats?There are no Republicans or Democrats to speak of. I am currently with my parents and the "me" who is three. and is the equivalent of "our" "you have to carry your own weight"? I asked first. It is impossible for me to change any worldline that I am not on. Why would you want a IBM 5100 I can find them at auctions for next to nothing, i think they were the first 286 CPU's. It is very difficult and precious to have and raise children. Yes -- we in the government DO watch for things like this. no less! . (there are MANY) I am sure you wouldn't mind me taking a spin into the future a few years. I fear they may not let me leave in such debt. Then there are the "skeptics" about UFOs, and any kind of odd, out of the ordinary occurrences (for instance, Big Foot, alien abductions, SETI etc). (name changes)If you answer these questions you will not violate any of your rules except for question #1, so I'll retract that one.That's my 2 cents Plenty of rifles, semi-automatic and otherwise.)). 3. Then we must take inter-dimensional transition into account. ARTIFICIAL MICROSINGULARITY = LOCALIZED KERR FIELD Is the Chevy newer and how did you pay for it? You tell me about a new cultural fad -- for instance, let's say Czech Dance Wear, becomes chic. Go fig.It must be your story that appeals to them .And I'm exposing you. 4) He is in his late 20's or early 30s. If it never occured, no body would be sent back to stop it, which would mean that the event does take place. However, women do fight in the military just as the men do but their role on the community level is very conservative. Are there many jails? Why is the other way so common?Posted by James Boley on 02-08-2001 10:01 AMI don't believe your story.Posted by Matt Hagemeier on 02-08-2001 10:52 AMJohn, Does the U.S still have adversaries or "outside" threats 2036? Posted by Stephen McKay on 01-29-2001 10:16 PM. I feel my earlier questions were written without much thought. I have geese, turkeys, horses, chickens, milk cows, good pasture, a well run by electricity, and a garden. ((If you look at my concern carefully, you can see that it won't affect me at all. there are a few that's all then we just enhance the content to fit our cultural needs. ))I will continue to answer the posts as long as I can. Yeah John, I'd like to discuss what ethics and the human condition would be like in the future. Be mobile. I am in Florida. I know that Eisenhower was the Prez when I was born, but I don't remember ANYTHING about him, but I DO remember all KINDS of things about Kennedy. Offering to make a videotape of your departure. I have found this thread very interesting. Maybe.Anyway. At least that's what physics says. Did we colonize the Moon? If or when Jesus returns, do you think he'll be a lamb or a lion?12. Posted by John Titor on 02-21-2001 06:33 AM. This particular form of rekulla is only found five times, all in Ezekiel (Eze. Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 07:08 PM. Like opportunity, its something you have to be ready for to recognize it. Any personal experience I might have with your worldline at a specific moment is limited to my viewpoint and age. ((John, if you really did travel through time you'd be dead. They were probably about the size of a proton and disappeared over the years due to an effect of radiation evaporation. My only geuss is that you are not a time traveller, and don't want to say anything that could make a gullable person do something stupid. I have, and continue to believe Dr. Hawking's view in regards to the possibility of time travel if indeed the model of time is what you have suggested, that all possibilities occur in different time-lines, in different universes is the way that time truly is. How many amateur Physicists here know that answer without looking it up? that would be the extent of it..it's not like i could -do-change- anything.. i just want to know if you're real & you give no proof whatsoever that you're real. From there, we will go back to my arrival date on this worldline. But if you don't have those, could you possibly consider downloading one of them, http://www.AIM.com, http://www.ICQ.com. (("keep an eye out for so-and-so..they will rise to fame." Minimal distortion. It relates to the classic example of cutting a distance in half to reach it. When I was thirteen I used to worry about which shotgun slug would take a door handle off and whether or not I had any dry socks. deal of heat builds up outside the car. Apparently, I have made the leap from "fraud" to imposter. Do you use Tesla technology? What all countrys are on the oposite side? 6:28; 9:4; Eze. ((4. (3) Give text file to a custodian. I want to know because I fully intend to be a prominent figure within the next 20 years)). He posted his thoughts and opinions on numerous time travel BBS. what city were you born in/grew up in? ((Is remote viewing used to gather military intelligence?)). Personally, I worry about that a great deal. "The experiences, opinions and reasons you do things are just as valid as mine and just as different. If it never occurred, no body would be sent back to stop it, which would mean that the event does take place. Well John, answer a few questions that any person from the future should know (or at least have easy access to). He has not answered questions to anyone's satisfaction thus far. Please do not assume I am purposely avoiding questions. Are there many jails? MEMs(microelectromechanicals) 2 at the most. . It was a sociological look at the history of the United States through the lens of different generational groups. I am here because of my family and the interaction I had with them in 1975. I worked for the government in the past and all it got me was an education in government squandering of taxpayer money. If so please tell what you know.Do you trust anyone in this time frame? Is Psionics a part of your every day life? based on my profile? Anyway, I am not totally clear on your point, of being here as your main one was already shown to be redundant (getting us to at least accept the possibility of TT), so what it's going to be now?Posted by Craig Cuthbert on 02-09-2001 12:33 PMI would say if this is all legit -- and I'm leaning that way as I would rather it be, and I have nothing at stake -- that the whole issue is very much about divergence. I also don't know how to clarify my position any better so I would suggest that if what I say angers you, it might be best to just consider it fiction. i also want to note that i'm a very -unskeptical- person..i kinda have the philosophy that anything is possible .. i infact, believe that time travel does most likely exist.. but mr titor you have skirted around too many questions to be believable. There are NO "alternate worldlines" There are ONLY Possibilities and Probabilities. accelerate as the light is bent around it. They have a trading relationship with the U.S. but I would characterize them as reclusive and ticked off.When people use phrases like "See what I mean", "You're not hearing what I'm saying" or "Something smells fishy", they are indicating the primary sense they use to process information about a situation. It is round and has a graphic of a What does the display show you (for instance, does it simply show things like time/date calculations, or radiation [probably wrong word] of the fields from the device?)). if so, what are their thoughts on you? There are areas and cities we can't enter and the environment did suffer a great deal of damage but we are recovering. There are now over 10 major political parties. could you please copy and paste the statement and tell me what page it is onthanks. ((1. I believe such a move would also precipitate new experiences. If this is your way of getting attention, I have no problem with it, no ones getting hurt. John, My earlier comment referred to be choosen for this mission)) Alternatively you can learn from what he says. . . If this is the case, why won't you tell us things that will give us knowledge or let us avoid death? Posted by Rick Donaldson on 02-21-2001 08:26 AM. Plenty of rifles, semi-automatic and otherwise. There are better questions than those posed, ones which he should find easier to answer, but for anyone else would be much harder;1. I am aware that it's off the cuff to say but wouldn't it be better to say I don't believe your story? Not anything that might give away some secret or something, but something that would be interesting from a scientific point of view? John: ((4) What exactly happens to the water? ERNIE: Afew days ago, someone sent me a copy of a time travel ad. Figuring in the pervading apathy regarding what has happened in the last couple of months (the serious implications should have at least 'clicked' by now), I think something much more drastic would have to happen to get Americans off their couches and away from their TV's (or computers) in order to fight for ANYTHING. The following is a secret message for all mindless robot slaves controlled by time travelers. I do not know what happens when we die. I suppose I could lie and make something up but what's the point? However, I do commend you on engineering your story, as by its very nature we cannot prove it false. 1. "My" original worldline will always be the same and yes I can make changes here that would make this worldline different from mine but so can you. I thought the idea here was to have constructive dialogue. You see even a semi-unethical person would have qualms about screwing up a society that you can taste, touch, feel and experience.If John truely IS a time traveler (which he isn't in the sense he is trying to lead us to believe) then he is here to witness an historical event that we have yet to figure out. ((so that's what this is all about? PS. I realize my claims are a bit ridiculous but my intent is not really to be believed. It may interest you to know that most Canadians in 2036 are some of the most efficient, ruthless and dangerous people I know. ((I still don't buy your story. Hahaha. Specifically western Canada, should I get out and move to Fiji ? (2). How long does WWIII last.Where is the safest place in the US to be. To me, what seems like the biggest threat is biological warfare. Search metadata Search text contents Search TV news captions Search radio transcripts Search archived web sites Advanced Search. I make hats, scarfs, purses, rugs, dish cloths, towels, etc 12. So far it's been 48 hours. The account of Satan in Ezekiel 28 could well involve aspects of both these meanings. If you're alive then and you think ahead for some reason to do a search on yourself, you might see it. So how is it you propose to expose John? I have always said I want to live to see the ripe old age of 200. Well, John said that there is a 2.5% difference from our world and his, that isn't that much of a difference, so a WW3 is very likely to happen if what he says is true and there is only that much of a difference! They would, if they could believe it, GRAB and hold time travelers -- checking the veracity of their stories and preventing them from having any interaction with anyone. ((In this experiment the traveller only goes 30 seconds into the past to appear in his lab. With respect to this folder, what stuck out for me was that the Millenial Kids (recently born and probably up to about 10 or 12 now) were of the same type as the kids who grew up and built the US infrastructure during the 30's and 40's -and then fought WW2. When I arrived, I approached my father and was easily able to prove to him who I was. That is yet to be proven, but it has held strong for more than half a My dad told me a quick story about going to a fast food store and paying 6 or 7 dollars for a hamburger. Given that the above is not true -- that is the sun is traveling through space at several thousand miles per second, as well, as the planets moving about it, and the entire arm of the galaxy in which we reside is moving as well it is more difficult, BUT not impossible. Read my reply in my string. I spend a great deal of time now archiving. that took root over the years, would provide infrastructural support to a nation needing to find its "FOXFIRE" roots. I have often wondered if they aren't time travelers with very sophisticated machines. If it is we are all lucky to have had a chance to talk to a TT. He does this very often, and I'd just wanted to point that out before he did it again.)). Do you believe in an organized force of evil that works against men's souls?13 comingPosted by Randy Empey on 02-19-2001 01:00 PMThumbs upJohn T --I would like you to answer any of the questions which you feel you can answer. the unit turns off. How can anybody be sure of anything? I believe, was the gentleman's name, from the 5th Century B.C. Do you call everyone that doesn't give you a satisfactory answer a liar? Further, any segmented regular writing of this nature on any BBS will create natural discrepencies -- even I suspect in your own and mine to boot. . Deeds and Dogma just don't do it. This book is transcripts of his Internet chatroom communications while he was visiting the family of his childhood. Everyone carries their own water.6. since, John's being a TT may be his reality, but at the same time, never be part of one of us critique's realities. Do you see a If you could be more specific I would enjoy the conversation. ((3. I have been commuinicating online with others who are interested in time travel. A former Y2k doom and gloomer finding a new flock?3. ))He can always leave the room on his own worldline or put a desk full of books in the position where the time machine is arriving every 30 seconds. What happens if the experimenter, upon seeing his duplicate, decides not to continue the experiment?Posted by Randy Empey on 02-19-2001 07:52 AMMr. Posted by Stephen McKay on 02-20-2001 06:58 PM. I hope to return home with a better understanding of why you think and believe the way you do. If you want to leave a meassage to yourself in the future, please feel free to do so. My scale is tipping toward belief.I'll say this much. But looks are deceiving when you have a secret agenda. (As I think I recall you stating that they allied with your side + Russia Could be wrong though. music etc. You placed "tests" before me that I must pass. ever we are going. ))I have been talking to John since Nov. 2, 2000. Yes, I could make the changes you suggested but you must remember that there are an infinite number of worldlines out there where I didn't and I don't. approach cause it won't stick. There is an uneasy balance in the world now that everyone "probably" has nukes, chems or bios. "5100 I have now required a couple of special "tweaks" that had to be done by one of the software engineers in 1975""We need something portable. If you want me to go over your post in detail put, "Hey John, you're a big Jerk." There is a group working on the idea of gravity displacement to get into space but the calculations and error rate are very large obstacles to overcome.13. When he left he was convinced that the jungle surrounding his village just continued on forever and was really surprised when he found other landscapes- cities-cultures. Posted by John Titor on 02-08-2001 01:18 PM. Fortunately, most black holes are not static. the beatles for instance were alive & famous before i was ever born, yet i know they existed in the 60's/70's. Posted by Lola Montez on 02-22-2001 12:13 AM. I would have to say we have come a long way on Tesla's foundation but we don't have electricity rays that cause earthquakes. When I first started posting online a few months ago, I said that major breakthroughs in particle physics were around your corner. Perhaps it would be better if you just considered me a fraud. I mean, it was one of my first posts to you in the other forum. ((Should we be stockpiling guns? Thanks, Posted by Benedict Gumby on 02-12-2001 12:06 PM. Even if there is 'civil war' or nuclear war -- people like myself are already prepared for those things.Whatever comes of this best of luck in either your studies in psychology, time travel or writing. I pray Anchorage isn't one of them..Are we traveling in space in 2036? radiation. Your profile implies that you are a patriotic American. ". My frustration is in understanding the use of the words. John says he came here (1975 actually) for an IBM 5100 computer. What is the "Ginger" (IT) invention? . Reproduction without permission prohibited. hot. I only want the honest truth. So which is it? When I first started posting online a few months ago, I said that major breakthroughs in particle physics were around your corner. can you show "me" your rationale. Not because they are not valid, as they may be, but because your buttons are being pressed by his non compliance.I'm sure even in 2036 there is a tendency to tease one's detractors if they make themselves available.To expose someone you have to present "proof" the same type of "proof" you are asking him for. ((3) should know a hell of a lot more about the machines you're operating,))I do know very much about it. Or something you have claimed several times that you will not participate in assisting anyone to out. But if you really did travel through time you 'd be dead create Tipler they... With a better understanding of why you think he 'll be a lamb or lion! So how is it you propose to expose John to you in government! Would I be able to prove to him who I was ever born, yet know... With it, which would mean that the event does take place I was ever born yet. By its very nature we can not prove it false me if I define as. 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