On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. They talk about it and brag about how much they pay for them - usually between $600 and $800. This is avery distressing story - especially when you think that these people andorganizations are going into these countries to try and make it better, torestore a rule of law and some civility." Amb Mussomeli opened that the incident deeply upset us and we took strong steps in response.An investigation is on-going, disciplinary actions were taken against DynCorp leaders in Afghanistan, we are also aware of proposals for new procedures, such as stationing a military officer at RTCs, that have been introduced for consideration. ", is not the only DynCorp employee to blow the whistle and sue the, at the time she reported such officers were paying forprostitutes and participating in sex-trafficking. Child trafficking was a global crisis and one of the fastest growing criminal activities, with about 1.2 million being trafficked worldwide each year, he said. The position came with higher pay than the Lincoln Police Department, and it could eventually allow her to live near her children, who she lost in the divorce. However, CID took another look and, according to the investigation report,under Paragraph 5 of the NATO Agreement Between the Republic ofBosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia regarding the status of NATO and itspersonnel, contractors "were not immune from local prosecution if the acts were committed outside the scope of their official duties." What he wanted to talk about most was how I am going to fix the maintenance problems here and how the investigation is going to impact our ability to fix his airplanes." As of 2014 no one had been prosecuted. She was assigned to run the IPTF office that investigates sex trafficking, domestic abuse and sexual assault. But they'd buy the women's passports and they [then] owned them and would sell them to each other. Many of these were forced toresign under suspicion of illegal activity, but none have been prosecuted, asthey also enjoy immunity from prosecution in Bosnia. In fact, there was this one guy who had to be 60 years old who had a girl who couldn't have been 14. They should be sending a clearmessage that it won't be tolerated. CID: According to what you witnessed on the videotape played for you in which you were having sexual intercourse with the second woman, did you have sexual intercourse with the second woman after she said "no" to you? It was clear that the protection of the good old boys club was a first priority, said. The incident occurred at the International Police Training Centre in Zarqa. Among the issues discussed was what diplomats delicately called the "Kunduz DynCorp Problem." The Phaser. [76] It also provides linguist operations, including language training, translation specialists recruiting, and field translation support for the U.S. armed forces. DynCorp International Wins AFRICAP Training Task Order, DynCorp International wins NATO job in Kosovo, DynCorp International Awarded Maintenance Contract with UAE Land Forces, DynCorp International Awarded Contract Valued at up to $15.5 Million to Provide Facility Support Services for Naval Facilities Engineering, "Security Services - DynCorp International", DynCorp wins $546M police training contract in Iraq, "For the U.S.-Saudi Relationship to Thaw, MBS Needs to Answer on Khashoggi", "Training and Mentoring - DynCorp International", DynCorp May Get Chance to Win $1.6 Billion Training Contracts, http://about.bloomberglaw.com/videos/dyncorps-strategic-defense-in-drug-crop-spraying-suit/, "Plaintiffs to Appeal Dismissal of 'Plan Colombia' Lawsuit Against DynCorp - The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times", "Accusation against the Transnational DynCorp", "One Man's Military-Industrial-Media Complex", "The Whistleblower: Sex Trafficking, Military Contractors And One Woman's Fight For Justice", "Human trafficking,Bosnia and Herzegovina (News),World news,Law,Europe", The Whistleblower: The movie the U.N. would prefer you didn't see, "U.S. Agency Finds New Waste and Fraud in Iraqi Rebuilding Projects", "Riding Shotgun With Our Shadow Army in Iraq", "Security Guard Fires From Convoy, Killing Iraqi Driver", "Weak Oversight in Iraq Puts $2.5 Billion at Risk, Audit Says", "Letter to Secretary Rice: from Chairman Waxman", "report Most of $1.2 billion to train Iraqi police unaccounted for CNN.com", "Quarterly Report from the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction", Weak Oversight in Iraq Puts $2.5 Billion at Risk, Audit Says, "US embassy cables: Afghan government asks US to quash 'dancing boys' scandal", "Amid Reviews, DynCorp Bolsters Ethics Practices", "WikiLeaks: Texas Company Helped Pimp Little Boys To Stoned Afghan Cops", "09KABUL1651: 06/23/09 MEETING, ASSISTANT AMB MUSSOMELI AND MOI", "WikiLeaks Reveals That Military Contractors Have Not Lost Their Taste For Child Prostitutes", "Foreign contractors hired Afghan 'dancing boys', WikiLeaks cable reveals", July the deadliest month of Afghan war for US, "Four Afghans die in Kabul in accident involving U.S. contractor", "Afghan Police Clear U.S. in Crash Before Rioting", "Dyncorp rolls out first 16 armoured personnel carriers for UN mission in Mali", "Policing Post-War Iraq: Insurgency, Civilian Police, and the Reconstruction of Society. DynCorps had very bad records already. I'd tell them that it was wrong and that it was no different than slavery - that you can't buy women. While most recently in April of 2017 the Vice President of Business Development for DynCorp, James Grazioplene, was arrested for molesting children in the 1980s, this was during his term as an officer in the United States Army. A week later he received a letter of, 's attorneys, that he wasimplicated by a DynCorp employee for illegal activity in, 's attorney, says flatly of this: "It's DynCorp's effort, steps up and says, 'We don't have any jurisdiction'? Hirtz: Yes. Here are the relevant parts of the cable: 1. [38][39] Their air operations include the operation of fixed-wing and rotary aircraft on and around aircraft carriers for either combat or non-combat missions, aviation life support missions, and aerial/satellite imagery. ", was fired by this company. That'sabsurd. DynCorp has worked as a partner for supporting the Air Force's fleet of 39 F/A-18 Hornet aircraft program since 1997. [108] A U.S. government audit report of October 2007 revealed that $1.3 billion was spent on a contract with DynCorp for training Iraqi police. WebChild sex trafficking refers to the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a minor for the purpose of a commercial sex act. Dont be afraid to change the world, Bolkovac said. What he wanted to talk about most was how I am going to fix the maintenance problems here and how the investigation is going to impact our ability to fix his airplanes." As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp has received nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed 181 personnel to Bosnia during the last six years. DynCorp provided services for the U.S. military in several theaters, including Bolivia, Bosnia, Somalia, Angola, Haiti, Colombia, Kosovo and Kuwait. 2021CorpWatch, all rights reserved. Web"No DynCorp employee has ever been criminally prosecuted for any of these crimes. Flickr/USAIDBolkovacs book was adapted into a movie which was screened at the United Nations in 2010. Once Bolkovac made it safely to Holland, she and Rees plotted how to take the scandal to court. [60] The U.S. Air Force chose DynCorp to supply support services for the military's T-6 and T-6B trainer aircraft. Hirtz is the guy who would take new employees to the brothels and set them up so he got his women free. Is this the only hope that America have? Lebanon's English language daily newspaper. [102] CID spent several weeks investigating and the results appear to support Johnston's allegations. Dyncorp personnel had young children living with them for sex and house choirs. "[29], With the reductions in military spending in the 1990s, DynCorp expanded their focus to the growing tech market. [40][41] DynCorp was hired to strengthen the Afghan air force, helping to train Afghan pilots so they could, in turn, train other Afghans. [78] Under the contract, DynCorp employed 6,000 locally hired translators and 1,000 U.S. citizens who are native speakers of languages spoken in Iraq. "Thebottom line is that DynCorp has taken what used to be a real positive program that has very high visibility with every Army unit in the world and turned it into a bag of worms. There were big-time drinking issues. Some 15 or so DynCorp employees in attendance pulled out a single chair and had the boy do mock lap dances. [16] California Eastern Airways was founded by a small group of returning World War II pilots who wanted to break into the air cargo business. In 2010 the film The Whistleblower, starring Rachel Weisz and Vanessa Redgrave, was released. [124][125] Although initial reports blamed the company and claimed four Afghans were killed in the accident, Sayed Abdul Ghaffar, the head of the Kabul police criminal investigations division, told The New York Times that the Afghan driver had caused the accident and said only one Afghan died in the wreck. That departure from the war-torn country was a far cry from what, imagined a year earlierwhen he arrived in. Evidently the episode sparked Afghan demands that contractors and private security companies be brought under much tighter government control. Now you've got employees of U.S.contractors in bed with the local mafia and buying kids for sex! Scientists Just Discovered The First Known Case Of The Plague In A 5,000-Year-Old Skeleton, 32 Photos That Capture The Shocking Violence Of The 1968 Democratic National Convention, What Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most, 27 Raw Images Of When Punk Ruled New York, Join The All That's Interesting Weekly Dispatch. "How this all ends," says Glasheen,"will say a lot about what we stand for and what we won't stand for." It's a total fraud." [111], On October 11, 2007, a DynCorp security guard in a U.S. State Department convoy killed a taxi driver in Baghdad. [106][107], According to The New York Times, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) found that "DynCorp seemed to act almost independently of its reporting officers at the Department of State, billing the United States for millions of dollars of work that were not authorized and beginning other jobs without a go-ahead. A staff writer for All Thats Interesting, Marco Margaritoff has also published work at outlets including People, VICE, and Complex, covering everything from film to finance to technology. But everything changed when a young girl who had escaped a local brothel was brought into Bolkovacs office. CID: Did you know you were being videotaped? ISOA's code also says, "Signatories will be guided by all pertinent rules of international humanitarian and human rights laws including as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). [32], On April 12, 2010, DynCorp International announced a conditional deal to be acquired by private equity investment firm Cerberus Capital Management for $17.55 per share ($1 billion). Since 1994 DynCorp has trained and deployed 6,000 law enforcement workers in 16 countries, including Iraq and Afghanistan. It's a shame. According to CID, which sought guidance from the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate inBosnia, "under the Dayton Peace Accord, the contractors were protected from Bosnian law which did not apply to them. Johnston reports that he had been in Bosnia only a few days when he became aware of misbehavior in which many of his DynCorp colleagues were involved. McCaffrey had previously served as White House "Drug Czar", where he shaped future federal public-private partnership in drug enforcement policy. Tree hugger | Independent | Husky lover | Profile picture made by Fiona Hsieh. Kathryn Bolkovac accepted the job at DynCorp shortly after she divorced her husband. This is not a goodbye; we are just moving to Amentum. WebDyncorp, hired to perform police duties for the UN and aircraft maintenance for the US Army, were implicated in prostituting the children, whereas the company's Bosnia site [53] DynCorp flies and maintains Grumman S-2 Tracker fire retardant air tankers and OV-10A aircraft, and maintains and services civilian UH-1H Super Huey helicopters flown by CAL FIRE pilots. "Dynalectron Has An Oil Answer; New Process For Coal Conversion. "[29] Shapiro notes that during Bannister's tenure Dyncorp had also "supplied bodyguards to Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide in the 1990s and to Afghan President Hamid Karzai in the early 2000s. This business thrives in southern Afghanistan, where many men keep them as status symbols. In a May 2009 meeting interior minister Hanif Atmar expresses deep concerns that if lives could be in danger if news leaked that foreign police trainers working for US commercial contractor DynCorp hired "dancing boys" to perform for them. It soon developed conveniently, according to Johnston's attorneys, that he wasimplicated by a DynCorp employee for illegal activity in Bosnia. In 2020, Dyncorp was bought by Germantown, Maryland-based defense support services conglomerate Amentum. [68] DI Development provides humanitarian aid, reconstruction to conflict and post-conflict areas, and governance reforms. [34], In December 2011 the company hired Michael Thibault, former co-chairman and commissioner of the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan (CWC), as vice president of government finance and compliance. Asked if anyone ever had offered tosell him a weapon, Harlin fingered Johnston and DynCorp employee TomOliver, who also had disapproved of the behavior of DynCorp employees. In January 2010 DynCorp International combined with World Wide Humanitarian Services (WWHS) and Casals & Associates to form DI Development. After the email made its rounds, Bolkovac was demoted to a desk job. We can't stress strongly enough that, asan employee-owned corporation, we take ethics very seriously. There is not proof that Hillary Clinton was involved in any ways in an operation to kill the story or to tone it down. However, this e-mail is evidence that Hillary Clinton and the State Department were aware of this scandal, and still, they continued to work in close collaboration with DynCorp. No one was prosecuted or punished for the atrocities [88] DynCorp supported the U.S. Army in the Persian Gulf with vehicle searches, roving patrols, and explosive-detecting dogs. Though shed made many enemies, Bolkovac made at least this one strong ally: Madeleine Rees, the leading U.N. official for gender issues. According to follow-up work carried out by the Lawyers' Collective it was discovered that one of the minors involved in the videos committed suicide some time after the publication of them. One could also note that, in a much less noticed case, in October 2004 it was revealed that DynCorp contract workers operating at Tolemaida Air Base in Colombia distributed a video in which they could be observed sexually violating underage girls from the town of Melgar. It was involved in a sex and human trafficking scandal in Bosnia in 1999 and also where included in a investigation made by The Chicago Tribune in 2005 about the government cover up of child trafficking made by military contractors. I always told these guys what I thought of what they were doing, and I guess they just thought I was a self-righteous fool or something, but I didn't care what they thought. He laughs bitterly recallingthe work habits of a DynCorp employee in Bosnia who "weighed 400 poundsand would stick cheeseburgers in his pockets and eat them while he worked. Bolkovac was suddenly fired for allegedly falsifying timesheets that same year. They were fromRussia, Romania and other places, and they were imported in by DynCorp and the Serbian mafia. to begin a three-year U.S. Air Force contract with DynCorp as an aircraft-maintenance technician for Apache and Blackhawk helicopters. As a result, more than $2.5 billion in U.S. funds were vulnerable to waste and fraud, although SIGIR's Iraq reconstruction inspector Stuart Bowen noted that there was no indication that DynCorp had misspent any of the $2.5 billion. The discharge notice did not say howJohnston "brought discredit to the company." DynCorp Child Trafficking, Sexual Entrapment, Asset Seizure. He was convinced that the Kunduz incident, and other events where mentors had obtained drugs, could not have happened without Afghan participation. [14][15], DynCorp traces its origins from two companies formed in 1946: California Eastern Airways (CEA), an air freight business, and Land-Air Inc., an aircraft maintenance company. [29], In 1994 DynCorp's revenues were approximately $1 billion. Just be forewarned, this is not an easy road ahead of you.. "[108] The report states that the findings of DynCorp's misconduct on a $188 million job to buy weapons and build quarters for the Iraqi police were serious enough to warrant a fraud inquiry. They knew of no [U.S.] federal laws that would apply to these individuals at this time." [40][41] Specifically, they provide on-site work for project testing, transient, loaner, leased and tested civilian aircraft services. According to the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) lawsuitfiled in Texas on behalf of the former DynCorp aircraft mechanic, "in the latter part of 1999 Johnston learned that employees and supervisors from DynCorpwere engaging in perverse, illegal and inhumane behavior [and] werepurchasing illegal weapons, women, forged passports and [participating inother immoral acts. We're here to prove a retaliation case, not convictDynCorp of participating in the sex-slave trade. ( source) Victims confided in her that American contractors were raping or buying underage women, sometimes as young as 12. DynCorp is just as immoral and elite as possible, and any rule they can break they do. They knew of no [, ] federal laws that would apply to these individuals at this time. The factis, DynCorp is the worst diplomat you could possibly have over there." For an example of how just one transgression can lead to endless bad publicity consider the movie titled The Whistleblower that was released earlier this year. This was something that was going to actually hamper the good old boys club.. He isvery concerned about the CID investigation; however, he views it mostly as a DynCorp problem. [7] DynCorp received more than 96% of its more than $3 billion in annual revenue from the U.S. federal government. Hirtz: Yes. Johnston is not the only DynCorp employee to blow the whistle and sue thebillion-dollar government contractor. DynCorp responds by firing Bolkovac, who returns to the U.S. and files a wrongful termination case. [109], In February 2007 federal auditors cited DynCorp for wasting millions on projects, including building an unapproved, Olympic-sized swimming pool at the behest of Iraqi police officials. While most recently in April of 2017 the Vice President of Business Development for DynCorp, James Grazioplene, was arrested for molesting children in the 1980s, this was during his term as an officer in the United States Army. Web#Pedogate Dyncorp Child Trafficking as Rep. Cythia Mckinney grills Donald Rumsfeld - YouTube 0:01 / 9:16 #Pedogate Dyncorp Child Trafficking as Rep. Cythia Mckinney A week later he received a letter ofdischarge for bringing "discredit to the company and the U.S. Army whileworking in Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina." I didn't get any results from talking to DynCorp officials, so I went to Army CID and I drove around with them, pointing out everyone's houses who owned women and weapons. "None of the girls," continues Johnston, "were from Bosnia. [23] The work began to attract national attention with the Arab Oil Embargos of the 1970s. [10] It also provided much of the security for Afghan president Hamid Karzai's presidential guard and trained much of the police forces of Iraq and Afghanistan. Later in 2004, DynCorp was involve in a child pornography video scandal in Colombia By the Huffington Post: In October 2004 it was revealed that DynCorp contract workers operating at Tolemaida Air Base in Colombia distributed a video in which they could be observed sexually violating underage girls from the town of Melgar. For example, according to DynCorp employee Kevin Werner's sworn statement to CID, "during my last six months I have come to know a man we call 'Debeli,' which is Bosnian for fat boy. [69] DI Development is particularly active in Africa and Latin America. DynCorp Govt Contracts Need To Be Reviewed. [112], A January 2010 SIGIR report assessed that oversight of DynCorp police training contracts by the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs found that INL exhibited weak oversight of the DynCorp task orders for support of the Iraqi police training program. Mussomeli counseled that an overreaction by the Afghan goverment (GIRoA) would only increase chances for the greater publicity the MoI is trying to forestall. One would hope that these people wouldn't need to be told that they can't buy women, but you have to start off by laying the ground rules. [97], According to Human Rights Watch, there is substantial evidence that points to the involvement of DynCorp contractors in trafficking of women and girls in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as violence against them. Charlene Wheeless, a spokeswoman for DynCorp, vehemently denies anyculpability on the part of the company, According to Wheeless, "The notion thata company such as DynCorp would turn a blind eye to illegal behavior by ouremployees is incomprehensible. WebThe week of April 13th, the DynCorp regional commander from Konduz, Flint Chambers, allowed his men to hire a 15-year-old boy dancer to do tribal dances at a DynCorp party Her post was with the International Police Task Force which was arranged by DynCorp Aerospace. There is a lot of evidence that shows this waswhat they were doing and that it went all the way up the management chain." It's not like I don't drink or anything, but DynCorp employees would come to work drunk. ", , members of the 48th Military Police Detachment conducted a sting on the DynCorp hangar at Comanche Base Camp, one of two, , and all DynCorp personnel were detained for questioning. 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