Lets see-. Let this spray sit for 5 to 10 minutes to allow it to do its disinfecting work. Because the toilet is one of the most patronized areas of a home, its not surprising to see the porcelain seat discolored. CLR is my all-time favorite, and the ultimate cleaner works like magic. Smear the paste on the stained surfaces and leave to sit for 10 - 15 minutes. So now we know how these stains form, lets have a look at what you can use to get rid of them. Heres how to clean toilet bowl stains. The appearance of black, orange, or green rings in a toilet bowl is most often the result of mold or mildew growth.. Most home DIYers or those who watch DIY cleaning YouTube channels are sure to be aware of the powerful cleaning properties of Coke that are due to its acid content as well as the carbonation that causes it to fizz. Thank you! Borax and white vinegar. Weve rounded up 6 of the most common toilet bowl stains along with a guide on how to best remove stubborn stains to get your bowl sparkling clean. As an Amazon Services LLC Associates Program affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. If the stains are too stubborn to go, then go for bleach. Many people scrub and flush right away, which doesnt give the cleaner a chance to work its magic. With this simple yet effective solution, those annoying blue stains will be removed from your toilet seat in no time! By accessing or using any page on RusticWise.com, you agree that you have read, understood, and will abide by the: Privacy & Cookie Policy | Terms | Affiliate Disclosure. Note: We used a bottle of Allens Pickling Vinegar, which contains 7 percent acetic acid. The best way to remedy pink stains is to wipe down any moist surfaces and to regularly give your toilet a scrub with toilet cleaner. The magic eraser formulations in a way; that prevents additional ring building and provides a sparkling as a brilliant shine. Give it a good stir. Assemble it so that it gets in touch with the vinegar and covers all or most of the stained places. For a stronger solution, check out our Moderate toilet cleaner recipe above. Feel free to ask any questions about this article or any other related topic. Chlorine bleach or sodium peroxide can be used to clean many stains from toilets, including blue-green ones. I used vinegar and baking soda and it removed the stains, but minutes later it got a purple ish looking stains on the toilet seat what can I use to remove that to bring it back to being a white toilet seat? Before using chlorine bleach, make sure to wash the toilet with water. You should use cleaning-grade bicarbonate of soda rather than food-grade baking soda, though, since its a lot cheaper. Step 2: Measure one-quarter of baking soda and pour it into a bucket. Its a vinyl toilet set so it might take a little more effort. Learn more. You should find this is even more effective than using vinegar alone. Roll up your sleeves and get ready to use a bit of elbow grease! Yet, however hard we try, it can often be difficult preventing unpleasant, unsightly stains from developing. Sit and allow the mixture for half an hour. While limescale often starts out white, it can begin to pick up other colors too. Start by using a paper towel or toilet tissue to blot up as much of the stain as possible. Finally, scrub until the spots have been removed. Coke can be used to clean a whole range of household appliances and is also useful for unblocking sinks or toilets. Complete close coupled toilet including cistern, pan, seat and cover. With regular use of this fantastic cleaner, you'll keep your toilet seat looking spotless. (Tips to Store). You can also try a bottle of CLR. Here are the necessary steps to get rid of green and blue stains-. What Causes of Blue Ring in the Toilet Bowl, No. If youre thinking the same, then dont. So by all means, deal with the stain in the toilet bowl but with blue-green stains, you shouldnt neglect the root cause. Now you need to spray the mixture onto the blue-green stains on the toilet bowl. While there are many chemical-based toilet cleaners, you can still get the job done with a few natural cleaning supplies. Repeat the process as many times as needed to fully remove the stains. Rinse the area with a sponge dipped in clean water. Not only can they be unsightly, but they can also spread quickly if not handled properly. Youll notice the difference after you give it a shot. If you have acidic water or a high natural concentration of copper in your water, the blue stain will reappear. Finally, its possible that blue stains on your toilet seat could be caused by mold or mildew growth in your bathroom. It should have disappeared completely, but if not, you can simply repeat the same steps once or twice more until it works. The rings come and go frequently; they look dirty at the same point it is unhygienic too. If you have further queries on removing blue stains from the toilet seat then let us know in the comment section. Start by scooping up as much water as you can from the bowl with the cup or ladle and then just mop up the remainder with the towel when theres only a little left in the bottom. Wipe any remainingstains with a warm dishwashing soap and water solution. Let it sit for about 1 minute. Pour one cup of vinegar (about 240ml) into your toilet bowl. regular toilet scrubbing part of your weekly cleaning routine, https://www.cleaninginstitute.org/cleaning-tips/cleaning-hard-surfaces, https://www.ci.desoto.tx.us/DocumentCenter/View/11555/Homeowners-Guide-to-Stains-Rings-Discoloration-and-Mineral-Deposits, https://clrbrands.com/How-To/Videos/Clean-a-Toilet, https://www.uaex.uada.edu/environment-nature/water/quality/clean-green-homemade-cleaners.aspx. It is very toxic. How To Disinfect Something That Fell In The Toilet, How To Keep a Camping Toilet From Smelling, How To Use Liquid Fire In Toilet | 3 Simple Steps. While an average homeowner spends considerable amount of time washing the powerhouse, stains from urine can make your effort fruitless. If you are concerned about why your toilet seat turned blue after cleaning, you may want to contact the manufacturer of the seat or the cleaning product you used. Then cast all over the seat and scrub with either brush or steel wool. Then spread one and a half cups of baking soda over the vinegar. Make sure whatever product you use is safe for these materials!. Clean with toilet cleaner every alternate week. Pour into a spray bottle for an easy disinfectant cleaner to use in the toilet bowl., Most often, pink stains come from an airborne bacteria that develops a pink (sometimes pink-grey) residue on moist surfaces such as toilet bowls and showers. Lets get started. To protect yourself from breathing in mold spores, wear a mask, and wear gloves. Take 1 cup vinegar and 3 Spoon of Lemon juice mixed. It seems to be a guy thing. For more home improvement tips visit: https://homepander.com/remove-blue-st. During this period, you are unable to use or flush toilets. (14 Easy Ways), 7 Best Compact Toilets for Small Bathroom 2023 Space Saving Toilets, Comfort Height Vs. At the very least wait 15 minutes for it to completely soak. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The paste should be think, about the consistency of peanut butter or toothpaste. Make a cleaning solution to remove a self-tanner from a toilet seat. Apply toilet bowl cleaner to the rim of the bowl. For example, if you have a leave-in cleaner in your tank, remove it before applying toilet bowl cleaner.. Add about 50ml of warm water and steer to form a paste. However, there are some variations you can also try with the other cleaning agents we mentioned. Mentionable among them are lemon juice and tea tree oil. It will work just fine. While its acidic, its still milder than many other acidic toilet cleaners. Ambulant vs. While its normally not okay to mix bleach with alkaline or acidic cleaners, just a drop of mild dish soap is fine in this DIY disinfectant solution: Combine solution in a bucket. (Step-by-Step Tutorial), How to Replace a Toilet Flange? Well also cover a few common cleaning ingredients youll need to get started. Use the sponge to soak up some vinegar and let the vinegar-soaked sponge sit on stubborn deposit stains where needed. The appearance of reddish or rust-colored stains in a toilet is often a sign of iron in the water. Add approximately one cup of baking soda plus another one to two cups of vinegar. These methods are eco-friendlier, and the materials used can easily be bought in a local store. Remove the toilet seat and gently dip it into . Pouring the bleach over the seat and bowl rim may work just fine depending on the severity of the stains. Let it settle for several minutes. Related Articles: These four techniques you can try and wont disappoint. (Youll sometimes see this phenomenon appear around the edges of a swimming pool.). You can either use a stain remover; we highly recommend the. University of Arkansas, Clean and Green Homemade Cleaners. Never use any metal tools as it can damage the finish of the porcelain and leave grey marks! Vinegar and salt. Alternatively, with bicarbonate of soda, use vinegar instead of water (in the same ratios) to make an even more powerful paste. . They are completely reliable. If you make sure it is flushed after each used and then cleaned properly at least once a week, this will prevent all kinds of stains from appearing, saving you work dealing with them later. Here are some of the items you need to remove stain from your toilet seat: There are several ways through which you can keep your toilet seat clean. Thanks Emma for sharing this wonderful article loaded with information. When undiluted (or not properly diluted) bleach is mixed with urine (bleach reacts with the in urine), Chlorine Gas is released. The cause of the problem is that copper will re-accumulate. If youre the whole area of the toilet is clean with only the seat dirty, your toilet may not be smelly and will not breed germs either. Advertisement Stain should be gone. You Will Need: A cleaner (choose one): Rubbing alcohol Oxygen bleach Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Chlorine bleach Paper towels Scrub brush or sponge Water Soap Steps to Remove the Stains: First, rinse the area thoroughly with water. Please share them in the comments below! Sometimes the source of the stains can be found inside the tank, which makes it easier to deal with. To prevent any future staining, use a mixture of half white vinegar and half hot water to clean the entire surface of the toilet seat once per week. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Often brown stains result from too much manganese in the water. If the pipes are damaged, they may be corroding, and if they burst, it can cause lots of expensive damage. This allows the acetic acid in the vinegar to dissolve and loosen mineral deposits. One potential cause of blue stains on toilet seats could be an issue with the plumbing system in your home. Alcohol doesnt only serve the purpose of consumption. Hope you read the steps in detail? Take one cup of CLR, spread it all over the toilet seat with the help of any brush or tissue. (This can occur in toilets that arent regularly scrubbed!). There are a few ways to remove blue toilet seat stains. There are several possible reasons for this occurrence. Pour some of the colas into a bowl and apply it to the affected area using a sponge or cloth. Note: Borax is a stronger alkali than baking soda and is helpful when you need to remove moderate stains. Pls help, Try using finger nail polish remover on the stain, Dont use fingernail polish remover on a plastic toilet seat it will melt the plastic. 1. Youll find this pink stuff in areas where theres sitting water. Black, orange, or green rings in toilet, How to remove stubborn toilet stains with vinegar and borax, How to remove mild-to-moderate toilet stains. Vinegars efficacy in cleaning is due to the fact that it contains acetic acid, which helps break down and remove all kinds of stains including blue-green stains in toilet bowls. For the stain remover, spray it on the affected part; leave for a few minutes before scrubbing. So, how to remove blue stain from toilet seat? Crusty, white or grey, toilet bowl buildup (mineral deposits), 2. If you are using baking soda and vinegar, mix the two to form a paste. Cola drinks whether branded or un-branded have phosphoric acid as their major ingredient. Then spray it onto the toilet with care. Pour baking soda into the basin. Required fields are marked *. Although bleach will help remove some stain and discoloration, it requires a massive effort to derive the best result. Research the product to ensure that it is safe to use with other cleaners. It can help to sprinkle the oxygen bleach directly onto the toilet brush before scrubbing. Forget the antibacterial soaps using harsh chemicals. Yes suzanne Silver Post Medal for All Time! Shift the mixture in a spray bottle. Copyright 2023 HomePander.com | This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. First, always wear gloves while handling any bleach solution to avoid irritating your skin. Heres a roundup of frugal ideas to save money. Set for 5 minutes, scrub and rinse it off. The addition of the water is crystal; you cant see any copper particles in bare eyes. Repeat as many times as needed to fully remove the stain. Pouring fill-strength bleach on the seat may result in permanent white streaks on the seat. Having said that stains of this color are usually due to copper in the water, there are some other possibilities too. Keep in mind that once the light blue tint appears, you must clean it immediately. However, you can use baking soda too in case of salt. In this post, I will teach you everything you need to know about removing blue stains from a toilet seat. The copper is then left at the sink ports on the top of your toilet bowl. Remove the toilet seat before using chlorine. Vinegar contains some organic materials that react with stain and render them powerless for easy removal. Sometimes this is called limescale., If you have hard water, you may notice a white or light-grey ring develop around the waterline. Then, before rinsing, carefully wipe it over the affected area. Also called the heat transfer method, use the heat of the lye mixture to melt hard oils. This is all for how to remove blue stain from toilet seat. Note- Please do not repeat the process. If your water has elevated copper levels, you need to establish why because it could mean your pipes are deteriorating and may eventually burst and even worse, it could mean that your drinking water is affected. Use a plastic scrubber to gently scrub the stains off. Also, bacteria can cause similar stains. Next, you might need to break out the vinegar and borax for a strong cleaner to remove mineral deposits. Pour some straight bleach onto a large rag to saturate. Vinegar and salt. They can be difficult to remove, but persistence is what will get the job done. They also tend to have a slimy appearance and feel, which copper deposits lack. While its easy to assume that yellow stains result from urine, it likely has to do with tannins in water. Let sit for 15 minutes before scrubbing with a brush or cloth. However, if you really want the finest results, we recommend leaving the mixture to sit overnight. And, this copper accumulates if the water is too acidic. Regularly put cleaning tablets in the tank. Blue ring or blue stains occurs from Cupper piping. For regular cleaning, or for mild cleaning of your throne room, use the power of baking soda and vinegar.. Table salt is not usually thought of as a toilet bowl cleaner, but for blue-green copper stains, it can be mixed with vinegar to deal with the most stubborn toilet bowl stains which well cover in more detail in a moment. Many of these ingredients are affordable and ones that youll likely already have at home. Buyer beware applies when buying black soap. Im going to try the baking soda and vinegar method first. It easily breakdown limescale, which makes them ideal for removing limescale from a toilet seat. UseClorox ultra-clean toilet tablets. If you have ever cleaned your toilet seat and found that it turned blue afterward, you may be wondering why this happened. If you dont want to use genuine Coca-Cola, generic cola brands will usually work just as well. Most often, toilet seats are vinyl plastic, resin, or some type of manufactured wood. Blue toilet seat stains can be a real pain to remove. Pour about 2 cups of vinegar into the toilet bowl. Here are a few more tips that will help you achieve the best results and ensure that stains dont come back once youve successfully cleaned them. Increase cleaning times when you have the flu. And remember to try these seven pro tips next time you deal with a stubborn blue stain. Finally, you can try using bleach by pouring it onto the stain and then scrubbing it with a brush. Oxygen bleach is another excellent way to remove stubborn blue stains without fuss. Mix a few drops of essential oil like tea tree oil or lavender oil with it. Rinse off with cold water, and the blue stain should be gone! However stubborn the stains in your toilet are, try to resist the temptation to attack them with a stiff brush or anything else abrasive. You may want to test this method on an inconspicuous area before tackling stubborn blue stains you could be pleasantly surprised by how quickly they disappear! Then, the next flush is going to be a boom. Luckily, you can also clean the toilet bowl with chemicals available in your home. These blue stains appear on toilet seats, bowls, and even showerand sinks, bathtubs. Take one cup of CLR, spread it all over the toilet seat with the help of any brush or tissue. For dye stains above the water line and on the seat, moisten a paper towel with rubbing alcohol and rub them off. The best way to remedy golden stains in the toilet is to keep them at bay with regular cleaning! Fill the toilet bowl with 1 liter of Coca-Cola and allow it toseat for atleast 30 minutes. For example, if you prefer to use a couple of cups of lemon juice and essential oil, simply substitute this for the vinegar in Method 1 and proceed in the same manner. Using a toughbrush, wash the spots completely. Contents. Chlorine bleach will kill the germs but will hardly put a dent in the discoloration that urine leaves. Let the solution fizz and create a bubbly concoction. Sometimes, pink stains in the toilet may come from iron residues from old house pipes. Website by Anchored Design. What matters is how to quickly get rid of the stains. The most crucial thing is the quick removal of stains. You can then clean them by rubbing them with warm water or bleaching solution. Some parts of the toilet seat especially the underside, are often victims of consistent urination and defecating. Not only are lavatory stains unsightly, the moist conditions of a loo make it an ideal place for bacteria, mold, and mildew to develop. They appreciate me; thats why Im here today. Flush. 2. Herere some facts cleared for you regarding removing stains from toilet seats-. Ill discuss seven pro-tips for getting rid of these pesky blue discolorations and advise on preventative measures. Leave it there for 15-30 minutes, and don't rush. Then throw one and a half cups of baking soda upon the vinegar. If stubborn stains remain, check out the section below on removing stubborn stains. Lay the saturated rag over the stain and then cover with a plastic bag to keep the fumes and bleaching power in. I just want this stain gone. This Commission does not affect your purchasing product. If you want to try using Coca-Cola, its probably more useful for stains on the bottom of the bowl than around the sides. Sharone Stela has been a homeowner for 19+ years and has always done his own cleaning, repair, and improvement tasks. If rings show under the rim, take tissues to soak them into the ammonia-water solution. 1 cause of green-blue ring in the toilet bowl is Copper and Water, No.2 cause blue streaks in the toilet bowl are Cleaner Dye, How To Remove Blue Stains From Toilet Bowl, Hacks No.1 To remove blue stains from the toilet bowl, use- Ammonia, Hacks No.2 Eliminate blue ring from toilet Bowl By CLR. Soak a small piece of cloth or towel in the cola. Try to persist with the methods weve detailed above, and with a little effort, you should be able to remove even the most difficult stains. Fake: How To Spot the Real DealContinue. Then time to smile and have repose. Josh is co-founder of RusticWise. Take 3 cups of table salt and spread over vinegar. And use a long-handled toilet brush to reach deep into the trap, which is where most hard minerals accumulate. In some cases, these stains may be caused by certain minerals in the pipes that can leach out over time and settle on fixtures like the toilet seat. If required, repeat the procedure. Scrub the toilet with a brush roughly. Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush to loosen the soil, 1/2 cup pickling vinegar (see note below). If your toilet is characteristically stained brown with urine, you might consider one of the previous methods. Place the damp cloth on the seat cover and let it rest on it for 10 20 minutes. Acidic-based cleaners such as vinegar work best to remove signs of rust and other mineral buildup. Simply pour some cola into the toilet bowl and let it sit awhile. Remember to put on a pair of protective gloves! The first thing to do is to pour a cup of white cleaning vinegar into a spray dispenser. The water has no metal taste or smell. Toilet bowl staining usually occurs as a consequence of hard water mineral wealth, stain-causing bacteria, rust, and other items that become adhered to the sides. That solution is vinegar. I have been working as a plumber for more than 8 years and I also like reading and playing basketball. Clean with every flush. Judith. Often a good toilet bowl cleaner also does the trick. Can You Put a Residential Toilet in an RV? Take a piece of magic eraser and place it in the porcelain bowl overnight. Thats because it emits a hazardous gas when combined with other stain-removing agents. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to remove poop stains from toilet seats. To prevent calling out for a particular bleach or scrub, gather every item you need and ensure they are within arms reach, perhaps you can have them organized in a handy bucket. How to remove mold or mildew stains in toilet To protect yourself from breathing in mold spores, wear a mask, and wear gloves. Pumice stones are abrasive and will permanently damage the material of your toilet bowl. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? For especially stubborn stains, you can use less bleach. Scrub with a toilet brush and flush. Vinegar and baking soda: Add 1 or 2 cups of vinegar to the toilet bowl along with a few sprinkles of baking soda. Virtually all commodes are made of porcelain, also known as Vitreous China, a type of special clay. Start by throwing three glasses of filtered vinegar into the toilet. Check out the section above on How to remove stubborn toilet stains with vinegar + borax. There are several instances where bacteria feed on the leftover bacteria to grow, so we dont recommend this method. All you need to do is fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spray the entire soiled area. The next step, remove the tissues and throw them into the dustbin. Limescale in toilets develops if you have hard water mineral deposits. Notable brands include Eco-zone Toilet Cleaner, Waitrose Ecological Toilet Cleaner, Ecover Toilet Cleaner, and Eco-zone Toilet Cleaner. If this is the case, then cleaning your toilet seat regularly should help keep any further staining from occurring. However, while these stains can be greenish-brown, they also tend not to have the blueish hue of a copper deposit. I felt peace by seeing the neat home environment. 4. Flush the toilet to wash away the paste and the dirty water. Exfoliate for an additional significant period of time. Can you use a sink unblocker in the toilet to unclog it? If you have really hard water that is constantly making your cleaning job tougher, you might consider investing in a water softener. Turn the water supply on and flush the toilet. 3. To treat the damaged area, apply a combination of baking soda and dishwasher soap. Here, we will be using baking soda and elbow grease paste to eliminate the unattractive sight of our toilet seat and create a sparkling clean appearance. Lots of expensive damage know about removing blue stains on the seat and cover especially... Improvement tasks iron residues from old house pipes as Vitreous China, a type of clay... 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