I had blocked tubes and everything else with me and DH was normal. He takes my input and works with me. Seven cycles were cancelled with no response - some after more than 2 weeks of stim. Stimulation Day 1 You will start gonadotropin injections today. -We're both. As the poor responder is one of the more challenging issues facing the reproductive endocrinologist today, and as there are no magic bullet regimens to stimulate these patients effectively, many alternative protocols to the flare have been proposed. 16 22 What was your protocol before? In summary, ovarian stimulation is a very complex process. More about us: We started our IVF journey in 2014. Microdose lupron flare protocol.. Ugh, this totally blows!!!! , Snow22 , - . Also like another person here who posted I stimmed 2-3 days lesser with lupron flare.. I had two failed fresh ivf's on this year. I wrote a post yesterday before I even read up on this type of protocol. Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol. November IVF Protocol - DOR / LOW AMH / +40. San Antonio, TX 78258, 7629 S Staples Ste 106A However other had mature egg and we did Icsi by it didn't grow from there. We use during the pill from person through luteal phase. Called the flare, the microdose flare, or the low dose Lupron protocol, this regimen uses the same medications as the Lupron overlap protocol. First ivf was luteal lupron protocol. Switch Protocol 2nd Time Around? LUPRON (leuprolide acetate): If your baseline ultrasound shows that your ovaries are free of large cysts and your estradiol level is adequately low, you will begin Lupron injections to initially stimulate your ovaries, to suppress your natural cycle. 0000002680 00000 n When I picked up my meds today, and the guy told me which to refrigerate, he then quickly said "oh ya, you already know that. Reproductive medicine fertility society of . So for this 3rd FET my dr has added in estrogen injections. I tried IVF in may since my follicle count was low I cancelled it. Did acupuncture, Chinese herbs, modified diet, re-tested and FSH was 7 / Estradiol 47/ AMH .4 I often find myself feeling really hopeless. Lots of failures (8 embryos didn't implant - mostly FET) and 1 success - we have a 3 year old son from a fresh IVF. We retrieved 4 eggs. xb```"V2>c`0p40. Round Rock, Texas 78681, 5000 Davis Lane, Ste 100 IVF 1 - on BCP protocol. And I followed it up with "And unfortunately, it's not my 2nd or 3rd either." Thank you. It was my first IVF after a failed IUI. I started with an estrogen patch every other day then on saturday started cetrotide injections for 3 consecutive days. The sad part of the story is that my dr was so excited and confident I would get pregnant he transfered In all 3 fresh cycle. Microdose Lupron starts on day 2 of menstrual cycle, and is an injection once in the morning, and again in the evening. Going with a microdose lupron protocol for my 2nd, starting on 11/30. 3 were mature, and only one fertilized. MENTS We knew we wanted more kids so we started trying again when he turned one. Beta1 9/10: 152.7! 16dp5dt. I dont even know if my last batch of eggs had good quality, as we didnt even retrieve it. Go back for a check on Thursday. Pressing Forward You start today right?!? IVF # 1 (flare protocol) Cancelled (poor response) 2010 IVF # 1 (2nd attempt)-microdose flare/estrogen priming BFP! END MENTS. Anyone have anything reassuring to say about it? We won't necessarily see him for every appointment because of scheduling, but he will be the person we consult on what to do/ he will be helping us make all the decisions moving forward. Well, the answer is that I did a LOT! My first retrieval resulted in no viable embryos. But other doctors have mentioned that it is great for women with DOR. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. IVF2 (ICSI/AH/ACU): Microdose Lupron Flare 9 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 1 arrest on day 3, the other arrested on day 5. Lazer T, Liu A, et al. Decided to cancel on day 9. I am also a poor responder but I havent tried that protocol- curious to see how it goes. startxref Thanks! An EPP for you. The number of daily injections are fewer (4 to 5 days) of antagonists versus 3-4 weeks of agonists) and the length of time to stimulate the follicles to maturity is one or two days shorter, so you may need less total gonadotropins. We respect everyones right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expects Terms of Use. 3. I like my current doctor. From what I have read, it is common in women with DOR and poor responders. Adding Cetrotide. A Comparison of the Microdose Leuprolide Protocol vs. Luteal Phase Ganirelix Protocol in Women Who Are or Who Are Predicted to be Low Responders (LR) The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Are you sure you want to block this member? 09/06 - Baseline My first retrieval was an antagonist protocol, and we only got one poor quality embryo (3CB). I performed poorly with estrogen priming, so we are taking it out now.hsve you started stim? Anyone want to join in a roll-call for late/Sept, early Oct IVFers? So Im not sure how that changes for you, since you were able to get eggs. We started our second cycle on Friday (7th). I have a normal AMH for my age but I've read this protocol is for DOR or poor responders. An EPP for EVERYONE!!! IVF1 (ICSI): Long Lupron Lupron Depot is used in women to treat symptoms of endometriosis (overgrowth of uterine lining outside of the uterus) or uterine fibroids. Wondering if anyone with diminished ovarian reserve has had success with IVF stimulation during the luteal phase vs. the follicular phase? You had a cyvle with 11 eggs. Previous studies comparing E2 priming and leuprolide flare IVF protocols report that E2 priming protocols result in longer cycles and higher total gonadotropin dose with similar oocyte yield, fertilization, and pregnancy rates; though, one report suggests a trend toward higher quality embryos in E2 priming cycles. Sept. '13 - We will try again with EPP. I did this protocol for my cycle. Unfortunately, one of them did not thaw successfully. It is very reassuring to know that many of you have had great success with this protocol, and it is awesome to see that several of you are currently pregnant after doing this protocol!! This is primarily because of the unpleasant side effects: mood swings, headaches, and hot flashes. Then it'll be a flare approach, but Dr C said I would still be on a high dose with meds. Next protocol will be micro dose lupron. After the 6th negative pregnancy test, they did a "pregnancy loss" bloodwork panel. We retrieved 8 eggs and 8 were fertilized. Estrogen Priming Microdose Lupron (MDL) *If you receive your period, (cycle day one, the first day of a full flow red) after 5pm, call to speak to a nurse . Im starting lupron today, I didnt need it with my first failed IVF cycle, but Now its part of my second round attempt. Good luck! New Braunfels, TX 78130, 18707 Hardy Oak Blvd, Ste. I did microdoselupron flare protocol with estrogen priming for 3 IVF cycles. Ive been priming for transfer for 11 days and Im only at 6.7mm. Estrogen Primed Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol The pretreatment phase is a natural cycle in which estrogen is given for 7 days a week after ovulation. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. I am going in for my 4th IUI in what was supposed to be an IVF cycle. (ex. HB 132 & everything measuring on track. SCHEDULE. I'm super excited for you, yay!!! So I had been on estrogen patches/PIO after failed transfer from my frozen eggs and then continued to delay my period. 375-450IU Gonal, 250mcg Ganirelix, 20-50units low dose HCG, pregnyl trigger. Only got 1 mature egg and embryothat didnt make it. Thanks all, I really appreciate all of you in this forum. Medr, I'm new to this site, but I would love to hear from others who have the shared diagnosis of unexplained infertility. Round Three Result 6/25: BFN Anyone done this protocol? I never imagined having to get to #4, but I know none of us do. Er 4: sep 2020 - same protocol as er3 but with estrogen priming - ovulated all before retrieval. It goes by several different names, including the Lupron overlap protocol or the long down regulation protocol, but the basic concept is that the pituitary gland is suppressed, the ovaries are stimulated, and the uterine lining is supported in that order. And any other recommendations on clinics? My little one is a success story from MDL! were initiated in patients receiving MDF. After another failed IVF attempt using the Microdose Lupron protocol, my RE now suggests the Estrogen Patch protocol as I am a poor responder. BFP on FRER 5dp5dt: IN SHOCK! Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. The use of MCDL can improve the patient's response to gonadotropin therapy. Would estrogen priming be safe for a baby if I do happen to be pregnant? So, we concluded that the microdose flare-up protocol may have a better outcome in poor-responder patients. Since then its been a nightmare to thicken my lining. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. The short protocol also known as microdose or flare protocol takes advantage of the body's initial response to Lupron with a surge of hormones for several days that stimulates the ovaries. Total noob question about protocols - don't be offended. Estrogen priming and the agonist-antagonist conversion protocol is at least as successful as the microdose flare protocol based on medical data. I am asking about supplements like CoQ10 and DHEA. IVF round 1 was a miserable failure with an almost cancelled retrieval and no embryos to freeze or transfer. END MENTS My body just doesnt want to respond to the little blue estrogen pills. You're on your 4th so you should have a lot of good info guiding your RE in this direction For me, I did 3 IUIs with 6 follies initially, then 4, then only 2, respectively, and on IVF#1 I had only 2 follies so we canceled and just did IUI, all of this BFN, and IVF#2 only had ONE follie which we did the ER w/ICSI and it didn't fertilize. Maybe it is too soon for bloating. Please specify a reason for deleting this reply from the community. In patients with low egg reserve, this combination may exert . The first one I did long lupron and produced 14 eggs, 13 fertilized, 9 made it to day 3, we transferred 3 that day (2 8cell B and 1 10cell B) and then none of the other 6 made to blast. Woot woot!! So I don't have anything to add but I'll be watching you;-). (The use of generic Lupron is acceptable.) I'm 36 & TTC 2 yrs. I did microdose Lupron flare protocol for my first cycle back in August. I went through Dr. Geoffrey sher from SIRM, who mentioned that a high LH surge initially with lupron flare or clomid or menopur can cause low quality. This handout is staff as legal aid cannot provide patients with general information. :) I was a low responder my first round as well, only 1 frozen blast that didn't stick. Non left to freeze --> BFN IVF#5 (April/May 2014): Antagonist Estrogen Priming -Cornell Protocol (Clomid+ Menopur+Gonal F + Orgalutran) Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In addition, your chance of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is less with GnRH antagonist protocols. I definitely dont feel like myself but not as bloated yet. On the first day of menses, micro-Lupron is started and is joined by high dose gonadotropins on cycle day 3. . I do have mild DOR and respond poorly to stims. Group Owners uphold the core values of the brand by reporting content that violates the community guidelines. (I did not use a lot of what was ordered.) Good luck for your scan tomorrow! If nothing else were done, the patient would ovulate approximately 36-42 hours after her hCG injection. and also why some of us seem to have Pills that are not really needed. Suite 1200 EPP Antagonist was not a good protocol for me. S:\Medical Forms\IVF Forms\Microflare Protocol\03-21-06 Sunday Gonadotropin Cycle Start MICRO-DOSE LUPRON FLARE PROTOCOL Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday OCP's: Ortho Novum 1/35 (continue for 2-3 weeks) Baseline Sonogram Take Last OCP Lupron 0.2 cc 2 times each day until HCG Stimulation medication start I am doing estrogen priming in advance of my next IVF cycle, so I am also due to start estrogen priming 10 days before my period. Hopefully the last one will be your miracle! I did microflare lupron after being diagnosed with elevated FSH. I'm doing it now the patch seems to be less obnoxious than the pill, but I'd like to hear about peoples experiences. And can someone generally explain the 'steps' to me? I also estrogen primed for this one - so it was a slow and steady stimming process, but I am not unhappy about the yield. Dont get discouraged. Thanks everyone. I badly want to be a mom. My FSH is 12. Twice we had one follicle develop, retrieved one egg, and got a high quality embryo. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. More importantly, do you think these estrogen spikes and/or the overly aggressive protocol damaged my . The study was also occur on estrogen priming protocol ivf per cycle is very focused on converting to create a newborn? Now I wait for day 5 and then onto to PGTA testing. I heard chances of 1 normal in 3 retrievals are high st my age and so really sad at ovulating prematurely last time. While some practices make a big deal over the choice of gonadotropin (some use only recombinant FSH, such as Gonal F or Follistim while others primarily use urinary hMG drugs such as Bravelle or Menopur), most studies suggest that there is very little if any difference in pregnancy rates between the different medications. Lupron Depot: May 2013 to August 2013 When I talked with ccrm on the phone, it sounds like I'll be doing EPP with my next cycle (also #4 for me!).. With IVF#1, I only got 2-3 mature follies. MDL looks for those littlefollies who are hiding and then all of a sudden they start to grow. I did 10 days of BCP, then Lupron, repronex and Gonal-F for about 10 days. After having 4 ruptured cysts caused by stupid bcp's, they make my anxiety go through the roof! I think it helps with the 2ww. So I am 38 and about to start IVF number 2. From what I've read on the boards, the start of FET prep typically begins 30 days after Injection #2. Long time reader, first time poster. Our issues: low AMH (0.27 but FSH 6, AFC 15-20), NK cells, MTHFR homozygous, antiphospholipid antibodies, borderline morphology (5%), borderline prolactin and thyroid (both treated). So if it's not alright, it is not yet the end. I wanted to know for those who have PCOS (i have mild PCOS) which IVF protocol yielded a BFP for you ? Beta #1 @ 10dp6dt = 265; Beta #2 @ 14dp6dt = 1251. I am curious why your RE thinks this is the right protocol for you - obviously he/she has all the facts on ya! 0000000960 00000 n We had 3 failed IUIs- great response, great sperm count, great progesterone, then negative. Infertility Support Community in Partnership with RESOLVE. I'd love to hear any success stories from people with a similar history to mine. So we didnt biopsy & test then freeze. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. My personal opinion is that even though I have read over and over again that it is a DOR / poor responder protocol, the people I seem to see having success with it are not really in that category. Estrogen Primed Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol. The example above shows 9 days of stimulation (FSH shots). I don't fit into either of those categories, but I am excited to try a different protocol. My doctor said he will keep adjusting me based on my scan results. I'm trying to dig up information about stim doses (since Dr C says I'll still be on a lot of meds?) Start by selecting which of these best describes you! During the first two cycles I was on F, Hi Ladies, my current IVF cycle @ccrm got converted to a freeze-all due to high p4 and e2 levels. Clomid+ 150 iu follistim+150iu menopur and GH every other day. It helps me keep the tiniest glimmer of hope alive! I did my first IVF at 39 got 3 embryos with one pgta normal. Our beautiful little girl arrived January 2015! But ER 1 and 2 antagonist, next antagonist +HGH = 0 blasts ER 3 MDLF = 2 untested day 6, 5 AA.. but ER3 was 6 months after ER1 so not sure if it was supplements/lifestyle changes which did the trick. Like usually day 17 or something. I go in for a check Thursday am. Setting: Anatolia Women and IVF Center. Valium(1 tab) I see a lot of people have taken Lupron. Some background on our situation: This is the first step of the Microdose Lupron IVF Protocol for just the Lupron injection. Thoughts on different protocols? I am 42 and after 1 failed IUI and 1 failed IVF, I am now starting my second round IVF with the lupron flare and ICSI. So it seems to me it's time to change the protocol, do another cycle and gather more inform, HelloHave been reading the boards, but have never posted. October '13 Started BCP for December IVF. My doctor refunded some costs and wants me to try again. Many different stimulation regimens have been developed and evaluated and it is therefore very important for you to discuss your options in detail with your physician. If we believe that a particular patient will not respond well to stimulation medications, either because she is older, she has diminished ovarian reserve, or she has had previous ovarian surgery, we will frequently use our poor responder protocol. Good luck on thursday. When the largest follicle(s) reaches 18-20 mm in average diameter, the eggs are ready to be undergo the last step in their maturation process, and a single injection of hCG is given. Because my follicle growth was so dysfunctional during my first round my doctor has decided to try a microdose lupron flare protocol starting with 5 weeks of birth control which ends on Monday. So, yes, you can have better results the second time around and I really hope thats true for you! Long awaited FET on 9/3. I had 6 unexplained failure FETs. Any advice is welcome! You and your husband will start your Doxycycline antibiotics today. hi, I did it at age 38. (My clinic requires ICSI and PGS testing for all patients). 0000005824 00000 n I am sure of it! We have our last PGD embie and my transfer has already been been cancelled 3 times! I have a consult with my doctor today. Hi Ladies, How to Cope After a Failed IVF Cycle Cry and Sob and Wail. I am not familiar with it, but I will definitely some research. I really believe that its a miracle protocol for those who are poor responders. Group Leaders arent expected to spend any additional time in the community, and are not held to a set schedule. When I stimmed, this is also the thickest I ever was. Got 9 eggs, 4 were mature, 3 fertilized, 2 didn't make it and the 1 that made it to blast tested abnormal. At 43 I see now looking back it truly is egg quality. So,here's my list- Now looking back it truly is egg quality ive been priming for 3 IVF.... 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Lee District Rec Center Pool Schedule, Articles E